Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 300: qiongzhi, is it fun to be trapped?

The banquet in the governor's office was lively and somewhat restrained.

The room is full of laughter and noise, but not far away there are armed attendants. Guests can't walk half a step.

The moon is very bright. The bright hall is shining on the earth. Qionghua is as gentle as water.

Gu Qingzhou didn't enter the flower hall. She relied on the railings and silently thought of Si Xingfu.

It used to be the home of Si Xingfu. Did he have a good time?

Where are the trees he climbed? Where is the rockery where he fell?

"I'm afraid that he doesn't have any feelings for this place, just like I do for Gu mansion. Otherwise, he won't buy so many other restaurants."

If you don't see it, you're clean.

Thinking, she missed the taste of cigars. Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to smoke cigars any more. She can't get rid of the pain for several days, but she wants someone to sit next to her and spit the clouds.

In the breeze of the night, she actually smelt the freshness of the cigar.

Turning around and seeing simali smoking in the corner not far away, Gu Qingzhou was stunned for a short time.

She stared at him, and Sima looked back at her.

This moment, a little static space-time, crowded out, under the cover of the moon, only she and him in this world.

Gu Qingzhou's back is cold.

She has a very strange illusion: "this marriage, back up will never be smooth, maybe I have to pay something, can be satisfied to solve."

This illusion is groundless, but it spreads in her heart, making her unable to face Sima's eyes. She can't help but show her disgust.

And to take care of the light boat is by no means worthy of hating simu.

At the beginning, it was Gu Qingzhou who asked his wife for help. Later, it was Gu Qingzhou who fell in love with him.

Despite all the necessities, taking care of the boat embarrassed Sima. She was a betrayer.

She turned to go back to the flower hall.

Simmer has come.

He stood at the end of the corridor, blocking her way.

"Are you a little upset?" Sima asked Gu about the boat.

Gu Qingzhou guessed that he wanted to say that he was in the same room with Wei Qingjia and was in a bad mood when compared with others around him.

She didn't.

But it's like trying to smile.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Qionghua quietly sprinkles on her, her soft silk fabric, exudes a clear glow.

"... I invited Miss Wei." She needs me. If you are not happy, I will take you home. "

Gu Qingzhou understands the intention of Sima.

Sima always owes Wei Qingjia a life. Wei Qingjia's younger sister died in the recklessness of Sima.

Wei Qingjia was "ill" because Sima's words made her unable to stand in Yuecheng. She is both a temptation and a plea.

Wei Qingjia is not satisfied with the power and status of SIMU, but he needs simu to make this stepping stone. Simu Quan knows that he is willing to complete her, assist her and help her achieve her goal.

In this way, he will pay her back.

However, he wants to explain this to Gu Qingzhou.

Emotion is one thing, human relationship is another.

"I'm not unhappy and I don't mind. Young commander, I'm going first. " Gu Qingzhou suddenly blocked his way, feeling inexplicably angry and scared.

He is in a bad mood.

His mood has been strange since he spoke upstairs.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have been together for a long time, and gradually can understand men's mind.

This strange thing about Sima falls on the bottom of Gu Qingzhou's eyes, as if with some love.

This made Gu Qingzhou confused. She didn't know what simu liked about her. At the same time, she wanted to avoid and didn't want to give simu half a hope.

Love is single-minded and arbitrary. Kindness to other men only gives him hope of no result, but is more cruel.

She wanted to avoid.

"We're still going to get married, aren't we?" he said

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

She bowed her head.

Sima reached out and gently touched her hair: "canoe, what kind of wedding dress and ring do you like?"

He asked again.

Gu leaned sideways and slipped past him.

"Young Marshal should ask his wife about it." Gu Qingzhou road.

She entered the house.

As soon as I stepped in, I saw Jack.

Siqiongzhi took Gu Qingjia's hand warmly and brought her to Wei Qingjia: "sister Qingzhou, speak with sister Wei."

Then she went away.

Wei Qingjia has a soft smile and elegant manner, like a noble and beautiful Phoenix, while Gu Qingjia stands beside her in a dim light.

A servant took the drink, and Gu Qingzhou and Wei Qingjia each took a drink.

Gu Qingjia suddenly leaned over and whispered something to Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia was shocked, and then she drank all the red wine in her hand. The brilliant wine color, dyed her tender and full lips red, like a charming peach petal.

When he saw this, he finally smiled.

"Go, do as I say." "To the maid, in a low voice.

The waiters of today's dance are all the adjutants and maids in the family, among which there are some close friends of Sejong Chih.

"Yes." The maid whispered.

Siqiongzhi took simu to the dance floor.

When she danced, Joan wanted to stop talking.

"What's the matter?" Sima could see that his sister was in a bad mood.

Siqiongzhi felt guilty and had jewel like eyes. She was worried that "sister Qingzhou didn't like it..."

simu looked back and glanced at the boat. She sat on the chair beside her and sipped her wine gracefully. She refused to be invited to dance.

