Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 279 the Secretary of short guard

In the morning, Gu Qingzhou's neck still hurt, and his skin was scratched by his fingernails.

she looked at herself in the mirror and painted the medicine wine again.

The medicine wine is deep purple, her skin is white, the contrast is more obvious.

When Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui went to school, their cousin didn't wake up.

In April, the neckline of the school uniform is not very high. From chin to neck, five blood marks of Gu Qingzhou have swollen to a high level, especially when rubbing the medicine wine.

One by one, especially clear.

"What's the catch?"

"You have a cat?"

"You look like you've been scratched by nails. Who did you fight with in the canoe?"

That group of girls Jizha around to take care of the light boat, say ceaselessly.

Gu Qingzhou wants to explain, but she doesn't know where to start. She coughs awkwardly: "it's just a small accident."

During the class, the superintendent, mishlin, also saw it.

Miss Lin was careful. She called Gu Qingzhou to the office and asked her, "is there a conflict with someone? If it's about school, tell me. I'll help you with justice. "

Gu Qingzhou became the benefactor of Miss Zhu, and the supervisor flattered her subconsciously. This little thing, if it had been, would not have been asked.

"No, I don't have a problem with anyone." "It's family business," Gu said

As she wanted to talk and stop, Miss Lin thought that if there was a scripture that was difficult to read in her family, it would be difficult to deal with it.

When school was over, Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui agreed to go to Yan's house to see her cousin. When the car was halfway there, suddenly there was a car honking behind her. It sounded very loud.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised. Looking from the back window, a car followed them not far away, like the driver's car.

"Stop." Gu Qingzhou road.

She was a little nervous for some reason. She was afraid that Si Xingfu would be worried, even more afraid that he would be angry.

The driver pulled over and goo got off.

The car in the back caught up with him. As expected, Si Xingfu pushed open the door of the car, and shined his army boots landed on the ground and walked over.

"Young commander." Yan Luoshui also got out of the car. He felt guilty and said to Si Xingfu.

"You go home first, I have something to say with the boat," said the secretary

Yan Luoshui looked down and felt more guilty about Gu's injury: "I'll go first."

Gu Qingzhou got on the car of Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu pulled her under the street lamp and looked at her wound carefully.

Today, the injury was so serious that the adjutant of Gu Qingzhou was afraid to take responsibility. He reported to Si Xingfu truthfully, and he came to see her specially.

"Does it hurt?" Si Xingfu's fundus was filled with painful color, and his heart was very painful.

He is not breathing well.

Actually, it's a little painful.

Gu Qingzhou didn't want to be angry with other people. He said, "it's OK. It's just a minor injury. Luoshui applied the potion for me. It looks terrible. In fact, it's skin injury. "

"How?" Si Xingfu lowered his voice and seemed to be in a rage. "Fight with Yan Luoshui?"

"Can we be so childish?" Gu chuckles.

When I got on the bus, I took care of the boat.

At that time, she was standing outside. Mrs. Yan was not as flexible as she was. If she didn't rush over, Tan Wenxiu would jump off the second floor and take care of the boat.

"... we also attacked her fiance and found out in a flash that she was really the one who was sick and scared." Gu Qingzhou road.

The driver turned around and said, "go home!"

Gu Qingzhou looked at his face carefully and said, "I want to go to Yan's house to see..."

"there are doctors in Yuecheng, psychiatry department of internal medicine and surgery, and all kinds of doctors. You don't need to be a big head to see a doctor. " The manager is indifferent.

Hurt Gu Qingzhou, even if it is unintentional, there is a rage in his heart.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't speak.

It was estimated that his anger had subsided a little, and Gu Qingzhou began slowly, "I want to go and have a look."

Si Xingfu said: "no going!"

Gu Qingzhou lowered his eyes, covered his eyes with long and slender eyelashes, sat quietly, and there was a silky air-conditioner on his body.

She is not happy, even a little aggrieved.

"Is the knife I gave you still in the bag?" A moment later, the Secretary asked her.

Last time, she immediately knew that she had stabbed the water bandit in the hand with a knife. Si Xingfu appreciated her courage and self-protection.

"Still there." Gu Qingzhou replies, the voice is clear and cold, don't look at him.

"If that crazy woman tickles you again, can you cut off her claws with a knife?" He is serious.

Gu couldn't help laughing.

How could she be so bloody and violent?

"She's not a crazy woman." Gu chuckled and retorted, "I've suffered a loss, and I'll know next time. I won't let her hurt me."

Gu Qingzhou has no feelings for Yan Luoshui's cousin, which is also human nature. She only knows Tan Wenxiu. She has no likes or dislikes. She says that Gu Qingzhou is worried about her illness, which is fake.

Gu Qingzhou is only five points concerned about her illness and five points curious.

In the face of new cases, Gu's pursuit of medicine always forces her to understand.

She knew that Sikang was concerned about her, although she could not accept his bullying.

"I'm going to have a look..." Gu Qingzhou knew that Si Xingfu was soft but not hard, so he softened his voice and said, "let me go, young commander, you are a good man!"

