Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 280 a knife is better than a tongue

Gu Qingzhou was able to see the shape and know the disease. She stood for a moment and looked at Tan Wenxiu, but saw nothing.

Simmer sat for a moment and left.

Before leaving, Sima called Gu Qingzhou, "come here, Qingzhou."

Gu Qingzhou followed him downstairs.

Standing under the eaves of the gate of the main courtyard, the lights from the glass windows dye the trees of the courtyard emerald.

Sima asked her, "what's the matter with the neck?"

"A little thing." Gu Qingzhou subconsciously covers the next, "thank you for your concern."

Si Mu light: "take care of yourself."

Without waiting for what Gu Qingzhou said, he stepped into the boundless night and soon disappeared into the night.

"Cousin, why don't I give you the pulse?" Gu Qingzhou goes upstairs and asks Tan Wenxiu tentatively.

Tan Wenxiu immediately warned: "what's wrong with me?"

"Are you a little uncomfortable?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "before, have you?"

"No!" Tan Wenxiu frowned.

If she resists this way, Gu Qingzhou will not be able to say anything rashly, for fear of causing her antipathy.

"Then it's all right." Gu chuckled.

In the evening, on the pretext of visiting Tan Wenxiu's room, Mrs. Yan carefully closed her window and dropped several bells on the curtain.

If Tan Wenxiu opens the window at night, he should draw the curtain first. As soon as she drew the curtain, the bell would ring, and the maid in the opposite room and the Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui in the next room would rush in.

Settled down, Mrs. Yan went downstairs.

Gu Qingzhou took a bath with Yan Luoshui and sat in the side hall to talk.

"Go to sleep." Mrs. Yan said to the two of them, "I have to go to school tomorrow morning. Your cousin's business is concerned by adults. You two devote your mind to study. "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

The servant brought the milk.

Mrs. Yan sat on the sofa next to them.

While drinking warm milk, Gu Qingzhou asked Mrs. Yan, "Muma, do you think cousin is stimulated?"

Yan Luoshui also said: "I see it. It must have something to do with her fiance. I went to ask him. "

Mrs. Yan agrees.

Tan Wenxiu's fiance is still in Yuecheng, waiting for his retirement.

"Let your father ask you tomorrow." Said Mrs. Yan.

The next day, Yan Xinnong left the business and went to find Shi Dingwen.

Yan Xinnong asked fiercely, "how do you torture Wenxiu like this?"

Shi Dingwen was terrified. He was afraid of the chief of the general staff of the military government. He mumbled, "Uncle Yan, it's really not me that hurt her. She has been like this for half a year, and it happens once a month."

"How to start?" Asked Yan Xinnong.

Shi Dingwen doesn't know.

When Tan Wenxiu went crazy, Shi Dingwen didn't get involved with his new girlfriend. She was not stimulated.

Later, it was determined that she was mad. Shi Dingwen's resentment against her peaked. Finally, he began to communicate with his new girlfriend Wei Meiqin, intending to abandon Tan Wenxiu.

Now Yan Xinnong asks, Shi Dingwen says he doesn't know. Yan Xinnong surely thinks that he's trying to get rid of it and will put the blame on him. Therefore, Shi Dingwen needs to find a reason.

"Once we went out for dinner and met with an accident. At that time, the police dragged the man out of the car and he was dead. Wenxiu saw it and threw up for two days. From then on... "Shi Dingwen said.

This was not made up by him, but it happened the year before Tan Wenxiu was ill. It must have nothing to do with Tan Wenxiu's illness.

Yan Xinnong "interrogated" Shi Dingwen for a long time, only to know that the child was very guilty and did not ask for anything else.

"Still ask Wenxiu." Yan Xinnong went home and said, "there is no truth in the stone family's children's mouth."

Tan Wenxiu is very taboo about it.

"I'm not sick!" She growls at Yan Xinnong, "uncle, do you also dislike me?"

Yan Xinnong was dumb.

For a while, no one dared to ask further.

Gu Qingzhou said: "she may not not not have no idea. She is secretive of medical treatment."

Yan Luoshui nodded: "cousin, this problem is very serious."

Tan Wenxiu was in a bad mood. Yan Luoshui asked for a day off and stayed with her at home.

Gu Qingzhou still went to school.

After school, a tall, slim and quiet boy asked at the school gate, "do you know Tan Wenxiu?"

"Which grade is it?"

"She used to study here, five years after graduation." Boy road.

Others looked at him with strange eyes.

The boy asked one by one.

"Is this a fool?"

Gu went forward and poked him in the back.

"What do you want to do with Tan Wenxiu?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"Do you know Tan Wenxiu?" The boy is very excited. Gu Qingzhou is the first one to take the initiative to find him.

"First of all." Gu Qingzhou road.

The boy immediately said: "I am a very good friend with her. I met her in England. She chased her fiance back home temporarily. I'm worried about her health. I only know that she graduated from the Santa Maria school in Yuecheng. There is a relative in Yuecheng. What's the name of the relative's family? I forgot... "

GU Qingzhou looks at him quietly. His clear eyes are full. He seems to want to see through him.

Make sure he didn't lie, and he may know the cause of Tan Wenxiu's illness. This is a breakthrough. Gu Qingzhou said, "I know her."

