Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 269 the doctor takes care of the boat

Ma Xian returned to the hotel in a trance.

Although the servant was very rude, he opened the door for Ma Xian.

Ma Xian enters the main courtyard of Zhu's family. The old lady sits at the table and eats. She's still so cunning. She's wearing a mink coat and red lips.

Seeing Ma Xian come in, old lady Zhu wiped her lips with a white napkin, like blood splashing on the napkin, and opened a gorgeous flower.

"I didn't want to diagnose yesterday. Today I'm here to study art secretly. I want miss Gu's prescription?" The old lady looked at the old Mr. Ma calmly and said mean things.

Her illness is really good. From this morning to now, she has eaten rice porridge twice. Her stomach is a little noisy, but she doesn't excrete.

Ma Xian's face was red and green.

His two disciples, looking at his expression, were full of suspicion.

He swept away on the spot.

After returning to the hotel, the two apprentices sneaked downstairs to smoke.

They talked about the case and said, "master is too bad, or Miss Gu is too good?"

"Didn't you hear from the Zhu family that she was a miracle doctor?"

"I heard it, but I didn't believe it. I thought it was bragging about her. Now it seems that she is a miracle doctor. Shifu said that everything was wrong. What's the best way to warm up! Look, Miss Gu is really cured with warm tonic! "

"Zhu's family had several doctors before, but they didn't cure the old lady. It shows that the disease is opportunistic and can't be treated with ordinary ideas. The doctor is in a place beyond the reach of ordinary people. "

"The Zhu family didn't say that Miss Gu could rise from the dead, but it's true that she's afraid of it."

"I think it's true! In such a prosperous city as Yuecheng, people are all ghosts, spirits and spirits. Without ability, they can be regarded as divine doctors? It's hard. Master was planted in the hands of a little girl this time, which is unjust. "

"I don't think so! We can't learn all the time. Maybe he has no ability at all. "

Mr. Zhu is very kind. He sent 30 yuan to Ma Xian.

Ma Xian had the cheek to take it.

Although Zhu was sincere, he was not very comfortable. After all, Ma Xian didn't give half of his effort and didn't even make a diagnosis.

He is very cheeky to accept such a large amount of money.

His two disciples looked at master with more contempt.

If he is not good at medicine, he is greedy for money. Has he ever been a doctor? How can his eyelids be so shallow?

After returning, the two apprentices left school one after the other. One went to the medicine garden to be a medicine farmer and the other went to Peiping to pull a cart. He didn't want to compete with the master any more.

This is a postscript.

Once the dysentery is stopped, there will be no big deal later. It will come and go quickly.

On Sunday afternoon, when Gu went to see her again, Mrs. Zhu looked normal.

An American priest came to visit her. Old lady Zhu spoke fluent English and talked with the pastor. Gu Qingzhou sat beside her, admiring her very much.

Old lady Zhu is seventy years old. She is well dressed and dressed, and her makeup is dignified.

This old lady has been exquisite all her life.

Who stipulates that when you are old, you must be kind and look like an old woman?

"You girl, look at me hard. Do you look at the old monster?" Old lady Zhu said with a smile. She knew that many people despised her and said behind her that she was old and strange.

When I was young, I still cared about gossip. Now I don't care about it at all. I can even borrow it to make fun of it.

"No, no, I think it's very kind of you to be noble and beautiful all your life." "I envy you," Gu said

"Only the old woman envies the young girl. I haven't heard that the young girl envies the old woman." Old lady Zhu laughed.

It's funny. If you take care of the boat, it will make her very happy.

Mizzhu gave the treasure to Gu Qingzhou, who accepted it.

"I'll play a lot later." My mother likes you very much. You throw her temper. Don't worry about our holidays. "

"No way." Gu chuckled. "As long as the old lady doesn't dislike it, I will often disturb her."

When Gu Qingzhou went to school again, his classmates took out a school newspaper for him to read.

It turns out that Mister Zhu instructed the school to write a long article praising Gu Qingzhou, accompanied by a picture of Gu Qingzhou, saying that she is a miracle doctor, a good hand and a kind heart. All of a sudden, Gu Qingzhou became the school's man of the day. Everyone knew her.

When she was eating, there was a little girl passing by in the canteen, who would call her "good elder martial sister Gu."

Who dare not hold the benefactor of mischu?

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

In this way, she no longer has to worry about graduation, and even mischu will recommend her to a good university in the United States.

If you can escape the company, you will have a very good future.

She was in a good mood. She said to Yan Luoshui and Huo Shujing, "Mister Zhu is a very nice person. She has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment."

Huo was silent, and suddenly he said seriously, "I'll tell you to take care of the boat. You have to guarantee my graduation!"

She strained her arm to take care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui laugh.

"So you worry about graduation?" Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou couldn't laugh.

