Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 288 husband and wife

Ni Laojiu died in the Gu mansion. Only Gu Guizhang and a servant who went to wake Ni Laojiu up knew it.

He blocked the news and didn't tell anyone in his family except to take care of the boat.

"What's the matter with the master recently?" The aunts were just speculating, but they never expected such a big thing to happen at home.

When Huo Yue sends someone to take away Ni's body, Gu Guizhang gives the servant a seal fee, asking her to go back to her hometown quickly, and not to come to Yuecheng again.

Gu Qingzhou slept in the sofa for two nights. He was very uncomfortable and had nightmares.

It's very courageous of her to be able to sleep in this room.

"Abba, when someone from Ni's family asked, he said that Ni Laojiu got up early and drove away." Gu Qingzhou said, "no one in Ni's family can find his body or car. Don't be shy."

Gu Guizhang nodded.

Gu Guizhang was also terrified.

Gu Qingzhou added: "at this moment, don't mention anything else. You even need to urge the Ni family to get engaged. In the absence of Ni Laojiu, the Ni family will not rashly agree to the marriage. If you urge them, they will not doubt you. "

Gu Guizhang nodded again.

You really need to take it for granted!

It's really a big deal. Gu Guizhang has no idea at all. He depends on Gu Qingzhou to give him advice.

Here, Gu Qingzhou persuades Gu Guizhang to urge Ni's family to get engaged. There, Gu Qingzhou sends another person to Taicang to spread rumors that Gu Guizhang played with a singing girl, which made Miss Ni Qi angry to death.

The Ni family didn't know about Ni Laojiu's accident. They thought he didn't know where to play.

As for Gu Guizhang's urging, they offended the Ni family, who didn't want to marry their daughter to Gu Guizhang.

On the night of his return, Gu Qingzhou was staring at the ceiling with big, solitary eyes.

The empty ceiling can't see any pattern. The mind of taking care of the light boat has already gone out of the sky.

She lit her cigar in the room.

This is for Huo Yue.

Huo Yue doesn't allow Gu to smoke any more, but Gu is afraid. Only the smell of cigars can make her stable.

He climbed up as usual.

He first smelt the smell of cigars, and then he saw that half of them were burning by Gu Qingzhou's desk.

He was a little confused.

Gu Qingzhou is nestled in the sofa. Si Xingfu is a little funny: "what kind of fancy is this?"

Huo Yue does business without leaking any water. Even the Secretary Xingfu doesn't know. Gu Qingzhou slaughtered a student in this room the other day.

And she still lives here.

She's a little numb.

Hearing his voice, Gu jumped up and hugged his neck.

The warmth of his body, the clearness of his cigar, mixed with his own breath, is the warmest taste in the world, which makes Gu Qingzhou enjoy himself. Psza

her soft body, all pasted on him, is like a burning fire and cooking oil for Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu was sure that she lit her cigar because he had such a taste.

The heart is warm, Si xingxu wants to kiss her.

"What's the matter?" Si Xingfu is patient and gently touches her thin and soft back, only touching her cool hair.

Her hair is soft and thick, cool, smooth and smooth. It seems that it can cover her whole body.

Her face concealed in her black hair, especially her eyes, was extraordinarily beautiful and charming. It was rare for her to see the charm of spirituality, like a goblin.

"Nothing." She murmured, her voice empty and hollow. "You're back."

She snuggled up to him like a bird to a man.

Never before!

Does she know lovesickness?

Si Xingfu's heart is satisfied. She kisses her face and wants to fall into bed.

"No, no bed!" She exclaimed in a flash.

It's so loud that it almost wakes up the next door.

Gu Qingzhou was used to being cautious. For the first time, she was so out of shape, and his eyes narrowed.

At this time, she was sure that something happened to her.

He took her to the sofa, sat beside her, and asked, "what's the matter?"

Gu Qingzhou lowered his eyebrows and eyes.

Her long, thick lashes fell down, covering her eyes.

Si Xingfu picked up her chin and said with forbearance, "say!"

Gu Qingzhou's lips are slightly white.

She started.

When Ni Laojiu came to Gu '.

He came for her.

From that moment, Gu Qingzhou firmly believed that he would chop him!

If she doesn't kill him, he will kill his daughter first, and then pretend to leave the Gu mansion as if nothing happened, and then blame others.

Ni Laojiu was chased and hid in the Gu mansion. Someone came to seek revenge, but inadvertently humiliated Gu Qingzhou. It makes sense.

Gu Qingzhou is Sima's fiancee. Can Ni Laojiu be so stupid that he can finish her and leave evidence? He went upstairs with a knife.

The murderous intention and desire at the bottom of his eyes were as strong and firm as they were. He did not intend to give the light boat life to Gu.

After a long time with the Secretary, Gu Qingzhou will never get lucky again.

". he died in this bed." Gu Qingzhou said, "all of a sudden, the blood splashed on the whole bed and my own face and body. It was a little hot and fishy, like the smell of rust."

the more she said, the more eerie and gloomy the voice.

