Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 261: Gu Xiang's hypocrisy

Sima asked Gu Qingzhou: do you have a place to go?

There are so many places to go.

She can go to Yan's house, Si's residence, Huo's residence, and even Si's other residence.

It turns out that I have so many backing and can be relied on.

Or in the long run, Yuecheng will be her home.

"Yes." She said.

With a smile, she firmly said that she had a place to go. When she didn't need the help of Sima, Sima felt very complicated.

He was lost, he could not help her; at the same time, he was glad that Gu Qingzhou was a very capable girl, her life did not need anyone's help, she was very independent.

In his mind, Sima always smiles happily when she saves the children of Li's family: she has the ability and bearing, but does not show the edge and is gentle and elegant.

He thought that the reason why he was ignorant of her was because he appreciated her ability.

For thousands of years, women have no more than two rules. It's only ten years since they were overthrown. Women can make such progress on their own. It's a fresh temptation for men, and people can't extricate themselves.

Compared with the beautiful appearance, the ability to take care of the boat is even worse.

"I'll take you there." Si Mu Dao.

"Then take me to Yan's house." Gu Qingzhou road.

Sima nodded.

When we arrived at Yan's house, Sima sent Gu Qingzhou to the main courtyard, Mrs. Yan and Yan Xinnong were a little surprised.

Their surprised expression embarrassed Gu.

The adoptive father and the adoptive mother must be thinking that Gu Qingzhou is in collusion with Si Xingfu, while Gu Qingzhou is in contact with Si mu. He has no duty.

She didn't want to be a Mujian either. It was only in the middle of the night. She was really tired and had a sense of tension after the robbery, which made her afraid of riding in the rickshaw and accidents.

The embarrassment on her face was obvious, but Sima's heart was a bit of a trance of honey - the embarrassment of taking care of the boat, which Sima thought was a kind of blush.

Women's shyness is a very obvious hint.

"Chief of the general staff, I won't bother." Sima is very discerning and wants to leave.

"Young commander, please." Yan Xinnong wants to send simu.

The two of them went out.

Mrs. Yan wanted to ask, but she didn't know what words to use.

Girls are sensitive, so is taking care of light boats.

Gu Qingzhou can't help himself in the side of Si Xingfu, and he needs social intercourse in the side of Si mu. How can Mrs. Yan not understand her dilemma? She didn't mean to blame, she just had to say something.

Sometimes, to say more and not to say, it's just as painful to misunderstand.

Just as Mrs. Yan was searching for some suitable words, Gu Qingzhou first said, "I met a villain tonight. Look at my forehead. Is the wound swollen?"

Mrs. Yan was startled, and other thoughts suddenly disappeared.

There is a small mark on Gu Qingzhou's forehead, which is swollen higher than the surrounding skin. There is no bleeding, and the wound is not very long or deep, but it can be seen at a glance.

"What's the matter?" said Mrs. Yan

Nowadays, the world is quite chaotic, and there is chaos in Yuecheng. But I didn't expect that something would happen to Gu Qingzhou. Mrs. Yan is scared. She can't worry about any relationship between men and women.

The maid also went to tell Yan Luoshui.

The mother and daughter surrounded the boat and told them that carefully.

"... too much. Is she still a person?" Yan Luoshui said angrily, "you can't let her go, or she must have another time!"

The benevolent Mrs. Yan, also perspiring through her back, said: "it's really vicious to have such a cruel hand under my sister! This girl is ill bred! "

"I think it's vicious!" Yan Luoshui said angrily, "Muma, do you remember that Qin killed the old lady and Muma of the boat, Qin's daughter, what kind of fault can it be?"

Yan Luoshui was sad and angry, and was about to cry.

When Yan Xinnong came in, he already knew about it. Sima told him about it.

"I'm not going home for the time being. It's not easy to go to school. I'll stay away for a few days." Gu Qingzhou said, "Muma, I live here. Luoshui will take notes for me after school, so as not to delay my homework."

"This is the best way." Said Mrs. Yan.

Gu lives in Yan's house for the time being.

She told the Yan family that she would lead Gu Xiang out and let her do nothing.

She pretends to be missing, and the Yan Family cooperates with her.

Wei Er Shao slept in the inn all night. He woke up in the early morning. He went to the tailor's shop across the street and changed his long gown and hat.

He didn't have much money. He had only one gold watch and changed it for eighty yuan.

It only costs one yuan and three to buy a ticket. There are more than seventy left, enough for him to eat, drink and have fun for five days.

Gu Qingzhou and Wei Er Shao have plans. They have a good rest. But Gu Xiang, who stayed up all night, waited for him to take care of the boat with his eyes open.

What if Gu came back?

Wait right, no one goes upstairs. There are night owls crying in the spring night. Like babies, Gu Xiang's hair is creepy.

At daybreak, Gu Xiang went to the room where he took care of the light boat.

The door is locked. Go in from Gu Shao's room. You can see Gu Qingzhou's room is empty on the back balcony. She didn't come back last night.

Gu Xiang was relieved.

She went to the bookshop.

There is an old woman in the bookstore, who is the boss's mother-in-law. She is the most intelligent and capable one to follow her daughter and son-in-law to make a living.

She gave the Analects to Gu Xiang.

