Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 299: do not know good people

There is no doubt that Mrs. Si's mother and daughter don't like to take care of the boat.

When Wei Qingjia arrived, Mrs. Si chose to be patient, not to confront her son face-to-face, but to bring disaster to the East and pull Gu Qingzhou in to stop him.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend.

This is what Mrs. Si has done before. She will protect the face of taking care of the light boat in public.

And where's June branch?

Is June branch and her mother in one heart? Siqiongzhi, who has received western education, is a capable and thoughtful girl. What will she do to her brother's "old love and new love".

He hesitated in his heart, but Gu Qingzhou still prepared a gift and went to the governor's office to congratulate Si qiongzhi on his outstanding achievements.

It was a small dance, but Mrs. Si wished that all Yuecheng knew her daughter's homework was excellent, so she used the largest West Flower hall in the outer courtyard and invited many people.

The West Flower hall is large enough to rival the lobby of the five countries hotel.

The band of the white Russians is ready. The piano sounds like gauze curtain. The night sky is clear in midsummer. A full moon fills the earth with Qionghua.

All over the place, like a layer of silver frost.

Gu Qingzhou wore a sleeveless white dress, with her hair pulled up and bare feet in white leather shoes.

This pair of leather shoes was specially bought by her. She chose the most expensive one, which is still the foot polish.

"It's over. It's going to break tonight." Think of the light boat.

She went in painfully, thinking, "I'll try not to dance tonight."

The dome of Xihua hall is high, and the crystal lamps with complicated branches are shining with bright light. The floor is paved with unknown materials, reflecting the figure of people, and the little bits of crystal lights.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou entered the door, he saw siqiongzhi standing at the door.

"Congratulations, Joan." Gu Qingzhou smiled and hugged seqiongzhi.

He blinked happily.

Gu went in first and found a chair to sit down. Then he found that all the men and women in the room did not know each other.

On the long table beside, there are cheese bars and champagne.

Gu Qingzhou brought champagne, a light yellow liquid, rippling in a transparent crystal cup. When the light shone, it was full of light.

A boy in suspenders and a short sleeved shirt came to Gu's side.

"Hello." Naturally, he reached out to Gu's boat.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

She grabbed the cheese bar and ate it, gestured that her hands were all occupied, smiled and said, "hello."

"My name is Liu Zhenzhen." The boy introduced himself, "qiongzhi said that you are her good friend. Let me dance with you later."

Gu Qingzhou looks back and sees qiongzhi.

Siqiongzhi also looked over and blinked at Gu's boat to signal her.

Gu Qingzhou's mind turns slightly, and some of his thoughts are slowly straightened out.

"I don't need a partner." Gu Qingzhou said, "otherwise, you can go and play with other girls."

When Liu Zhenzhen heard this, he immediately broke his face: "I'm a gentleman, I won't take advantage of you. Please, let me dance two dances with you. Qiongzhi promised that if I could help her with her reception, she would go on a date with me. "

Gu Qingzhou's eyes drooped slightly.

When she raised her eyes again, they were as quiet as water, without ripples.

The black eyes fell on Liu Zhenzhen, making people feel her alienation.

"Then sit here, and when I want to dance, we'll go." Liu Zhenzhen thought that Gu Qingzhou would drive him away, but he said something like this.

Liu Zhenzhen is very happy: "thank you very much."

Gu Qingzhou brings another glass of champagne to Liu Zhenzhen.

Liu Zhenzhen thanks and drinks it in his hand.

After sitting in silence for a while, Gu Qingzhou saw Sima. In the middle of summer, Sima is still wearing a long sleeved shirt. His sleeves are pulled up to show his strong arms.

He was tall, upright, full of spirit, looked quite decent and beautiful, and was more handsome than most boys.

Glancing around, he saw Gu Qingzhou and the man beside him.

Simu looks slightly restrained.

When he wanted to come over, he was held by qiongzhi. "Second brother, you are out at last!"

Just at this time, everyone of the Wei family arrived.

Wei Qingjia appeared at the door and immediately attracted a lot of attention and sensation.

These young people all regard Wei Qingjia as an example or goddess.

Wei Qingjia is wearing a long skirt of tianshuibi. Her skirt is swaying and graceful. Her long hair shawl sets off her saixue skin and long neck. Her face is treacherous and her form is beautiful. When she stops at the door, her clothes and sideburns suddenly lose their color.

"Wei Qingjia!" Liu Zhenzhen, Gu Qingzhou's male partner, was surprised and said to Gu, "she's really a natural person!"

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou road.

"She's brilliant!" Liu Zhenzhen was obviously over excited. "Compared with her, other women are all fat and vulgar powder!"

Gu Qingzhou smiles and sips champagne.

Liu Zhenzhen finished, but also know that the aphasia, immediately changed his way: "you are very beautiful."

Gu chuckled: "I'm ok, but qiongzhi doesn't like people saying that she's a vulgar powder."

Liu Zhenzhen's face changed greatly.

Over there, Wei Qingjia enters the hall.

Simu is pulled by siqiongzhi, and he doesn't let Wei Qingjia hold his arm.