"Really?" The boy was very happy. He wanted to shake hands with Gu Qingzhou. "My name is Xing Sen. what's your name, miss?"

Gu chuckled, "follow me."

The man was stupid and got on the car of Yan's family. He was not afraid to take care of the boat and sell him.

On the way, Gu Qingzhou made it clear to him.

"... you have a good relationship with her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

XINGSEN nodded: "yes, we are classmates. She is my best friend."

"Do you know how she got sick?" Gu asked again.

"All of a sudden, she didn't know what she was doing, but she wanted to give birth. She committed suicide several times." XINGSEN said, "we advised her to go to see a doctor. She was not happy and said that she was cheated."

Tan Wenxiu has always known his illness.

She is very taboo about it.

When I arrived at Yan's house, I met Tan Wenxiu. Xing Sen was very happy, but Tan Wenxiu was surprised. There was also happiness in the accident.

Gu Qingzhou also said his origin.

He wandered around the entrance of Santa Maria, just in time to be touched by the patron's canoe.

I'm sure it's really a classmate, and it's after Tan Wenxiu. Mrs. Yan arranges XINGSEN to stay.

In the evening, Yan wushao went to XINGSEN for a chat. He was very nosy and asked XINGSEN, "do you love my cousin?"

"Yes, I love her." "But she has a fiance. I don't disturb them. You can rest assured," said Xing

Tan Wenxiu's fiance, who has made a new girlfriend, wants to quit.

Yan wushao can't hide any secrets. He tells Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou in a flash.

"Oh." Unexpectedly, Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou are very plain.

"You already know that?" Yan wushao was shocked. "Who told you that?"

"Is that a question?" "Can't you see?" Gu chuckled

It's so obvious that anyone knows that Yan wushao even asked Baba to ask, amusing Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui.

Friends came again, Yan wushao was very enthusiastic to arrange everyone to play, but also invited Huo Shujing.

Huo Fengjing unexpectedly comes. Yan Luoshui is surprised.

Gu Qingzhou chuckles.

Yan wushao preferred to bet on horses, so he took his party to the racecourse.

There is no hidden box in the racecourse, that is, the open seats in the open air are set outside the railings.

Gu Qingzhou looked for a moment and wanted to go to the bathroom.

When she saw that the crowd was excited, she did not call for anyone to accompany her, so she went.

When she came out, she heard the quarrel, including the voice of Tan Wenxiu.

"Don't even think about it." Tan Wenxiu drinks.

"Do you have any self-esteem? After all, I have studied abroad, so I can't give myself some decency. " Shi Dingwen harshly scolds Tan Wenxiu.

Tan Wenxiu is furious: "you die, I won't give up with you. Your girlfriend, to die is to be your aunt! "

The girl is not happy: "Tan, pay attention to your words. You are not married to him. Now, if you don't get married, it's nothing! "

Shi Dingwen also said: "you can marry this Mantis! He has always loved you, don't you know? "

Mantis means XINGSEN.

Xing Sen is thin and has long legs and feet. He is not strong enough, but he is also good-looking. He is born with a hanger, which is very natural and beautiful.

Xing Sen is very handsome. The reason why those foreign students named him "mantis" is with a contemptuous attitude, because Xing Sen is a public student.

XINGSEN got a good result. He went abroad with a full scholarship. He worked hard every day to earn his own living expenses.

Chinese students know that his family is poor and look down on him, while there are only a few public students, Xing Sen has become the object of teasing behind others.

"Shi Dingwen, do you have any quality? You apologize!" Tan Wenxiu is more angry.

Gu felt that they were about to fight.

She came out and shouted, "cousin?"

Taking advantage of the stupefied Kung Fu, Tan Wenxiu came forward and slapped Shi Dingwen in the face.

There was a loud and clear sound. Everyone was confused, including Xing Sen.

Xing Sen's eyes are moving.

His so many classmates, only Tan Wenxiu never dislike him, and very firmly maintain him.

When he wanted to start, Gu took a short blade out of his handbag.

When her short blade hit the wall, a big gap appeared in the brick wall. Gu Qingzhou was calm and his eyes narrowed slightly. He said, "are you sure you want to fight the niece of the chief of the general staff of the military government in Yuecheng, Mr. Shi?"

"The chief of the general staff is amazing?" Wei Meiqin, Shi Dingwen's girlfriend, was so angry that he said, "it's just a small local military government, a rebel warlord! And she did it first! "

"Mr. Shi insulted people first." Gu Qingzhou retorted, "why, do you have to make a scene? We are all ready to finish after seeing the blood and hanging some color?"

Shi Dingwen's girlfriend is timid, but she can't get by with her face. She looks fierce and says, "do you know who my father is? My father is an official of the Finance Department of Beiping cabinet! "

"How powerful!" Gu Qingzhou's short blade turns slightly. The bright light of the snow blade is reflected in her eyes, adding a layer of dignity to her face.

"Forget it, don't fight with women." Shi Dingwen looked at Minghuang's knife and thought that if he was stabbed, his life would be gone. He took her girlfriend and left.

Tan Wenxiu is relieved.

After returning to God, Tan Wenxiu wanted to look after the light boat's knife: "what kind of knife is this? How can you cut iron like mud?"

Xing Sen is staring at Tan Wenxiu.

After a long time

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