"It's done!" Gu Xiang's cheeks were full of joy.

The morning sun set off her face. The girl's face was delicate and ruddy, as if she were shy and clever. Who could have thought that she had bought a murderer not long ago?

The old lady of the bookstore looked at Gu Xiang quietly and looked down upon her. She was so vicious at such a young age. It was not a thing.

However, Gu Xiang is happy to give money.

"I'll go back first." Gu Xiang holds the Analects of Confucius. The golden sun covers the ground with light golden light and shines on people warm.

Wearing a pink cheongsam, Gu Xiang walked into the bright sunshine like a blooming peach core. She was young and beautiful. On the road, passers-by looked at her.

Why do you have such a vicious mind when you are so beautiful in age and appearance?

Young people, it's always puzzling.

After Gu Xiang went back, he found a note in the Analects: "on the ninth day of this month, at 4:30 p.m., wharf 19, three color flag at the bow."

Getting these means success, but Gu Xiang is not at ease.

She took a bath and collected the sleepless tiredness of last night. Gu Xiang went to the Wei mansion.

Gu Xiang is very devoted to Wei Qingxue's temper, and deliberately flatters her. Wei Qingxue likes Gu Xiang to be around, just like a small attendant.

"What's the matter?" Gu asked.

Wei Qingxue is drinking porridge, holding his head in one hand, with a splitting headache, and wearing a nightgown.

"I just woke up. I had too much wine last night. I had a terrible headache." Wei Qingxue road.

The two of them were talking, and the maids outside were very noisy, as if they were talking about something.

Wei Qingxue called a maid to let her in.

"What did you say outside?"

"It's the person from Er Shao's side. He said that Er Shao didn't come back last night and asked Miss three if she had seen him." The maid said.

"I'm sure I've been drinking somewhere else." Wei Qingxue said, "if not, I'll hook up with some socialite, or I'll gamble."

Gu Xiang sat in silence, but in a good mood.

Remembering that Wei Er Shao may be suffering, Gu Xiang will feel comfortable all over - let you treat me as a social flower! At the beginning, you were the first to hook up with me!

After the collusion, he refuses to admit his account and gives Gu Xiang hope. Can Gu Xiang make him feel better?

Knowing that Wei Er Shao didn't return overnight, Gu Xiang was relieved and turned to go out.

She was very happy. There was no accident.

Rao is so, she also did not relax vigilance, after Wei family turned a circle to go home.

"Is the canoe back?" Gu Xiang asks aunt Eryi.

In the past year, it's very common that Gu Qingzhou didn't go home on weekends. Once upon a time, Qin Zheng was noisy. Every time he was either in Yan mansion or in Si mansion, he couldn't catch the handle of Gu Qingzhou.

Now Qin Zheng Zheng died, two aunts are more naturally partial to take care of the boat, said: "go to school directly."

This is quite a standard, do not answer Gu Qingzhou did not return last night, but also point out that she is diligent and progressive, went to school.

Gu Xiang is slightly shocked.

this is about Gu's future and destiny. In order to be safe, she went to the school's eyeliner.

There are school workers she knows well. She used to be a student in Santa Maria.

My sister went to inquire about my sister's trace, which is quite reasonable.

"no, Miss Gu didn't come today." The school worker told Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang is relieved again.

Everything is in the plan.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, Gu Xiang didn't go anywhere and stayed at home waiting.

On the seventh day of the lunar new year, when I went to the Wei mansion, I found that the Wei family was either worried or angry, because Wei Er had not returned home for two days or two nights.

Mayor Wei was particularly angry: "it's out of style! If he dares to come back again, I will break his leg! "

Others were worried and sent servants to look around.

No, Wei Er Shao didn't hear from him.

"The second brother is most afraid of Abba. How dare he not go home for two days and two nights?" Wei Qingxue is also worried, "don't he get caught by the people in the casino? Xiang Xiang, do you think I should tell Abba? "

"No, you'll be angry with Mayor Wei. You don't mean mayor Wei has a bad heart? What would you do if he had an accident? " Gu Xiang whispers.

If mayor Wei is dead, what is the status of the Wei family? So, what about Wei Qingxue's marriage?

Wei Qingxue bit his teeth and held back.

Gu Xiang left.

When returning to Gu mansion, Gu Xiang mentioned Gu Qingzhou: "haven't you come back in two days?"

Gu Guizhang thought about it, as if it was.

"And the boatman?" Gu Guizhang asked.

Gu Qingzhou didn't say that she didn't know how to lie. She faltered, "maybe it's at Yan's house."

"She didn't call?" Gu Xiang pretends to be surprised, "is that going to happen? We thought she was at Yan's house, and Yan's family thought she was home... "

when she said that, the second aunt was so cold and sweaty.

Yeah, where's the boat?

"I, I quickly call the Yan family." The second aunt is too shivering.

Gu Guizhang nodded.

At the other end of the phone, Gu Qingzhou sat by to do his homework, and listened to Mrs. Yan's exaggerated question: "ah? Isn't the boat at home? She didn't come to our house. "

"When did it disappear?"

"Did you go to the governor's office?"

Mrs. Yan's tone was very tense, as if she had taken care of something important.

Gu Qingzhou can imagine that Gu Xiang must be happy now.

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