Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 294 spilled tea

Gu arranged everything.

She needed an excuse to see goovey, so she went home. When he returned to the Gu mansion, Gu Guizhang was full of anger.

He is very angry with Gu Qingzhou. It must be Gu Wei who instigated something.

Don't think about it. It's about taking care of the boat's night.

Gu Qingzhou had thought that this would break out, but he didn't think it was today.

"Who are you fooling around with these days?" Gu Guizhang was furious.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly stood up straight.

Her eyes color like frost light cover, cold light fell on Gu Guizhang: "Abba, these days, I have not been living at home?"

Gu Guizhang was slightly shocked.

He knew that Gu Qingzhou wanted him to help round the lie.

But Gu Wei said that even the Department of supervision and administration should go through the Political Department of Nanjing. Without the support of the vice minister, Gu Guizhang would never want to be promoted in his whole life!

At this time, take the opportunity to move to Nanjing, and marry a rich woman, the future is limitless!

What is the chance to stay in Yuecheng?

Can Gu Qingzhou help her family?

How much autonomy will she have when she is married to the governor's office?

Gu Guizhang's mind is slightly confused. He doesn't know who to choose between his two daughters!

Later, he thought of Gu Wei's words: Gu Qingzhou has not married Sima. In case she really wanders outside, Sima will find out sooner or later. If she doesn't marry her or if she does marry, she won't give up. Isn't Gu Guizhang fighting for water from the back?

So, it's more reliable to stand on Gu Wei's side.

"Bastard, you lie to your face!" Gu Guizhang was even more angry. "Go, tell me to the governor's office. I will not cover up your scandal! Who are you hanging out with this year? "

Gu Guizhang had already decided to give up the boat and choose Gu Wei.

Gu Wei wants to die in a light boat.

"Do you really want to be clear?" Gu Qingzhou's eyes are more frosty. "What happened to the Ni family in Taicang, do you understand?"

Gu Guizhang stepped back.

He almost forgot about it.

He also had a handle in the hand of Gu Qingzhou.

The body of Taicang Ni Laojiu was handled by huoyue. He must have left evidence.

"You!" Gu Guizhang's face suddenly changed.

"Abba, do you want to make it clear?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "or do you remember that I have never stayed outside?"

Gu Guizhang's face was white.

Gu told him to lie face to face.

However, Gu Guizhang was afraid of such a thing.

Ni Laojiu died in his home. He could not prove his innocence. If it comes out, he has added a stain on his body. No longer can Gu Wei be competent, he can't make Gu Guizhang's career further.

Gu Guizhang's wind direction immediately changed.

He pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "we are strict in the gate style. If you stay outside, can I accommodate you? You've never been around. "

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Her face was cold, her eyes dark, and her sudden smile was chilling.

In her indifferent eyes, there is a chilling cold.

"Abba, don't change. Speculators never have a future!" Gu Qingzhou said, "choose a road, you know it will not suffer."

Gu Guizhang fell into a chair.

He was reduced to being threatened by his daughter.

What about his paternity and dignity?

Gu Guizhang didn't know when to start, and the day when he said nothing at home was over. His daughters, use him as a chess player.

Maybe, this is the result of self eating, right? Isn't Gu Guizhang also treating them as stepping stones?

Gu Qingzhou went upstairs, changed into a set of exquisite and beautiful cheongsam, and walked slowly down again.

She was wearing the cheongsam with blue embroidery of Tianshui and a small flower of durian. The soft silk was close to her figure, which showed her graceful.

Middle sleeve cheongsam, showing a thin white arm, like flawless. Gu Qingzhou takes a string of pearl bracelets, which are full of pearls.

"Abba, I don't want to be unhappy with vivi. Once upon a time, if there was anything I should do, I should go to see vivi. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Guizhang returned to his mind and was very happy: "it's a wonderful thing that your sisters are harmonious and help each other."

"Then call her and say I'll be right there." Gu said.

Gu Guizhang nodded and called Gu Wei.

"What is she doing?" Gu Wei asked,

"she said she would apologize to you." Gu Guizhang said.

Gu Wei received a phone call. He was in a happy mood, with beautiful eyes.

Gu Qingzhou, the photo she sent to Gu Xiang, she finally came to beg for mercy!

Goovey won her the first time.

After that, without the handle in Gu's hand, Gu Wei can let go and toss her. She wants Gu to die more ugly.

Gu Wei immediately messed up his hair and cried in bed.

Vice Minister Shang just finished the meeting with Mayor Wei and other City Hall officials, thinking about his latest favorite aunt twelve, and came back to enjoy some fish and water.

I don't want to, but I saw this scene when I came in.

"Who made you angry?" ShangTao holds Gu Wei in pain.

Gough's eyes were swollen with tears.

"Is it not the light boat?" Gu Wei cried.

Gu Wei was trained by the Bai family to use her to hook up with ShangTao, but when she met, she reported to herself that she was not Bai Wei, but Gu Wei who was desperate.

Her frankness, her youth and beauty, her poverty of no place to rest, all of a sudden hit ShangTao.