A little lonely, but did not see her sad.

"Is it?" Sima said coldly.

Siqiongzhi sighed. His face was full of sadness: "just now, sister Qingzhou told me that she had something to tell sister Wei. I asked her about sister Wei, but she told sister Wei that she didn't... "Br >

simu was silent.

After hearing these words, Sima's expression was like a bottle of sculpture, and he didn't even move his eyes and brows.

"Sister Wei is so brilliant. I heard someone talk about sister Qingzhou behind her back. I didn't expect that their mouth was so broken. Do you think sister Qingzhou will become angry and angry and find a way to get along with sister Wei? " Asked siqiongzhi again.

Si Mu finally had a little reaction, staring at the way: "she will not."

"It's hard to say, second brother, you don't understand women. Sometimes jealousy will devour a person's conscience."

Simu looked at the boat again and continued to be silent.

Before they had finished dancing, the maid came up to siqiongzhi and said, "three young ladies..."

simu took siqiongzhi out of the dance floor.

The maid followed and whispered, "Young Marshal, miss three, there's something wrong with the guest room upstairs."

"What's the matter?" Siqiongzhi's beautiful long willow eyebrows frown slightly, gathering a layer of smoke.

"Just now Miss Wei went upstairs and said that she was a little uncomfortable. A young master also said that he was not comfortable, and then went upstairs. I don't feel at ease. I'm afraid that the young master may have a conflict with Miss Wei. I went to see it. As a result, I heard that... "The maid's face was red." I heard that... "

Si qiongzhi was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded.

"This..." Si qiongzhi didn't look at Si mu, so he went upstairs with his skirt.

And smoothie went after him.

When they got to the door, Sima and siqiongzhi heard the obscene voice coming from inside.

"Ah... Lighten up..." Wei Qingjia's voice is soft and charming. It's very light and soft. It seems that she's trying to suppress it and can hook people's souls away.

The color of Sima's lips is pale.

He didn't see what the voice was about, but he heard it many times.

He jerked his foot up and kicked the door open.

However, the scene in the room is not what he imagined.

Sima was stunned.

After him, the Secretary qiongzhi and the maid looked over, but they were also stunned.

Everyone had their own thoughts, but they didn't move.

The people in the room were startled.

Wei Qingjia is sitting in the sofa. Gu Qingzhou covers her feet with a white towel and is helping her to massage the soles of her feet.

Those sounds that can't be heard in the eyes are just the crumpled, itchy and painful ones.

Sima breathed a sigh of relief.

Siqiongzhi's surprised expression turned to iron green, and she looked at the scene with astonishment.

"What's the matter?" Wei Qingjia's gorgeous face was floating with surprise and fright.

The sound of SIMU's kicking at the door frightened her.

After understanding, Wei Qingjia's face, there is a kind of unspeakable sadness: what does simu think!

She got up in her shoes.

Everyone has their own thoughts, and Gu Qingzhou's expression is light and gentle. She explains, "Miss Wei said that she has been suffering from deficiency cold recently. I am good at massage in traditional Chinese medicine, so I knead her acupoints. What's the matter with you? "

Sima is very smart. Now, he knows the cause of the accident.

He looked at Jonjo.

At this glance, it was as if a slap had been slapped on his face. Qiongzhi's face suddenly changed: her brother doubted her!

Si qiongzhi's shining eyes immediately covered with a layer of haze.

Now, nothing can be said!

However, the maid who participated in the plan didn't see the change of her head at all. She wanted to help the third lady, who would look at her differently in the future. She might even want to go to her own side from her kitchen.

The maid couldn't help it. She said, "just now, I saw a man following Miss Wei upstairs. What about others?"

Siqiongzhi immediately winked at the maid.

Only two people who are familiar with this kind of thing can understand it. If you're not familiar with it, you'll probably get it wrong.

For example, the maid didn't understand the meaning of this fierce look. She continued to follow the previous plan: "and I was just outside, and I heard the voice of undressing and men."

Wei Qingjia's treacherous and dignified face immediately shrouded in authority: "you mean, am I here to have an affair with a man?"

The maid was awed by her momentum. She recoiled a little, but she said: "I heard it clearly!"

She's still looking everywhere.

Siqiongzhi noticed that her brother's face was more ugly, and immediately scolded the maid, "stop, get out of here!"

At this time, the maid understood the intention of siqiongzhi. She was so scared that she shivered. She dared not say anything more and walked out slowly.

When the maid left, Gu got up and closed the door.

She pointed under the bed.

Sima leaned over, lifted the sheet, and pulled a unconscious person from the bottom of the bed.

The room was so quiet that the needles could be heard.

"Qiongzhi, is it fun?" Finally, it was Gu who opened the boat first and broke the silence in the house.

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