Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 292 young commander kills like a horse

Gu Qingzhou is calm.

In front of goovey, she didn't show any half color, as if she had no interest in the woman.

In fact, she was afraid of the storm. She's not afraid of Gu Wei's calculation, but she's afraid of finding out the identity of the baby girl is not right.

All the things related to her nurse made her alert.

"... help me find her and start from goovey!" Gu Qingzhou said, "interrogate her."

Si Xingfu is on the phone, and his voice is gentle: "go to school well. I'll take care of this. You come after school."

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

When he was about to hang up, he shouted "light boat".


"Did Gu Wei bully you?" The voice of Si Xingfu was very deep.

Gu chuckled and said, "no, she was scared to death by me."

At the other end of the phone, there was a deep laugh from Si Xingfu, very warm: "good boy!"

Hang up and go to school.

In front of her eyes, there will still be pictures of the woman's face, which she remembers very clearly.

She felt familiar at the time, but she couldn't remember.

Now think about it. Isn't that woman similar to her own suckling mother?

She was absent-minded all morning.

Who is that woman?

"Graduation exam is coming soon. How about dessert?" Yan Luoshui gently poked her forehead, "I'm so angry that you both have Miss Zhu to protect you. I'm not worried about graduation, so I'm exhausted to study."

She said Gu Qingzhou and Huo Shujing.

Gu Qingzhou chuckles.

In the afternoon, there are vocal lessons and Bible lessons.

Halfway through the Bible class, she took care of the boat and ran away. She couldn't wait.

When she went to the other hall of Si Xingfu, the adjutant told her that the group seat had not come back.

"Have you got anyone?" Gu Qingzhou asked the adjutant.

"I caught a woman in the morning. She was found in the five countries hotel. She stole something." The adjutant told Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou breathed a little sigh of relief.

The adjutant called the junta.

Si Xingfu has to deal with some military documents in the city these days.

On the phone, he drove back.

Behind him was a van with the woman on it.

That woman is very thin and thin. Gu Qingzhou knows her and met her twice at the gate of Gu mansion.

She changed into a clean prison clothes, but she could see the bright red trace from her neck.

She was tortured.

"Say it." He asked Gu Qingzhou to sit on the sofa and said to the woman, "say again what you said in prison."

The woman's voice was trembling. I didn't know whether she was afraid or was beaten too hard and weak.

"My name is Li Hong. I worked with my sister at sun's when I was a child. I was driven out to steal." "Later, my sister became the mistress of the granddaughter's child," she said

Gu Qingzhou looks at her confused and judges the truth of her words.

The woman was terrified. Her eyes rolled rapidly when she spoke. She could not be trusted, but she had no position to doubt.

Take care of the boat.

"When I went to the mansion, I knew that Miss Sun's children had come back. I thought my sister had come back too. I wanted to take advantage of it." The woman continued.

Her voice was shaky, her eyes cringe.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her with a calm expression, but there was a ripple in his heart: "why do you want to run when you see me?"

"You don't know me. I'm afraid you think I'm a thief. Send someone to beat me." Woman way.

Since I was a child, I have been used to stealing. It's a habitual reaction to see Gu Qingzhou, be afraid of being mistaken as a thief, be afraid of being caught and beaten by the master's family, and avoid.

Gu Qingzhou didn't see a clue in her face.

"My mistress said you!" Gu Qingzhou suddenly said, "I remember. She mentioned you. She said you were married."

"She said nonsense. I haven't seen her since I was 17 years old. She doesn't know if I'm married." The woman said weakly.

I frown at the light boat.

To be honest, this woman's answer was so water tight that she did not take care of the boat's temptations.

Her mistress, indeed, never mentioned this man.

She either knew that the nurse who took care of the boat would never mention her, or that she was the sister of the nurse with the right identity.

Should we believe it or not?

Gu Qingzhou gazes.

Si Xingfu is silent all the time, quietly looking after the light boat.

"Well, I'll let you go. You can't stay in Yuecheng." After Gu Qingzhou asked, he finally said to the woman.

Someone will write about her.

Just like Gu Wei, she will frame this woman as the mistress of Gu Qingzhou, thus doubting Gu Qingzhou's identity.

This makes it impossible for Gu Qingzhou to prove himself. Even Gu Guizhang can't prove anything.

Gu Qingzhou is not like her mother or Gu Guizhang.

She doesn't think her identity is suspicious, but she can't be manipulated.

"Miss, please give me more money and let me go anywhere." The woman immediately kneels down for Gu.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the eye secretary.

Si Xingfu gently grabbed her shoulder and said, "give it to me."

"Give her more money so she won't steal." Gu Qingzhou said, "don't send it too far. Next year, I'll pick up the nurse and ask her what she means. After all, it's her sister."

The Secretary nodded.

Gu Qingzhou has 70% of his faith in this matter, but he still has three points of doubt.

