Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 293 the poison plan of Gu Qingzhou

Gu Qingzhou is still studying for the graduation examination. She lives in the second aunt's room recently. She is in a good mood, at least not afraid.

Gu Wei comes to the Gu Mansion by chance, with Gu Xiang and Gu Ying with high toes and high Qi.

Every time, Gu Xiang has to find something.

"Sister, I heard that you are going to be engaged to the second son of the Wei family?" Gu Qingzhou and Gu Xiang said, "you'd better pray. Vice minister Shang will always be in power!"

Gu Xiang's face suddenly changed.

She designed to kidnap Prince Wei Er, but now she wants to marry him. Once vice minister Shang loses power, the Wei family will definitely retaliate against her, and she will not live as if she were dead!

Gu Xiang didn't have no idea about this result.

Gu Xiang's face was livid: "do you curse vice minister Shang?"

"No, I wish him the best of luck forever, but elder sister, why do you say the curse?" Gu chuckled.

On the grindstone skin, Gu Xiang can't win Gu Qingzhou.

Goovey winked at her sister and told her to stop.

And Gu Ying is a cheap bone. When no one depends on him, he is pitiful and powerful.

"Sister Qingzhou, your mistress is gone." Gu Wei's voice is mysterious and strange. He whispers to Gu Qingzhou, "it seems that you have a ghost in your heart, so you can get her away?"

"What are you talking about?" Gu Qingzhou was at a loss. "My nanny is in the country. She's doing well."

Gu Wei is laughing.

This man can really pretend!

No wonder their mother and daughter are all planted in her hands!

The means of Gu Qingzhou is also very powerful and vigorous. Gu Wei just went shopping. When he came back, the woman was taken away by the police.

When Gu Wei sent someone to look for them, the people in the police station denied that they had taken them.

"We didn't go to the five countries hotel to catch people, auntie. If it is true, please send someone to identify who did it." So said the chief of the police department.

Gu Wei's people recognize people one by one: No, they only pretend to be the police station when they go to the five countries hotel to catch people.

At this time, Gu Wei knew that he had suffered a great loss.

Yuecheng is not the sphere of influence of vice minister Shang. Gu Wei can't help it. She knows that she did it in a light boat, but she has no evidence now.

For the time being, Gu Wei has to admit his mistakes.

She won't let go of the boat.

Gu Wei not only arranged a wedding banquet for Gu Xiang, but also introduced her friends from Nanjing to Gu Guizhang.

"This is lady Shangguan." Gu Weidao.

Shangguan lady, the lady Gu Qingzhou met on the first day, looks in her forties, chubby and charitable.

"Shangguan is divorced. Her ex husband is in Wuhan. Now she has two textile factories of her own."

Gu Guizhang's eyes lit up.

This Shangguan lady, at first sight, knows that she is weak and tolerant, rich and generous.

When Gu Guizhang married her, he married a gold mine. What aunt will not get it then?

Gu Qingzhou looks on with cold eyes and does not move.

On Friday, Gu Wei went to visit the old lady of the company.

In the evening, Gu came home, and the old lady called Gu.

"Come here." The old lady is on the phone, her voice is a little unsteady.

Gu Qingzhou didn't know what to do. He went to the office all night.

"Your sister came this afternoon. She said that from last year to this year, you didn't live at home half the time, but outside. Are you telling your father that you are with me in the office

Gu Qingzhou was shocked.

Her expression was as usual, her face muscles did not move, and she said, "is that what Vivian said?"

"Why, isn't that right?" The old lady is confused.

Before Gu came, the old lady was very angry.

It's very serious that the girl doesn't go home at night, and she also takes advantage of the old lady.

The two crimes were punished at the same time. The old lady wished she could take Gu Qingzhou for a fight and ask about the situation.

Now it seems that the indifferent appearance of Gu Qingzhou is not so.

"... vivi's mother, my stepmother, confessed to killing my biological mother and ended up hanging herself in prison.

I am Young Marshal's fiancee. Wei Wei suspects that I have the influence of the military government and kills her mother in prison. She came back this time to pick things up. So I'm not surprised that she said that to you. " Gu Qingzhou road.

When the old lady thought about it, it was true.

Gu Wei, as a daughter, couldn't believe it. Another Qin Zheng admitted to killing Gu Qingzhou's biological mother. It was reasonable to suspect that Gu Qingzhou did it.

In this way, the two men have formed a feud.

If Gu Wei framed Gu Qingzhou, it would be natural.

Yuecheng is the world of the Secretary's family. If Gu Qingzhou did not behave properly with a man, and it was one and a half years ago, the Secretary's family had already found out the clues.

Unless she's hooked up with the governor's eldest son, Si Xingqi.

In the whole Yuecheng, only Si Xingfu has the ability to cover any trace.

However, Gu Qingzhou did not know Si Xingfu!

Si Xingfu is arrogant. Where can he see Gu Qingzhou?

