Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 268 face fighting

"Old gentleman, how can you also open a square to go again!" Mr. Zhu is very fat. After a few steps, he is out of breath. He is willing to beg Mr. Ma.

The Zhu family spent money and asked Ma Xian to treat the disease. Since they all came, how could they be so irresponsible and angry with a little girl?

"Master, between the doctor and the patient, what kind of medical relationship is most needed. If not, Zhongjing can't cure the cold in the world. The old lady trusts Miss Gu, and she has a better relationship with Miss Gu. " Ma Xian said, "I can't do anything for the time being. When Miss Gu confesses, you can go to the five countries hotel to find me. I will not leave Yuecheng. "

Admit it?

Is Miss Gu's diagnosis wrong?

Master Zhu is in a hurry. He has to catch up with him. But he is too stubborn.

"What is it called!" Zhu Da's master was upset. "This old gentleman, he is too grumpy. He doesn't care about the life and death of the sick family."

There are also many complaints about Ma Xian.

Ma Xian doesn't care. He just wants to teach that fake doctor a lesson.

Mr. Ma took his disciples to the five countries Hotel and left a message downstairs: "if a master surnamed Zhu comes to me, he will tell him the number directly."

The five countries hotel is luxurious and expensive. For the first time, the two apprentices lived in such a luxurious place, they were worried.

"Master, let's come to Yuecheng and stay in such a good hotel without treatment. What about the money?" Asked the older apprentice.

Ma Xian is very confident: "don't worry, Zhu family will give us money. The room money for staying in the hotel must also come from their family. At that time, I'll ask them to double the money. "

Listening to the excitement, the two disciples asked Ma Xian, "master, what's going on today?"

Ma Xian took the opportunity to teach his apprentice. When he went out to practice medicine, he must not make such a big mistake, which made the school disgraceful.

"Diarrhea can't be stopped. Warm medicine is a big taboo. Diarrhea, but you can't stop diarrhea, understand? You have to row. The cause of dysentery is the damp heat of the intestine. If the damp heat is stopped, it will accumulate deeper and deeper, and eventually endanger the life of the sick family. " Ma Xian Dao.

The two apprentices suddenly realized.

"But Miss Gu uses warm medicine. She will kill the old lady of Zhu's family?" The little apprentice couldn't bear to say, "master, you should save the old lady of Zhu's family. You can't let the girl play around."

"Muddleheaded!" Ma Xian glanced at his apprentice with cold eyes, "the sick and the doctors pay attention to the medical fate. The old lady said to herself, she trusts Miss Gu. What's the honor of you fighting with her and getting red in the face? It will only cause the sick people's disgust and even distrust you.

If you keep some dignity and decency and let the sick suffer from quack doctors, she will know the value of your medical skills. Don't worry, I've seen the pulse of the old lady. She won't die in a day or two. Let the girl toss her back.

That girl doll is actually a doctor in Yuecheng. I don't know how many people will suffer in the future! As a teacher, I will teach her the rules and eliminate the scum for TCM! Hum, Shigella uses warm tonic medicine. Where does her master come from to teach her this way? "

Ma Xian is very angry.

Why is TCM struggling? It is because there are too many cheaters and the people who hurt are too deep, which leads to the distrust of TCM and the loneliness of TCM.

Many people say that the world has changed, and traditional Chinese medicine has become a liar, which is a muddle in itself.

It has never been TCM who has been a liar, but a liar who pretends to be TCM and slanders the reputation of TCM.

Those like Gu Qingzhou should break her hands so that she can no longer feel her pulse.

Ma Xian was so angry that Gu Qingzhou prescribed a prescription for old lady Zhu.

"This is called" Baoyuan Huazhi Decoction ". Your previous dysentery is really damp and hot intestine. My Shifu said that dysentery uses the cold and cool medicine of clearing heat and cooling blood to expel the heat poison. It is forbidden to use the warm medicine.

However, once the patient's pulse is deep and thin, the body's heat poison has been excreted completely. So why is dysentery more serious? It's because the cold medicine is too fierce to attack, which leads to extreme spleen deficiency and "the ring of deficiency". This situation is most likely to occur in the elderly, because the five viscera and six viscera of the elderly are not as fast as the recovery of the young.

This situation is very rare. Only hundreds of dysentery patients can have such a case as you. So some doctors mistook it and used the medicine they conquered to make you more serious.

Some doctors may also see it, but they dare not use warm tonic medicine to protect themselves from accidents. The doctor is hard, not for great achievements but for nothing.

If you trust me, I'll take the warm tonic medicine. You will get up in the morning and the diarrhea will stop. I've seen many cases and hope you can give me 12 points of trust. " Gu Qingzhou road.

She said a lot in one breath, and said, "you are very weak. If you attack again, I'm afraid..."

Master Zhu is stunned.

Mischu believed in taking care of the boat. Mrs. Chen San is a prudent person. When she recommended taking care of the light boat, her tone and manner were highly praised!

"She is really Hua Tuo. Although she is young, traditional Chinese medicine is like this. Talent is more important than anything. I think there is a mysterious master behind her. "

Mischu also made a careful investigation before he went to see Gu Qingzhou.

