Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 256 furtive dating

Aunt two told Gu that she was very upset at home.

It's not who's causing trouble, it's illness.

Three people fell ill in the Gu Mansion: the youngest daughter of the third aunt, the fourth aunt, and Gu Xiang.

"... the third aunt and the first lady were afraid that they had gone to the wharf to see off the second young master the day before yesterday. They were a little bit cold and infected each other. They all had a fever. Miss Ke was weak and cried at night. They were afraid that the disease at home would disturb her." Second aunt too way.

When the two of them talked, there was a child's heartbreaking cry upstairs, which seemed to confirm the second aunt's words.

The voice is so loud and powerful. Gu Qingzhou feels it's OK. It's just that it's pathetic.

Gu Qingzhou didn't want to sleep. She went to the fourth aunt's room with her second aunt.

Fourth aunt was too afraid to wake Gu Guizhang, and was very anxious to coax the children.

"Miss canoe, are you back?" Aunt four walked around with her baby in her arms, trying to squeeze out a smile, but she turned pale and worried. The smile was worse than crying.

Gu Qingzhou went up and touched the child's head: "no fever."

Fourth aunt too slightly gratified: "is not feverish, but she always cried this day or two."

Not only cry at night, but also cry during the day and sleep very little.

It may not be a good sign that children sleep less and cry more.

"Maybe there are too many warm things in your milk. Are you eating chicken stewed with dates these two days?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Fourth aunt is too surprised, second aunt is too surprised.

"Exactly." Fourth aunt is too hurried way, "can't eat, right? I just want to nourish her and make her grow better. "

"It's so nourishing. You eat too much warm nourishing food. Your body is warm and exuberant. The milk is passed to her. You are an adult, you can bear to eat, but she is a child, her viscera is soft and crisp, so nourishing things, she ate on fire. Don't nurse today. Feed some porridge. " Gu said.

"Four aunt too nod:" good, I listen to you

Gu Qingzhou asked her to remove the child's feet from the quilt, so that she gently combed the meridians for the child.

Second aunt is standing by, looking at Gu Qingzhou curiously.

Gu Qingzhou is very serious.

But four or five minutes later, the crying of the child stopped, yawning and sleepy.

"Miss canoe, you can take care of the baby. It's so skillful!" Second aunt too quietly praised Gu Qingzhou nearby, her voice is very small, afraid to wake up the child again.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

"Aunt two, you go to sleep first, I'll have a look at Xiao'er, and I'll leave when she's fully asleep." Gu Qingzhou road.

Second aunt too nod, still pressing voice: "I went back first."

"Sister, slow down." Fourth aunt too way.

Since the death of the zither, the new wife is about to enter the door. All the three aunts understand that none of them is qualified to be the housekeeper's wife. Therefore, they are very united and no longer cheat.

This kind of unity atmosphere is very good. At least every time Gu Qingzhou goes home and sees the smile on the dinner table, his mood will be much better. Even Gu Guizhang has noticed.

After the second aunt left, Gu Xun also fell asleep slowly, sleeping soundly, and the fourth aunt sighed heavily.

When Gu Qingzhou was about to leave, aunt four held her.

Two people sat down, and aunt Si asked Gu Qingzhou in a low voice, "did you think of something that was entrusted to you last time? You can rest assured that I will do anything for you as long as I can. "

Aunt four entrusted her to take care of the boat last time and took her daughter lian'er over.

Lianer is still at he's drugstore.

Mu Sanniang takes care of her very hard.

Although the fourth aunt gave too much money, Gu Qingzhou also subsidized it. After all, she worked hard for mu Sanniang.

Mu Sanniang has five children. She is very tired when she catches them at home and abroad. Lian'er was sent by Gu Qingzhou. She was embarrassed to refuse.

In the long run, money can't solve the problem at all, and it will bring down mu Sanniang.

"I'm trying to figure something out." Gu Qingzhou said, "would you like to be frank with the master?"

"Yes, I will say anything as long as I can keep the lotus by my side." Aunt Si's tears welled up.

Gu Qingzhou ponders a little.

"Not directly." Gu Qingzhou road.

Four aunt too tiny surprised: "lie?"

"Lie, of course. The master has too many daughters. I can see that he has a cold attitude towards queer. What's more, the lotus you have with other men? " Gu Qingzhou road.

When fourth aunt was too pale, she looked at Gu Qingzhou uneasily: "Miss Qingzhou, you are so smart and capable, your wife is not your opponent, you must have a way!"

"The so-called way is to rely on human feelings and then spend money." Gu Qingzhou said, "aunt Si, this is not so easy to do.

Let's do something for me first. When it's done, I'll take lian'er over. I promise to help you do it in two months. "

"What do you want me to do?" Fourth aunt is too urgent.

As long as I can take lian'er with me, aunt Si is willing to do anything.

Lian'er is so pitiful, because Si Yi is so careless, she is tortured by Qin Zheng, and Si Yi wants to make up for her.

"Come here." Gu Qingzhou beckons.

Fourth aunt is too attached.

Gu Qingzhou tells her what she wants aunt Si to do.