The secretary sent the woman out again.

In the broad carriage of an off-road vehicle, the lights are dazzling.

The woman knelt and kowtowed to the Secretary: "Sir, please forgive me!"

She did not know the identity of Si Xingfu, only that he was an officer.

Si Xingfu ponders, waves and inserts a dagger into her neck.

Blood splashed all over the wall, and Si Xingfu avoided.

The woman died with her eyes closed. She couldn't believe watching Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu has been pondering for a long time.

"Group seat." When the car arrived, the adjutant dealt with the body, but Si Xingfu was still in a daze.

"Don't leave any traces on the body. Clean it up." The secretary gave orders to the adjutant.

The deputy said yes.

The adjutant went to deal with it. Si Xingfu relied on the door to smoke.

The smoke curled up. He thought of the woman's words, and his heart was silent.

One cigar after another, until the adjutant came back, Si Xingfu was still in a daze.

He needs to make a decision - a decision to protect the boat.

After returning to the city, Si Xingfu didn't go back to other places. He went to another place and called his own staff.

This is a group of elite assassins, who are cultivated by the company itself. They are a sharp weapon.

"Find them for me in half a month!" "Miss Gu has lived in that village. There can be no trace. Find her nurse and her master. "

"If there is resistance, is it preservation or..." the subordinate asked.

"If the resistance is fierce, keep a living!" Si Xingfu road.

Without any trace, he ordered to be in good order, and then Si Xingfu went back to another library.

"I have sent her to Hong Kong for the time being. There are my people there who will hide her." "Si Xingfu told Gu Qingzhou," Si Jia and Gu Wei will never find her. "

Gu Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, like vigilance, she pulled up the sleeve of Si Xingfu and said, "you killed someone?"

There is a drop of blood on the sleeve of Si Xingfu, which has dried up.

It's still seen by the light boat.

"Well, I caught a man today and interrogated him for half a day in prison." "Without some blood, those people would not be honest," he said with a smile

He didn't panic at all. He said it plainly.

Gu Qingzhou hugged his waist.

Si Xingfu gently stroked her hair and felt that she was like a gentle little beast. He liked that she was soft and depended on him.

So good to take care of the boat!

It's already nine o'clock. Gu Qingzhou still wants to look back at the mansion. At this moment, she can't ask Gu Wei to catch the handle.

"Don't go back. Live here." The Secretary refused to let go.

Gu Qingzhou laughs: "no, Gu Wei is looking for my handle."

He wanted to kill Gu Wei.

When Gu Qingzhou returned to the Gu mansion, the second aunt had moved to Gu Guizhang's room and let her own room out to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is at ease.

She was thinking about the drop of blood on the sleeve.

"Will he kill Li Hong?" Gu Qingzhou thought, "if he does it, it shows that Li Hong's words are all false, which is what Si Xingfu taught her to say. Is it possible that Li Hongcai is the mistress of sun qiluo's daughter, while Li Ma and I are both pretending? "

Is it a huge scam to live for 16 years?

Gu Qingzhou feels sweaty.

It's impossible!

If so, she might go mad!

"No one will spend more than ten years to cultivate a child and fight for the little property left by the sun family!" Think of the light boat.

She should not deny herself because of a little thing.

"No, Li Ma is the one who loves me the most in the world. She will never cheat me!" Think of the light boat.

If there is only one person in the world to trust, it's mama Li.

She can never doubt her.

"In fact, when I was six years old, I came to Yuecheng." Gu thought vaguely, "why did you come then?"

She hit herself in the head with horror.

Who is she doubting?

Is Li Ma suspected of cheating her, or is Si Xingfu suspected of cheating her? One is to nurture her benefactor, the other is the man she loves. They all love her the most. Why doesn't she believe them?

Gu Qingzhou leaves these confused thoughts behind and goes to sleep.

A few days later, Gu got the news that Gu Xiang was going to be engaged to Wei Qing, the second son of mayor Wei.

When Gu Qingzhou heard this letter, he only felt absurd.

"Politics is a real absurdity. Its power will change people completely." Think of the light boat.

Isn't the marriage between the Wei family and Gu Xiang just to make up for Vice Minister Shang?

What is the status of vice minister Shang? Si Xingfu said to Gu Qingzhou that the political department is equivalent to the former official department, and all the promotion and transfer of civil servants must go through the official department.

But Shang vice minister is equal to the official minister.

Can't this be nice?

If mayor Wei wants to go further, he has to go through the political department. Even if he does not flatter vice minister Shang, he will never dare to offend him.

Vice Minister Shang's favorite aunt asked mayor Wei's son to marry her sister. Would mayor Wei dare not?

This is the most passive one.

Perhaps, the one who proposed to get married was mayor Wei himself Gu chuckled. "She's been in prison for months, and she just remembers

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