Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 287: Aftermath

Gu Qingzhou went downstairs without shoes.

She walked barefoot on the wooden floor, cold into her skin, cold under her feet, she was not shaking.

She called Huo.

The voice on the phone was calm and gentle: "ah Jing, something's wrong with me. Come here quickly. I can't handle it alone."

In the middle of the night, Huo was pushed to wake up by the servant. After receiving such a call, Gu Qingzhou was a little gentle and ghostly. Huo was scared.

It must be a big deal.

"OK, I'll be right there." Huo Shoujing.

It's four o'clock in the morning. Huo put on a single windbreaker, put two guns and a knife on her waist, and was ready to go out. Since it's an accident, Huo has to be prepared.

At the door, I met her brother who had just come home.

Huo Yue arrived at the wharf last night. He went to inspect the goods himself and didn't come back until early in the morning.

"What to do?" Huo Yue asked.

At four o'clock in the morning, a girl went out with a gun on her body. Huo Yue was shocked.

Huo Shujing said: "the boat called me to come over."

Huoyue hesitated and said: "I will go with you. What did she say? "

Huo told Gu Qingzhou's words to her brother.

Huo Yue twisted his eyebrows.

Si Xingfu is not in Yuecheng these days. Gu Qingzhou is afraid that there is no one in his other hall. He can't find an adjutant. He simply finds Huo Fengjing.

When brother and sister huoyue arrive, Gu Qingzhou is at the gate of Gu mansion.

She squatted in the dark corner of the gate.

When the car light came on, she was covered with black hair, a white face, big black eyes, cherry red lips, like a ogre who ate people, squatting in the dark.

Huo holds her in a hurry.


"Shh!" Gu Qingzhou let her whisper.

She looked at Huo Yue, did not speak, and did not ask why Huo would bring Huo Yue.

"Take off your shoes." Gu Qingzhou whispers.

Huo Yue and Huo Fujing take off their shoes and carry them in their hands.

She led Huo Yue and Huo Rongjing up to the third floor and didn't wake anyone up.

Gu Qingzhou pushes open his door. As soon as they entered, Huo Yue and Huo shuojing smelled the smell of blood.

Gu Qingzhou turns on the light at the head of the bed.

On her snow printed bedding, it was all blood. After more than 40 minutes of oxidation, the blood is dark black, like a enchanting flower, blooming on her bedding.

The same goes for walls.

Huo Yue opens Ni Laojiu's body. He turns his eyes in his grave, stares at his eyes and nearly cuts his neck. Ni Laojiu still holds a knife in his hand.

A stout man with a knife in the girl's room in the middle of the night knows what he is going to do!

Gu Qingzhou is only self-protection.

Huo holds Gu's shoulder tightly: "it's OK, it's OK!"

Gu Qingzhou is almost numb. There is no expression on her face. After the strong fear, she is only indifferent.

She wanted to pretend to be afraid or guilty, but she was physically stiff, and the lines on her face were out of her control, making her unable to pose.

She looked at all this in front of her eyes.

"What to do?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

She asked Huo Yue.

She wants to come to Huo to discuss with them.

Gu Qingzhou's trusted friends are Yan Luoshui and Huo Fengjing.

Yan Luoshui has not seen the dead, she will be afraid. Gu Qingzhou remembers that in the theater, Yan Luoshui said that Huo Fengjing would kill people.

Can help her, only Huo Shujing.

However, when Huo Yue came, Gu Qingzhou seemed to find a way to rely on her. She knew Huo Yue's ability.

"Go downstairs first!" Huo Yue said to the two of them, "ah Jing, take the boat back to our house. I'll take care of it. "

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Huo Yue said: "light boat, you believe me, you will only get in the way here. Let's go first."

Huo Shuo nodded: "go, boat."

However, Gu Qingzhou stood firm and asked, "Mr. Huo, will you be in trouble? You have helped me many times. This time I owe you the favor. I will pay it back later. "

Huo Yue suddenly smiled and said, "OK, I'll write it down. Let's go."

Gu Qingzhou nodded and took a pair of shoes from the corner. They both went downstairs quietly.

Sitting in the car, Gu Qingzhou's hand couldn't hold, and her whole body was coagulated.

When he arrived at Huo mansion, Gu Qingzhou sat on the sofa in Huo's quiet room, dazed.

Huo told the servant, "go and cook some sweet soup."

Gu Qingzhou asked Huo Lanjing, "do you have any smoke?"

Huo doesn't have it. She asked someone to pick it up in her brother's yard.

The servant brought a box of cigars and a box of matches.

Gu Qingzhou has seen Si Xingfu smoke for many times. She is very skilled at cutting out her cigar and lighting the match. The smoke immediately curls up in front of her eyes.

A smoke inhaled, she would not, choked, Gu Qingzhou kept coughing.

Huo Xunjing taught her: "slow down, inhale a little in the lung, and then send it out. Don't worry." She could not help but order one herself.

The servant took the sweet soup and put it on the tea table. It was cold unconsciously.

Outside the curtains the sun shone in.

It's already dawn.

Huo was a little sleepy and dozed off.

When Huo Yue came back, he saw Gu light boat smoking by window lattice.

