Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 262: the murderer is caught

Gu Xiang urges aunt two to call Yan mansion.

When she put down the phone, the second aunt was too soft and just cried out: "Mrs. Yan said that the canoe has never been to the Yan mansion."

"What?" Gu Guizhang was shocked.

What about the light boat?

Gu Guizhang looks for Gu Qingzhou in disorder.

He went to the Yan family, the governor's mansion and the minister's mansion, and even to the Wei family.

Because Gu Xiang said, "miss wenjiasan told me that her second brother went with the boat that day."

When Gu Guizhang arrived at the Wei family, the Wei family was also in a hurry.

"Did they elope?" Wei Qingxue is worried.

"Impossible!" Gu Guizhang and even mayor Wei all spoke in unison.

Gu Guizhang was afraid: No, the boat would not be so stupid. He gave up the marriage of the governor's office and eloped with a dandy!


Among Gu Guizhang's children, Gu Qingzhou is the only one who strives for success. She must not ruin Gu Guizhang's future. Gu Guizhang is looking forward to getting married with his family.

Mayor Wei is also afraid: if this bastard really abducts the young grandma of the governor's mansion, the young commander of the governor's mansion can't afford to lose his face. If he is mad, he will kill him, even implicate mayor Wei.

Gu Guizhang swore more and more in his heart, "if you find the boat, you will not allow her to run around. You will live at home every day and go home at nine at the latest!"

Everyone is in a mess.

"Don't be on the road?" Wei Qingjia comforted his father and said, "the second brother's car is so ostentatious..."

just then, the Wei family found Wei Er Shao's car and hid it in a shabby abandoned house.

There was blood in the car, which was left by Gu Qingzhou when he stabbed the kidnapper; the front and rear windows were broken, and there were traces of bullets hitting the rear windows.

The Wei family reported the case immediately.

The police stepped in and decided it was kidnapping.

"By whom is this bound!" Mayor Wei is also worried. He goes to find the couple of Wei Qing and find out what he has done outside.

No matter how unsuccessful, he is also his own son.

The children couldn't be found. The couple owed a huge sum of money to gamble in the casino, but the mayor of Wei found out.

Mayor Wei was half mad.

"Either they ran away or they were chopped by the people in the casino. He owes such a large sum of money that it's impossible to cut him off with both hands. " Said the Wei family.

Mayor Wei was angry, worried and angry.

Slowly, half an hour later, mayor Wei's anger subsided. He only hoped that the child was afraid of running, not being killed.

Although there are many gambling funds, mayor Wei can't afford to lose his son when he is 20.

On the morning of the fifth day, Gu Xiang went to the Wei mansion. Wei Qingxue asked her, "is there any news about your family?"

Gu Xiang shakes his head.

Mayor Wei even said, "Miss Gu, if you have any news, please let me know."

Gu Xiang said yes. Gu Xiang is very proud. Fortunately, Gu Qingzhou was tied up together. In this way, every day she comes to the Wei family to inquire about the news, it's natural that everyone will take care of her.

Otherwise, everyone is worried to death. Who cares about Xiang?

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Xiang came back and said with a pale face: "Mayor Wei, my father sent someone to look for him. When someone came back to report, my father went out. He told me that someone saw Wei Er Shao and my sister at the wharf."

"What?" Wei grew up surprised.

"Really!" Gu Xiang hurriedly nods, "I have no time to inform my father. Let me tell you first!"

"Good, good boy!" "If the news is true, you are the great benefactor who saved the couple," Mayor Wei said

Gu Xiang's heart was ecstatic and his face was silent.

The rest of the Wei family were overjoyed to hear that they had found it. Several of them followed mayor Wei and drove three cars to the wharf as Gu Xiang said.

When I arrived at wharf 19, I saw the tricolor flag and stretched out in the wind.

Gu Xiang is relieved and happy.

"Everything is going so well!" She can't help but admire her skill.

Seeing the tricolor flag, mayor Wei didn't care about anything and immediately asked the boat to come.

"Which way is it, brother? Let my son out quickly. Everything is easy to discuss!" Mayor Wei shouted.

No one in the boat answered.

He jumped on the boat himself.

"Abba, let me go." Wei Qingjia holds on to her father.

Mayor Wei waved and boarded the boat.

A small fishing boat, it's full of smell, no one. Let alone people, there is no dead fish.

Gu Xiang stands on the bank, ready to cry. He plans to wait for Wei Er to come down, and then he pours into Wei Er's arms to cry.

The more she cried, the more the Wei family would understand that the engagement would come sooner or later, and Wei Er Shao would never escape. What's more, Gu Xiang told those people to fight Wei Er Shao when they died.

Wei Er is not out of danger. Gu Xiang doesn't believe that he doesn't appreciate himself.

However, when mayor Wei left the cabin in a daze, Gu Xiang's heart thumped.

"Where's my brother, Abba?" Asked Wei Qingjia.

Mayor Wei shook his head and looked at Gu Xiang anxiously: "Miss Gu, are you sure you heard the news here? Who is your family going to inquire about the news? "

There was a blank in Gu Xiang's head.

What's the matter?

How about people?