ShangTao is 56 years old this year. He still keeps a tight figure of middle-aged people, but he hasn't got a new aunt for several years.

This time, Gu Wei was accepted as an exception and was given a place. Only because Gu Wei fell in his heart.

That's where Cuvee is smart.

She went the opposite way and was favored by ShangTao. ShangTao knew that it was Gu Qingzhou who forced Gu Wei to leave home.

Gu Qingzhou framed Gu Wei with the test paper, afraid that Gu Wei would take her place.

Whether true or not, Gu Qingzhou is Gu Wei's enemy, and ShangTao is full of hate for her.

"I'm talking about the truth. She just doesn't live at home. How could she be framed? My father called and said that Gu Qingzhou would come and confront me. " Cried Gu Wei.

ShangTao appeased Gu Wei, but at the same time he was angry: "what is she? Don't say she's not married yet. She's really the young grandmother of the Secretary's family. She's just the daughter-in-law of the small military government. Dare to confront my aunt? "

ShangTao was angry. Instead, Gu Wei comforted him and poured him a cup of tea.

When Gu Qingzhou and servant "a Ying" came in, Shang Tao was drinking tea.

ShangTao looks at the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou is still beautiful and exquisite, but it's not ShangTao's favorite type. In addition, Gu Wei vilifies her first. When ShangTao sees her, he is angry from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly he stood up and threw his hot tea in his hand at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

As soon as she came in, Shang Tao poured tea on her face before she spoke.

The tea is a little hot. Her skin hurts. Pywq

Ah Ying saw this scene and didn't move. She was still strapped with a bomb.

ShangTao angrily looked at the boat: "what are you? You Yue City Army government, little bandit yamen, dare to ride on my head! Come and call me Siyan! "

Si Yan is the name of Si supervisor.

Gu Qingzhou brushed the tea off his face.

Her wet bangs were all glued to her forehead.

"Don't be angry, vice minister Shang." Gu Qingzhou whispered, "I'm here to compensate my aunt."

"Master, forget it." Gu Wei also wants to see the photos and negatives in Gu's hands. Seeing that Gu is in a mess, she is very satisfied. She can't really scare Gu away.

Gu Wei pleads, and soft voice persuades Shang Tao to the next room.

Ah Ying, the female spy who followed, smiled: "you don't look like a dog. He can beat and scold you at will. Poor bitch, you have today!"

Gu Qingzhou did not move.

A Ying's fall didn't make her angry at all.

". he looks at you. Even if you lie naked beside him, he won't ask you. Are you a rotten woman Ah Ying continued.

"You want to make me lose my temper, and then fight with you. You take the opportunity to grab the switch of the explosive bag and run away by yourself?" Gu Qingzhou's eyes are smart and wise under the wet bangs. They are clear to Ah Ying.

A Ying was stunned and then endured anger.

A Ying's mind was suddenly torn down by Gu Qingzhou.

"Bitch!" A Ying scolds in a low voice, "useless thing, pig dog inferior!"

Anyway, she is going to die. Ah Ying is not afraid to take care of the boat and abuse her.

Take care of the boat.

When Gu Wei comes back, a Ying calms down her anger and stands by quietly.

Gu gave her the photos and the negatives.

"Here's the picture. You don't want to go to the office anymore." Gu Qingzhou murmured, without the sharp of just now, as if begging Gu Wei.

"You didn't save anything else?" he said

"No." Gu said.

"That's good." Gu Wei chuckled, "sister Qingzhou, you see, we can make up. How good is it to have sister harmony in the future? "

Gu Qingzhou seemed to be relieved and laughed.

After a few words, Gu Qingzhou left with her maid, a Ying.

When he left the five kingdoms Hotel, Gu Qingzhou said to Ah Ying, "I'm in a mess. I can't meet people like this. Go out first, and I'll be there right away."

A Ying is bound with explosives. She dare not escape.

She looks at Gu Qingzhou angrily. Seeing that Gu Qingzhou wants to turn back to Gu Wei's side, a Ying has to go out first.

Not far from the door, there are several adjutants standing under the eaves of the store, and Ah Ying dare not run.

She was tortured a lot in those days when she was in custody. She knew the end of her escape. Besides, she was still bound with explosives, which was even more unsuitable.

Just walked out, suddenly a reporter, took a few photos to a Ying.

A Ying is a bit confused.

When she was stunned, Gu came out.

A car approaches, Gu Qingzhou takes a Ying to the car.

Gu Wei got the picture, but he couldn't be at ease.

"Is it so easy for Gu to admit defeat?" Gu Wei thought.

She didn't dare to take it lightly, but at the same time, she couldn't think of the reason why she handed over the photos and negatives.

"No matter how smart and capable she is, she is incompetent in the face of power." Gu Wei thought of the hot tea on ShangTao's face, and he couldn't help laughing.

Have a good time!

Maybe, she really thinks too much.

Gu Qingzhou has no way to go. In front of the aunt of vice minister Shang, she has lost her dependence.

Even the superintendent was in awe of vice minister Shang. What's more, he took care of the light boat?

Crushing her is like crushing an ant.

Gu Wei was so elated that he didn't expect to have an accident the next morning.

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