Aunt Si didn't quite understand: "what are you doing?"

"Don't ask, just do it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Aunt four nodded at once: "don't worry, the master still trusts me very much, I can help you do it. However, it also requires slow work and meticulous work. It can't be done in a short time. It's too urgent, which will cause the master's antipathy. If it doesn't work at one stroke, it will be hard to turn it around. "

"I know." Gu Qingzhou said, "in this family, only you can do it. You can do it carefully before July, even if you succeed."

The fourth aunt nodded too much.

What Gu Qingzhou told her to do was not a bad thing for Aunt Siyi. She even wanted to do it, but she had no courage before.

After discussion for a long time, dawn reflected in the screen window of light colored and thick fringe, and it was already bright.

Gu Qingzhou slept on the boat all day yesterday, and now he is in full swing.

She went upstairs to take a bath, change clothes and get ready for school.

When I went to the balcony to get my shoes, I saw that Gu Shao's room was dark and the furniture was moved to the guest room on the first floor. It was empty and the door was not closed. Gu Qingzhou felt suffocated.

The change of life always makes people at a certain moment at a loss.

"I don't know how elder brother is." Gu Qingzhou thought.

He must be very sad.

Just as Gu Qingzhou was thinking about Gu Shao, Gu Shao was lying in the cabin, staring at a picture.

On the black and white photos, Gu Qingzhou's smile is bright and beautiful, and the long hair of the green crow is very good-looking. From clothes to smiles, everything is exquisite.

Gu Shao's tears slide down his temples.

He's homesick, he's homesick.

It was seven or eight o'clock in the evening. Before this time, when he sat on the bookcase in front of the windowsill to do his homework, he could see the light lights in the next room and the figure of Zhouzhou making the bed.

Warm and quiet.

"What am I going to study abroad!" Gu Shaoheng can't jump off the boat and swim back to Yuecheng.

Then he heard a knock on the door.

Gu Shao did not move, pretending to be asleep.

The knock on the door lasted for a long time. Miss Shi's voice came: "Gu Shao, my mother asked me to ask you, do you want to play cards?"

Gu Shao still didn't answer.

Miss Shi seemed to be annoyed: "you are such a nuisance. Even if you sleep, are you awake now? Get up! "

She is very ignorant.

Why did Gu Shao get up for her? She also knows how to wake people up. Why knock hard at the door? No respect at all.

Gu Shao thought of Gu Qingzhou again.

Gu Qingzhou would never be so blind, or so ignorant and willful.

Think of here, Gu Shao more sad.

He sticks the photo of Gu Qingzhou to his chest, and ignores Miss Shi.


it's the fourth day of March.

It was mayor Wei's birthday party, which was held in the five countries hotel.

Yuecheng people are more and more popular to go to restaurants for banquets. Unlike before, they must be at home.

The dinner is at night.

Yan Luoshui's family also received an invitation, just in time to go to the canoe, Yan Luoshui will accompany her.

"Ah Jing Yan Luoshui asked.

"My brother will go. I don't want to go." Huo Shoujing.

"What are you doing at night?" Yan Luoshui asked.

Huo Shujing said: "go home to sleep, or what?"

Yan Luoshui pulls her to go, Huo Fengjing insists on refusing, and doesn't like too busy places.

So that day after school, Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou left first, and Huo Longjing waited ten minutes before going out.

The Huo's car has already stopped.

"You go back first. I have an appointment with my friend in the evening. I'll go home later." Huo Shoujing.

Mr. Huo's people, always respectful: "yes, miss."

After waiting for them to leave, Huo Yuanjing arrived for about three minutes, and saw a brand-new dodge car parked steadily at the school gate.

Yan Yiyuan was wearing a stiff, pressed suit, her hair was slick and shiny, she was wearing a bow tie, a satin shirt and a snow white shirt, as if she were going to get married.

Huo was silent for a long time.

"... why are you dressed like a little white face?" Huo shuojing scolded him.

Yan Yiyuan was very worried: "isn't it the first date? I, I have to be careful. "

"What appointment?" Huo Shoujing rolled her eyes. "Just to repay you, go to a movie with you, it's nothing to do with dating! How much oil did you rub on your head? "

Yan Yiyuan's dress is completely based on the middle-aged men of the nouveau riche. It's just that he's white and pretty and young, so it's not offensive.

After all, Yan Yiyuan tidies up too beautifully. He swaggers across the market. Huo Fengjing doesn't want to talk to him.

She turned to go.

Yan Yiyuan is in a hurry: "ah Jing ah Jing, can I wash it off?"

He looks anxious. Huo cannot bear it anymore. He says, "come on, let's go."

Yan Yiyuan happily opens the door for Huo Fengjing.

After getting on the bus, Yan Yiyuan promised to clean his hair a hundred times and never wipe it again. Huo shuojing went out of the car window with his arm on his back. It seemed that he was careless, but in fact, he listened to every word he said.

"In this way, I'm sure that when I was born, all my wisdom was absorbed by Luoshui." Huo Shujing thought.

It's kind of funny to think about it.

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