Old lady Zhu narrowed her eyes and looked at the boat carefully. Then she said with a smile, "you girl, you are so mean to me."

She agreed.

The old lady agreed, and Zhu dare not say anything more.

Gu Qingzhou gave her a prescription: "three money for chebule meat, one money for cannon ginger, three money for Atractylodes macrocephala, one money for licorice and three money for dangshen."

When the prescription was ready, she handed it to mischu and said, "this medicine is for decoction. I'll make another prescription for dietotherapy, steam it on the rice surface and eat it directly. "

She opened a ginseng money, a South date, three lotus meat.

Gu Qingzhou also told mischu, "go to he's drugstore to get the medicine. That's my relative. I can trust his medicine and take care of his business."

Mischu and the old lady laughed.

Taking care of the business, Gu took it for granted, but he did not hide the sick family as a fool.

Mister Julien sent for the medicine at night.

He mengde hired a young man to live in the lobby at night. When he heard the knock, he said that it was Miss Gu who opened the prescription and called him to get the medicine.

When the medicine is ready, Zhu's servant will cook it for the old lady.

Zhu said: "Muma, just take two pieces. If you can't, please go to invite Mr. Ma.". I listen to Mr. Ma. Miss Gu's prescription is useless. "

"His companion is a friend. He slanders Miss Gu." The old lady insisted.

Zhu dares not disobey his mother and goes out as promised.

The next day, Mr. Ma got up early and hummed a few lines. In a good mood, he packed the medicine box, wrote the prescription of Mrs. Zhu, and took the medicine out of the box.

At the thought of Gu Qingzhou, Mr. Ma was not aware of it and amused: "a girl who claims to be able to bring her back from the dead, even without a medical box, is believed to be a miracle doctor! Funny, the world is so funny! "

Thinking of this, he is a little worried about the country and the people.

He had breakfast in a good mood, and when he picked his teeth, he thought to himself, "the old lady of Zhu's family must have had diarrhea all night last night."

"Master, when will the Zhu family invite us?" His little apprentice couldn't hold his breath.

Mr. Ma looked at the clock on the wall and said calmly, "it's nine o'clock."

At nine o'clock, someone knocked at the door.

On his face, Mr. Ma had a determined and complacent smile.

The two little apprentices were greatly praised: "master is so clever!"

"I don't dare to say anything about it. In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, your master calls it the second place, and no one in China dares to call it the first place, unless he is the descendant of the Mu family." "Horse Xian complacent, leisurely smile way.

The disciples opened the door while complimenting the master.

When I opened the door, I was surprised.

It's not Mr. Zhu, but the manager of five countries hotel.

"Dear guest, it's ten o'clock today. How many days are you staying? Please move to the lobby and pay for the room. " The manager is very kind.

Ma Xian's Apprentice froze, and Ma Xian himself was a little disappointed.

Brag in front of the apprentice and get slapped on the spot.

"Pay for another two days." Ma Xian clenched his teeth and said to his apprentice.

He doesn't look very good.

The apprentice was afraid to speak.

This wait, until noon, Zhu family did not pick up Mr. Ma to see a doctor.

"No way!" Mr. Ma himself was a little surprised. "Is the old lady's life no longer saved? Yesterday's warm tonic attack should occur today, it can't be delayed for such a long time! "

he thought again," isn't lord Zhu not clear where I live, or find it and the people downstairs forget to tell him? "

Mr. Ma didn't care about the food either. He said to the little apprentice, "go to the Zhu mansion and ask them what's wrong with them. Are they so wrong with the old lady's life?"

Little apprentice said yes.

It takes an hour and a half to go back and forth.

Ma Xian's mood also gradually calmed down.

"Hum, it's absurd to cure dysentery by warming!" "Something must have happened. Is the old lady dead?"

If he died, the Zhu family would never come to him again.

Ma Xian felt that he should come out and make a big deal of it, which proved that Miss Gu had killed old lady Zhu.

Thinking of this, Ma Xian could not sit down and took another apprentice with him: "let's go to Zhu's house, too."

When they got to Zhu's house, they missed the road and the former apprentice.

"Mr. Ma, your apprentice is back." "The servant told him," the old man said. If you go there hard, you'll still get the money. You don't have to rush. The old man is now working with the old lady. He will see you sometime in the evening. "

Seeing that the servant was calm and not half anxious, Ma Xian asked, "how is your old lady's illness?"

The servant was very happy: "all right! The old lady took the medicine last night, only twice, usually 17 or 18 times. From morning to now, I haven't had diarrhea once. It's so good! "

Ma Xian only felt that he had been knocked on the head.

All right?

How could it be all right?

Warm tonic medicine for dysentery? What kind of world is it? What kind of medical skill is it?

No way!

Ma Xian's eyes were full of golden flowers, but he couldn't believe that he was about to faint. I have studied medicine for decades and never had such strange things happen.

Dysentery, he said less also saw 70 or 80 cases, how can there be mistakes?

"What about Miss Gu? Where is she from? " Mr. Ma, looking pale, asked the servant.

It's like he's going to go to Miss Gu to fight.

The servant was startled by him. He stepped back and closed the door, swearing, "I'm scared to death!"

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