Huo Shujing said angrily, "why not worry? Is it glorious to be relegated? "

"Well, I'll talk to mischu." Gu Qingzhou said, "don't worry."

Therefore, Yan Luoshui has to treat Huo Fengjing to dinner.

They don't lack the money to eat, but they still make a fuss and ask others to invite them. This is the fun between girls.

Gu Qingzhou sits on the left side of the car and Yan Luoshui sits in the middle.

When the three of them frolic, Gu Qingzhou sees Si Xingfu.

It's a clock shop. It's very large transparent glass. The lights are bright and bright. You can see it from afar.

Gu is very familiar with Si Xingfu. Even when he takes off his military uniform and wears a dark gray suit, Gu recognizes him at once.

He is taking a watch with a woman.

The lady has a soft smile. She looks very beautiful from afar, that is, her nose is a little big, her skin is a little black, which is darker than Si Xingfu.

It's quite exotic.

"Cloud Lang!" Gu Qingzhou immediately remembered who she was.

That's yunlang, a popular movie star.

Yunlang is a mixture of Chinese and Indians. Her father seems to be a member of the royal family in India, so she is not cheap. In black-and-white films, no one can see that her skin is black, but she has beautiful features and body.

"Si Xingfu and Yun Lang have a good relationship. They are just friends." Gu Qingzhou thinks so.

Immediately she thought of the words of Si Xingfu: "a woman can't sleep. Why do you care for her?"

He bought famous watches for yunlang, just to be friends?

Don't be silly. That's the manager.

Gu Qingzhou's heart wandered around, and his mood fell into the abyss.

She remembered that she once met him and other women to go shopping. At that time, she was in a happy mood and knew that she could escape the hope. Now why can't she find the mood at that time?

When eating, Gu moves slowly.

"What's the matter?" Yan Luoshui asked her.

"Think about something." Gu Qingzhou falters.

After this meal, when Gu Qingzhou returned to the Gu mansion, she sat under the light to review her lessons. She couldn't read any of them. Those words seemed to fly in front of her eyes, and she couldn't catch any of them.

"Will Si Xingfu sleep with Yun Lang?" Think of the light boat.

She is not the wife or even his girlfriend of Si xingxu, and he doesn't have to be loyal to her.

So, after a year's patience, will the meat be served tonight?

Gu Qingzhou wants to let go of these thoughts, but the whole person is in chaos and can't get out.

She kept thinking.

When the balcony door moved and Si xingxu got up, Gu Qingzhou was stunned and stared at him.

Is it an illusion?

With the smell of wine on his body, sixingqi said with a low smile, "look at me again, are you stupid?"

He pointed to the next room. "That little white face is gone. Are you afraid at night?"

Gu Qingzhou suddenly stands up and pours on him, tightly hugging his neck.

He had the smell of wine and cigars, but he had no woman's powder.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou's eyes were hot, tears came to his eyes.

Si Xingfu was surprised: "what happened to the boat? Who bullied you?"

Gu Qingzhou doesn't say anything, just lies in his arms and chokes.

She didn't make a sound, but she cried so much that her shoulders shook.

Si Xingfu quickly raised her face, saw the tears on her face and kissed her: "don't cry, don't cry!"! Who is angry with you? Tell me, I'll chop her family. "

Gu couldn't help laughing at the tears.

She gently thumped Si Xingfu: "bastard, so violent and bloody, there is no humanity at all!"

Si Xingfu is used to these words and kisses her lips gently.

"What's the matter?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't answer, just says it's OK.

"What are you busy with these two days?" Take care of the boat and ask him. Take the temptation.

"Li Wenzhu sent a spy to my side. I sent her some fake news first. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, I cleaned up Li Wenzhu." Si Xingfu's low voice.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.


"Well, you know, once we went to see the movie she played, it was called yunlang. It's heartless to waste my life at that time! " The Secretary scolded.

Gu Qingzhou knew that Si Xingfu had a purpose in dealing with women.

She asked again, "who is Li Wenzhu?"

The contradiction between Si Xingfu and Li Wenzhu has a long history. At the beginning, he was chased by Li Wenzhu and met Gu Qingzhou.

So many carriages, he alone into her one, I think it's fate.

"Li Wenzhu is our matchmaker! Canoe, when we get married, I must set a table for him alone. " Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou was stunned.

"Will we get married?" she asked subconsciously

"Will you marry me?" He asked her back.

Gu immediately returned himself to the shell: "no!"

"You always say the opposite." Si Xingfu hugged her. "Light boat, I see you now, and I know what you want to say in your heart."

He ate her to death.

He was determined that the woman had fallen in love with him as much as he loved her. Of course, maybe he loves more, but it doesn't matter, they will be the same sooner or later.

Gu Qingzhou didn't contradict or push him away, leaving him to hold himself tight.

Maybe that's the fall, isn't it?

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