Si xingxu hugged her hard.

"Well, I don't know what the taste of blood is." "Don't tell me," said the secretary

He kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

Gu Qingzhou's face rested on his thigh and lay down with his body folded. The material of military uniform is a little hard, and his clothes are dirty, but it's all his taste.

His taste is the best rosemary. Gu Qingzhou slowly closed his eyes under the urge of the incense.

She slept soundly and peacefully.

For several days, she didn't close her eyes very much. There was a deep deposit under her eyes, and finally she was able to be practical.

Si Xingfu gently stroked her cheek.

He couldn't help but raise his lips.

This woman, completely branded with his brand, is like the child he raised. She has his appearance on her body, which makes his heart sweet and full of sense of achievement!

The so-called "husband and wife phase" is just like this, isn't it?

Si Xingfu can imagine how calm and steady she was that night when she took care of the light boat. She had no innocent kindness, no fear of incompetence.

She solved her trouble steadily.

Si Xingfu was a little distressed. He was not in the city when she had an accident.

If he was there, she would not be afraid. She would call him in an orderly way.

"Thanks to Huo Yue for helping the boat once." The Secretary thinks.

Another week later, when Gu Qingzhou came home from school, the second aunt and her wife gathered together in the living room to play cards, laughing and laughing. Chen Sao, the servant, gathered together at the table. Another servant, holding Gu Wei and Lian Er, sat beside them to play.

Lian'er loves Gu Xun very much. The two kids are very happy.

"How happy are you today?" Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

I haven't seen the card table for a long time.

"Second aunt too smile way:" idle be flustered, play card to kill time

Gu Qingzhou sat down and asked if there was anything happy.

Second aunt is too reluctant to say, third aunt told her: "Miss Qingzhou, do you know something happened to taicangni's family?"

Gu Qingzhou frets in his heart.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Ni's family has opened a smoke shop and a gambling house. He offended people. His family nine ran to Nanyang to take refuge. On the surface, they are good people, but behind them they do such dirty things, which have been spread in Taicang. As soon as the Master heard of such things, he immediately cut off contact with Taicang. " The third aunt said with a smile.

The foundation of Ni's family was finally turned out.

It was turned by the secretary.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are slightly curved, like two crescent moons: "I thought the Ni family was a decent person."

Fourth aunt too chuckles.

For the time being, there will be no new wives. The haze on the faces of the aunts will be gone, and they will enjoy life again.

Apart from Gu Qingzhou and Gu Guizhang, no one knows that Ni Laojiu died in this house, otherwise they can't rest assured.

When Gu Guizhang wanted to throw out the bed of the guest room and repaint the wall, Gu Qingzhou took the opportunity to propose: "I want to change the room. I don't have good lighting here."

Now Gu family, what Gu Qingzhou said is what.

Gu Guizhang agreed to let her change sides, from north to south, because she was afraid that her room was just above the guest room.

Gu Xiang's room is hers.

The servant moved all the things that Gu Xiang had to the old house of Gu Qingzhou, and all the things that Gu Qingzhou had to do, except for several important things, were left in the old house, including the sofa.

Her new room, a whole new set of furniture.

Gu Qingzhou thought, "I'll sell this house when my family's business is settled. It's unlucky that the old lady and Ni Laojiu died here. "

She was plotting.

Gu's wishful thinking soon met with resistance.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival and after the school holiday, Gu Qingzhou, Yan Luoshui and Huo Fengjing went to see a movie and went home at 9 p.m.

Once in the yard, I found it was different.

On the road outside the yard, there are four or five luxury cars.

And the lights are on at home.

When Gu Qingzhou entered the room, he saw a woman in a red Qipao with Begonia, sitting in a sofa with elegant posture. She was wearing diamond earrings and necklaces. When the crystal chandelier shone on her, she was full of bright and noble light.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

The man stood up and said with a smile, "sister Qingzhou, you don't know me?"

It's Gu Wei.

Covey is back.

She is now fashionable and mature, from eyes to posture, no more young girls.

Her smile was sweet and warm, as if no mustard was looking after the boat.

Gu chuckled: "Vivian, are you back?" It seems that Gu Wei just went out to play. Gu Qingzhou said to her in a very plain tone.

Gu Wei's smile was stiff for a moment.

Soon, her rigidity disappeared, and Rouwan said, "yes, sister Qingzhou, you seem to know that I want to come back? You are not at all surprised. "

"This is your home, silly sister. You are sure to come back." Take care of the light boat.

In addition to Gu Wei, there was another woman sitting in the sofa. She was about 40 years old, a little fat, but her eyes were kind and gentle. She was wearing a dark blue cheongsam, and her hair was curly and hot.

Gu Guizhang sat with him, Gu Qingzhou exchanged greetings and went upstairs.

Gu Wei didn't stop at Gu mansion that night.

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