"Well, I'm really confused." The old lady tightly grasped Gu's hand. "I'm old now, and I can't keep anything in my mind. If once upon a time, how can I listen to that little girl's ghost! It's not a good thing that the girl stole the test paper at school and became an aunt after running away from home! "

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "you are more compassionate and kind-hearted. You are not willing to think about the harm of people."

The old lady nodded.

When he came back from the company mansion, Gu Qingzhou sat in the car with his arms in his arms and a layer of cold sweat behind him.

It's always embarrassing to talk with the secretary.

She did it disgracefully. Although she was forced to do it by Si Xingfu at first, she is now trapped.

She should be scolded by the manager.

Just Gu Wei, really can't stay.

Gu Wei didn't kill Gu Qingzhou. She planned to destroy Gu's marriage first, and then draw Gu Guizhang to destroy Gu's position at home.

From then on, Gu Qingzhou fell into Gu Wei's hands. He could not survive without dying.

"Will Gu Wei take Gu Guizhang to the office tomorrow, or other aunts?" Gu thought, "which aunt will betray me first?"


Gu Qingzhou can't wait. She's ready to go!

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Qingzhou went to school. In fact, he went to the other hall of Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu came back late yesterday and was still sleeping.

Gu Qingzhou lies beside his bed, and he presses her down.

He kissed her as hard as he could, and then he pushed the boat away: "yesterday the old lady came to me."

She told him what Gu Wei said.

Si Xingfu wakes up immediately.

"Is the old lady embarrassing you?" Si Xingfu was very distressed and asked her.

"No, I faltered." Gu Qingzhou said, "but Gu Wei won't give up. She will take Gu mansion to see the old lady alone, and my words will not be broken."

The Secretary frowned.

"Vice Minister Shang was ordered to go to Yuecheng this time to find fault with the superintendent, wasn't he?" Gu Qingzhou road.

The Secretary nodded.

"Why don't you give him some color?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"He has a deep background in Nanjing, and the supervisor is now preparing to set up a navy, which also needs the approval of Nanjing. It's not good for Yuecheng. " Si Xingfu road.

The Secretary immediately told Gu Qingzhou the military secrets.

It turned out that Hu Tongxian promised to send ten senior admirals to the superintendent.

The superintendent prepared a naval warship in the city, which was his dream for many years.

Like Wuhan, Nanjing is afraid of Yuecheng, which is independent of the southern government, so it is very wary of Yuecheng. There are many difficulties in building a navy.

"You can mix it behind your back." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Once he had an accident, Nanjing knew it was Yuecheng. The result was the same. Do you think we are stupid?"

After that, Si Xingkai said, "ShangTao is a man of cunning and cunning. There are many politicians who died in his hands. He has also climbed up one by one. He is very vigilant."

"How about I do it?" Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu gently put his arm around her shoulder: "I don't believe you, but ShangTao is an old fox. I'm not sure I can take him. I'm afraid you'll lose."

"I'll try." Gu Qingzhou said, "can you get a woman who has no identity background and has to die?"

"I have a Japanese spy. She is from Northeast China. She speaks fluent Chinese. Later, she joined Japan." "They are single track spies. I killed her online. Other spies don't even know her existence. She's silent."

"I want this man!" Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu kissed her on the cheek.

"Si Xingfu, I'm making a big deal. Nanjing can't clean up the situation!" Gu Qingzhou said, "I need to ask Mr. Huo for help. I've had a lot of contact with Mr. Huo recently. Don't you get angry? "

In this respect, Si Xingfu is really not angry.

He is very clear about the character of huoyue.

Huo Yue never dared to move a woman who was a professional. As a man, Huo Yue knows what line can't be stepped on.

"Think about who you are. Don't try to wink." Si Xingfu road.

Soon, he sent the Japanese trained Chinese female spy to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou cleaned it up and arranged it in another house of Si Xingfu, which was heavily guarded.

She combed and made up the woman and then took many pictures.

Taking these photos, Gu Qingzhou takes out two large yellow croakers from his safe and goes to see Huo Yue.

She gave the photo to Huo Yue and asked Huo Yue to help the woman make up an identity.

"Don't worry, we can do it today. No one can find out her clue again."

When everything was ready, Gu went to see the spy and asked her, "what's your name?"

"Yamamoto Ying." The woman said proudly.

"You are clearly Chinese." Gu chuckled, "how to be a Japanese running dog? Is it high-end to take a Japanese name? "

The woman wants to explain. Gu Qingzhou interrupts her. She doesn't want to know.

Gu Qingzhou tied explosives to her waist and said, "I will call you Ah Ying later. Ah Ying, I'm going to visit my sister. Come with me. "

"You're going to blow her up?" A Ying is cold and indifferent. She is indifferent to life and death. In her words, she is especially vicious to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu couldn't help laughing: "blow her up? Can I run myself? Don't worry, I won't let you die today. "

A Ying is puzzled and looks at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and has no words.

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