"How can I become a good man? Am I not the worst villain?" Si Xingfu couldn't stand her dog's leg shape, and he looked sideways and stabbed her with words.

Gu couldn't help laughing: "of course you are a good man! Si Xingfu, you are the best. I will not scold you later, OK? "

As soon as she smiled, she also smiled, leaving a hand to touch her head.

"Silly girl!" "This is the only time," sighed Si Xingfu

In the vicinity of Yan mansion, Si Xingfu stops his car, hugs Gu Qingzhou and kisses him, then drives to Yan's house.

When he got to the gate, he stopped. After the light boat rang the doorbell for Gu, he watched the servant come to open the door, and he left first.

He has something else to do today.

After Si Xingfu left, he didn't notice that there was a man standing in front of the study of Yan mansion.

It's smoothie.

Sima saw Gu come in, but he didn't pay attention to the car he sent her.

He just saw Gu Qingzhou.

The light of the street lamp is luxuriant. When Gu Qingzhou stepped on the path, he saw a slender figure standing on the steps of the corridor. The street lamp pulled his shadow very long.

With light on his back, he put his hands in his pants pocket and stood idly with his own demeanor.

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes, saw that it was Si mu, and was slightly surprised: "young commander, how are you here?"

The night wind was slow. When she spoke, her white wrists were slightly raised. She gently gathered the hair that was blown to her eyes by the wind, and pulled it to the back of her ears, showing her small white face.

Sima thought her eyes were very bright, like two rounds of ice soul in the night sky, shining directly on people's hearts.

"Come and send a document to the chief of the general staff. I heard that sister Wenxiu is back. Come and have a look." Si Mu Dao.

Tan Wenxiu grew up in Yan's family, taking care of Yan's children like a sister, as well as the children of relatives and friends, just like Sima, who also regarded her as a sister.

Only Si Xingfu followed his father in the battlefield to resist the annexation of other forces with his flesh and blood and guarded the prosperity of Yuecheng when they enjoyed their youth's carefree time.

Every time Sima talks about his superior childhood and adolescence, Gu Qingzhou will think of Sima Xingfu, who went to the battlefield at the age of ten.

His contribution to Yuecheng and the people on this side was better than his brother's.

The same blood, but the experience is very different.

Gu Qingzhou reluctantly smiled and said, "I also went to see my cousin."

Sima and she walked in side by side, and neither of them spoke.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Last time Gu Qingzhou misunderstood Sima and even made an article about his old relationship with Wei Qingjia. Sima was very angry. It's strange that they meet again.

It doesn't seem right to say anything.

Silent all the way, Si Mu probably think, should say something, he asked: "recently homework hard?"

"All right." Gu Qingzhou road.

"I used to study, and my grades have always been number one in the whole school. If you want to make up your lessons, I can teach you." Si Mu Dao.

Say, a little regret.

He knew that Gu would refuse.

Gu Qingzhou knows how to avoid disrespect and will not contact Simao much. She also said that this winter's retreat will not even make friends.

In this respect, Gu Qingzhou is a very realistic and honest person, and Si muting admires her.

Si Mu feels it and Gu Qingzhou understands it.

Gu Qingzhou said politely: "I can deal with it now. If I don't know much about it, I'll ask you for advice. Qiongzhi is studying in medicine. How are her grades now? "

"Qiongzhi is smart and hard-working. She has learned very well." Si Mu Dao.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Finally, they arrived at the main courtyard.

Tan Wenxiu is not in. Only Yan Xinnong and Mrs. Yan are sitting. The couple are discussing matters.

"Tell the tan family." Yan Xinnong said, "it's a matter of great importance. We can't decide for Wenxiu."

"Tan family a muddleheaded account, told them, Wenxiu must be aggrieved." Said Mrs. Yan.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu come in and interrupt their conversation.

Knowing that Sima came to see Tan Wenxiu, Yan Xinnong said, "light boat, take young commander upstairs. They are all upstairs."

As soon as I went upstairs, I heard laughter.

It's Yan wushao.

Yan wushao is telling Tan Wenxiu about Yuecheng. When it comes to happy places, the two laugh happily.

When Sima came in, Tan Wenxiu was a little surprised: "amu, are you here? I haven't seen you for years. You're taller. "

"I haven't seen you for a few years. Why are you so old-fashioned?" Simmer made fun of her.

When they spoke, Gu Qingzhou winked at Yan Luoshui.

They came out of the room and stood at the door talking.

"Did you talk to her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Yanluo watercourse: "in the morning, Muma asked her. She was angry and cried at that time. She said Muma framed her, and everyone was against her."

"She won't admit it?" Gu Qingzhou said, "don't you feel at all?"

Yan Luoshui shakes her head.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Tan Wenxiu carefully and wants to see her illness from her face.

Just, can see, all won't cause madness, what disease is she this?

Emotional illness?

The emotional diseases in traditional Chinese medicine are similar to those in western medicine, which are caused by emotional problems.

Gu Qingzhou frowns slightly: if you have emotional illness, it will be more difficult to cure.

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