Mingming's plan is very good. How come at this critical moment, Wei Er is missing?

Gu Xiang asked, "not in the boat?"

Mayor Wei shook his head. "No."

Gu Xiang looks unnatural.

She didn't believe it. She pushed the crowd away and climbed on her own.

No, nothing!

"What about people?" Gu Xiang is sweating. She can't help but take out the note and look at it again.

Three color flag ship at wharf 19, 4:30 this month.

No mistake!

The date, time, address and vessel are all right.

Wharf 19 is very remote. There will be no problem with such a broken ship at the moment!

What's wrong?

Gu Xiang is standing here, her heart is tense. She hears someone exclaim outside: "second brother!"

It's Wei Qingxue's voice.

Did Wei Qing couple run away?

Since it's just hiding, it's Gu Xiang's credit. Gu Xiang quickly put away the paper and drilled out of the cabin. She is a benefactor. She has to hold the couple and cry.

When Gu Xiang came out, she was stunned.

She saw not only the couple of Wei and Qing, but also Gu Qingzhou, Si Mu and a large group of people behind them.

"This is..." not only Gu Xiang, but also mayor Wei and everyone in the Wei family.

Why can't you understand?

"Gu Xiang, Gu Xiang, I didn't expect you to be so cruel." Wei Er Shao saw Gu Xiang coming down from the boat and understood everything.

Gu Qingzhou is right. It was planned by Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang's presence here is a clear proof.

When Wei Er Shao's voice fell, everyone looked at Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang's lips are more pale. She pretends to be calm and says, "Er Shao, are you back? You scared me to death. "

With that, she would rush over and hug Wei Er and cry less.

Wei Er Shao didn't dodge.

When Gu Xiang held him, his hand reached into the pocket of her coat.

Gu Xiang realizes that when he immediately goes to rob, Wei Er Shao has found the note from Gu Xiang's clothes.

He pushed Gu Xiang away.

The road of the wharf was muddy, and Gu Xiang didn't stand firm. He fell straight to the ground.

"Abba, have a look." Major Wei Er finished reading the note and handed it to mayor Wei.

Mayor Wei's head was foggy at the beginning, and at this time he made it clear.

Gu Xiang didn't overhear it. She had real news.

Why do people send messages to her?

Because she's the mastermind, that's the only explanation.

"Abba, those four are kidnappers. That night, we and young commander caught them and waited for Gu Xiang to hook up, so that she would not hurt people again." Wei Er shaodao.

In these five days, Wei Er Shao's purpose is to avoid the scolding of gambling money, not to grasp Gu Xiang's iron evidence.

After reading the note, mayor Wei's face was deep.

There is no mistake. The address is clearly written on the note. This is for the buyer by the kidnapper.

Gu Xiang is the main criminal who buys murderers.

Make it clear, Wei Qingxue comes forward and slaps Gu Xiang with a slap: "you bitch, I'm not willing to treat you as a sister. You've killed my brother!"

Gu Xiang still stands firm, and is hit here by Wei Qingxue's fan.

She wanted to cry, but knew that no one sympathized with her cry.

"It's me. I wish you brothers and sisters would die!" Gu Xiang suddenly laughs, "he plays with me as a watch, you play with me as a follower, and you talk about sisters, bitch!"

Mayor Wei looks at Gu Xiang in surprise.

Gu Xiang confessed.

But in front of the iron evidence, she can't escape without fighting, simply breaking the pot.

Sima takes the four kidnappers and Gu Xiang to the police station.

Gu went home.

It was Si Mu who sent her home. Gu Guizhang was so happy that he seemed to be coming back directly.

"Abba, the elder sister did it." Gu Qingzhou road.

She told Gu Guizhang what Gu Xiang had done.

"What, to the police station?" Gu Guizhang was surprised. "It's a shame. She's your sister. I should take her home first for my big mistake. I'll deal with it myself!"

Si Mu's eyes were cold and fell on Gu Guizhang's face.

"... father in law, don't you ask if the boat is frightened?" Sima said coldly.

Gu Guizhang was stunned.

Gu Qingzhou is used to it.

"Nothing." Gu Qingzhou said to Sima, "thank you for your help, young commander. Go back first."

"No, young commander, that's not what I mean." Gu Guizhang explained in a hurry.

Sima was obviously angry and didn't want to listen. He said, "father in law, I'll leave first."

Before Gu Guizhang finished speaking, Sima left.

Sima shakes his face in such a way that he scares Gu Guizhang for fear that his son-in-law will run away.

Gu's fault is her own. Gu Guizhang feels disgraceful, but he dare not blame Gu for not covering up.

Soon the police department cleared up the case.

These four water bandits, with more than ten lives, were sentenced to death and executed tomorrow; Gu Xiang bought murderers and killed them, but the attempt was still pending, and it is estimated that it will take a month or two for the case to come to an end.

Most likely, Gu Xiang was jailed for decades.

"Very good." Gu Qingzhou was very satisfied. "Compared with killing her, I would rather she had a taste of prison."

However, Gu Wei, who is far away in Nanjing, will do it this time?

Last time, she didn't succeed in the zither. This time, she won't give up Gu Xiang.

"Gu Wei

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