Her black hair is scattered, like a section of the best brocade, draped on her shoulders, the light of the sun shines. She warms herself against the sun, and the cigar is hidden in her bright red lips, surrounded by blue smoke and penetrated by the sun, like a thin veil.

At the sound of footsteps, Gu Qingzhou turned his head. His eyes were quiet, and his eyebrows and eyes were like a delicate and beautiful goblin.

The way she smokes is a bit dusty. Huo Yue thinks she is gorgeous. Gorgeous but not vulgar, enchanting to the extreme, can give birth to a lush illusion.

The heartbeat of Huo Yue missed a beat.

"Lord Huo." She put the cigar in the ashtray like a trance.

The white porcelain ashtray on the table was already full of cigarette butts. They both smoked a whole pack of cigars.

The stimulation of cigars made Gu Qingzhou shiver all over. Instead, she felt a little energetic.

"How is it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Huo Yue sent two nimble assassins to move Ni Laojiu from the third floor of Gu Qingzhou to the guest room on the first floor.

The walls of Gu's room were all changed with new powder and sheets.

The assassin brought plasma. Ni's guest room was made into the scene of the first crime.

"Your father won't call the police, and no one thought you'd leave." Huo Yue said, "do you dare to sleep in that room?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

Long hair swaying, a little sad, Huo Yue very want to hug her.

This idea grows like grass in my heart, but it is pressed down again. It is like the waves rolling. It bumps against the sea bank and makes Huo Yue's heart ache.

This pain, let him breathe slightly.

"Don't smoke!" Huo Yue took away the rest of the cigar.

Gu Qingzhou and Huo Shujing go to school.

The strength of the cigar is very strong. After taking care of the boat, his hand has been shaking, unable to hold the pen.

In the middle of the class, the supervisor said to Gu, "light boat, your father is here, and he says there is something to take you home."

Gu Qingzhou is guilty of being a thief. He has no blood on his face. He is pale.

Out of the school gate, she found that Gu Guizhang's face was whiter than hers.

Ni Laojiu died in the Gu mansion. The death was tragic. If Gu Guizhang went to the police, the Gu family would fall into the storm again.

According to Gu Guizhang's character, this matter must be suppressed and never divulged.

He can't handle it by himself. He needs to take care of the connections of the boat. In this respect, Gu Qingzhou is much better than Gu Guizhang.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Gu Qingzhou pretends to be at a loss.

Gu Guizhang said, "get in first."

When he arrived at Gu mansion, Gu Guizhang told Gu Qingzhou about Ni Laojiu's tragic death.

Gu Qingzhou clenches her lips tightly. Her full lips are stamped.

"... light boat, your sister is still in prison. If there's any more trouble at home, we won't be able to turn over! Canoe, think of a way! " Gu Guizhang said in a hurry.

Last night, Ni Laojiu went back and said that he was hurt by someone, but in fact, he hurt himself.

He wanted to take care of the light boat so much that he used to stay at night and occupy the mansion.

I can't imagine that he can't steal chicken and eat rice. Now he's dead, but he has a ready-made excuse.

Gu Guizhang did not doubt, subconsciously felt that it was the man who cut Ni Laojiu yesterday, and sought revenge in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, those people let go of the rest of the Gu mansion.

Gu almost cried. At this time, she could vent her fear: "what can I do?"

"Go to general staff Yan. He can help us find a way." Gu Guizhang said.

Gu Qingzhou was unable to fall on the chair.

She buried her head in her lap, her shoulders flailing, as if frightened.

"Boat, you don't want to think about your family, but also for yourself. But the governor said that he would let you marry the commander at the end of this year. The reputation of your mother's family has been ruined by the repeated accidents at that time. " Gu Guizhang almost begged her.

Gu Qingzhou let out her inner feelings without any fear. She was also afraid.

After a while, she felt a little calm, and finally raised her eyes to Gu Guizhang and said, "Abba, we can't go to find the adoptive father."

Gu Guizhang frowned.

"The adoptive father is a very decent man. If he persuades us to turn ourselves in and let the people in the police station check it, what shall we do then?" Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Guizhang was stunned.

"What shall I do?" Gu Guizhang was anxious.

Instead, Gu Qingzhou became calmer. "I want to ask Mr. Huo for help," she said

Gu Guizhang's eyes brightened.

Huoyue, the leader of Qingbang!

"Well, there's nothing better for him." Gu Guizhang immediately agreed, "Lord Huo's way is wild. You can deal with him unconsciously."

"Well." Gu Qingzhou road.

This matter is again fair and just handed over to Huo Yue. Huo Yue naturally deserves it.

However, Gu Guizhang left a handle in the hands of Gu Qingzhou.

No matter who killed Ni Laojiu, it was Gu Guizhang's responsibility. If he chooses to hide it, he will fall down. Gu Qingzhou can even say that Gu Guizhang killed Ni Laojiu.

Huo Yue cleans people up.

"Abba, that car..." Gu Qingzhou pointed to Ni Laojiu's own car and said, "it should be taken away."

Gu Guizhang thought so.

Gu Qingzhou finished these things and went to the third floor.

She stood at the door of the room, hesitated for a long time, and went in.

That night, she didn't dare to go to bed any more. Instead, she turned on the light and slept on the sofa.

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