Therefore, Wei Qingjia held her third brother Wei QingHan.

When the main character arrives, Gu Qingzhou stands up.

Liu Zhenzhen said: "Miss Gu, where are you going? Qiongzhi asked me to accompany you. "

"No, you're in the back." Gu Qingzhou road.

Liu Zhenzhen is in a fog.

Gu Qingzhou had three glasses of champagne and wanted to go to the bathroom.

There was a lounge upstairs, and she went upstairs with her skirt.

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw slim.

Smoothie was smoking on the sofa in the outer room.

When Gu Qingzhou came out, he was not surprised. He seemed to know that Gu Qingzhou came upstairs to find her.

"Young commander." Gu Qingzhou greets him and raises his skirt to leave.

Sima hands her the cigar box: "do you smoke?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head: "I don't like it. I shake my hands."

That's smoking.

Simmer put down the box.

He was silent.

"Sit down." "The banquet hasn't started yet," said simmer. "It's empty to sit downstairs. I have a word."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She sat next to slim.

"My mother said that she would marry us at the end of the year, and she was already asking people to count the days. What kind of wedding dress do you like? " Simmer asked her.

His tone is flat and not startled. He looks like an unfamiliar classmate. He meets in the corridor and says "good morning". This tone of indifference to the extreme makes Gu Qingzhou think that he hates it.

Gu Qingzhou expressed his position: "you can rest assured that there will be no wedding at all!"

Sima Yidun spits out a cloud for a while.

The clear smell of cigars filled the whole room, making Gu Qingzhou think of Si Xingfu.

When Gu Qingzhou wanted to comfort him and let him not worry, he put out half of his cigar and stood up and said, "let's go." I'm really impatient.

He accompanied Gu down the stairs.

Jack is looking for them everywhere.

She was still with Wei Qingjia.

Seeing the two of them coming downstairs together, siqiongzhi immediately came up and took simu's arm: "second brother, don't run around, how can you ask me to dance?"

Then, Si qiongzhi gives Wei Qingjia a fair look: "sister Wei?"

Wei Qingjia smiled and said to Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, can you take a step to talk?"

After seeing Wei Qingjia, Sima immediately became alert.

Wei Qingjia only felt the pain in her heart and hair: Sima was afraid of finding trouble with Miss Gu.

Is he already a poisonous woman in his heart? Wei Qingjia's white fingers clenched slightly.

Gu Qingzhou smiled sweetly and said, "OK."

"Are you ok?" Sima is worried. Ask Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia is dying of anger.

What's the matter?

Can she really hurt Gu Qingzhou?

"Nothing, just a few words." Gu Qingzhou answers first.

Two people came out of the flower hall and stood under the eaves.

Qionghua is clear. She sprinkles the cool light on them. She sings and makes a lot of noise in summer night.

Wei Qingjia wants to get angry.

Gu Qingzhou said, "did miss Si tell you that I have something to talk to you?"

Wei Qingjia is full of fire.

Siqiongzhi told her that Gu Qingjia had something to do with her, but when he came to Sima, he made it look like Wei Qingjia invited Gu Qingzhou to provoke her.

Gu Qingjia's poor outfit is the best one for Wei Qingjia, but instead of being wary of the young girl, she was taken in.

"Miss Gu, what can I do for you?" Wei Qingjia tried to suppress her inner displeasure, and her expression was as soothing as possible, showing a little natural.

"I'm fine." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wei Qingjia was stunned again.

"But you have something to do." Gu chuckled, "because I didn't look for you, Miss Si told you I looked for you, and hinted in front of commander Si that you were looking for me."

Wei Qingjia is a bit confused.

What does Jack want to do?

Does she want to harm Wei Qingjia?

"You mean Miss Si lied and tried to hurt me?" Wei Qingjia was slightly surprised.

"No, she didn't mean to hurt you." Gu Qingzhou smiles, "how to say, at least she doesn't think she's hurting you. It's probably not a good thing for you. "

Wei Qingjia is very clever, but she doesn't know about siqiongzhi or Gu Qingzhou.

When the enemy is dark and I am bright, Wei Qingjia is too passive. She didn't know what kind of trap she was in.

"Miss Gu, do you think I should believe you?" Wei Qingjia said.

Maybe all this is a conspiracy to take care of the boat.

Gu Qingjia lies at both ends.

Wei Qingjia is simu's first love. In her opinion, only she, simu and Si Xingkai know about her quarrel with simu. In Gu Qingjia's mind, Wei Qingjia is a woman who compares her to nothing and is simu's favorite woman.

Gu Qingzhou hates her, envies her, and wants to clean her up by some means, which is the most reasonable.

Wei Qingjia quickly judges that her enemy is Gu Qingzhou!

She needs to appease Gu Qingzhou first, then go to find Si qiongzhi, and join hands with Gu Qingzhou to teach the little girl a lesson and let her know the importance.

What is Gu Qingzhou trying to say? Wei Qingjia's expression changes slightly. When she sees it, she immediately feels funny and stops talking.

I have become Mr. Dongguo!

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