Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 301: no one has a position

Among his classmates, a boy named Liu Zhenzhen was born handsome and upright. Different from other boys, he is a bit of a fool.

Siqiongzhi knew that her brother liked Wei Qingjia, but he couldn't persuade his mother to accept Wei Qingjia. So siqiongzhi figured out a way to help her brother, and at the same time, he took care of the boat.

She first arranged Liu Zhenzhen to sit beside Gu Qingzhou, and even let Si Mu see that Gu Qingzhou and Liu Zhenzhen had sat side by side for a long time.

Gu even gave Liu Zhenzhen two drinks.

This is the first step of the plan.

Then, Si qiongzhi told Wei Qingjia, "sister Gu has something to tell you. Go back to find her."

In front of Sima, Sima qiongzhi once again winked at Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia knew that Gu Qingzhou had something to say, so she invited him out.

They were standing under the eaves, and simmer saw them.

This is the second step of the plan.

Wei Qingjia looks for Gu Qingzhou, and they stand together to drink. The maid brings up the drink, and Gu Qingjia takes it to Wei Qingjia. Sima can see it clearly.

This is the third step of the plan.

Then it was very simple.

In Liu Zhenzhen's and Wei Qingjia's drinks, Si qiongzhi put something urging love.

She first sent someone to tell Wei Qingjia, "Marshal asked you to go upstairs first. I have something to tell you."

Wei Qingjia will definitely go up.

Then, she sent a servant to tell Liu Zhenzhen, "miss qiongzhi is waiting for you upstairs."

Liu Zhenzhen followed.

Wei Qingjia is so beautiful, and Liu Zhenzhen's liquor has strong aphrodisiac. He will certainly not be able to control himself. Wei Qingjia is also suffering from drug torture, even if he refuses, he will be half pushed.

Naturally, siqiongzhi won't let it happen, so she arranged a maid, and while it was about to start, she went to find simu to catch the traitor.

She can't really call Liu Zhenzhen to insult her brother's future concubine.

Wei Qingjia was drugged. She was the victim, and things had not happened yet. Simahui sympathized with her and even pitied her.

At that time, siqiongzhi will remind simu: "from the beginning to the end, Gu Qingzhou has been in contact with these two people for a long time. Today's dance, only Gu Qingzhou has the time and motivation to commit a crime."

Under the arrangement of Si qiongzhi, Gu Qingzhou had a very convenient time to commit the crime.

If siqiongzhi sends someone to search the bag of the light boat, she will find the medicine put in by the maid from her bag.

Gu Qingzhou has the motive, time and evidence to commit the crime. She was dissatisfied with Wei Qingjia's fame and beauty, and wanted to ruin her at his home.

In this way, Sima will know that Gu Qingjia's mind is vicious; at the same time, Wei Qingjia suffered so much because Sima loved her, and Sima will feel more guilty.

His love and guilt pushed him to Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia had this kind of thing and was divorced. Maybe she would commit herself to be an aunt?

And Sima's good feeling for taking care of the light boat is expected to disappear.

This is the whole plan of Sejong Chih.

She felt no mistake!

The fight between Gu Qingzhou and Wei Qingjia is an important factor for the success of siqiongzhi!

Until now!

Everything didn't develop according to the imagination of Sejong Chih, but her plan, Gu Qingzhou, was clear.

"... here is the medicine." Gu Qingzhou took out the material evidence from his bag.

Wei Qingjia didn't drink that wine at all.

When they were drinking, Gu reminded Wei Qingjia, "this wine is poisonous."

Wei Qingjia immediately changed his glass with Gu Qingzhou.

"Drink it, and qiongzhi looks at it." Gu Qingzhou gave his cup to Wei Qingjia, so he said to Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia somehow believed in Gu Qingzhou at that moment. She should not believe it. Gu Qingzhou's position is more harmful to her.

But she did.

The sixth sense of a woman is too accurate. At that time, Wei Qingjia had no sense that she was not her enemy.

Wei Qingjia drinks.

When siqiongzhi saw Wei Qingjia drinking it, it was Gu Qingzhou's cup.

However, he forgot to look at the boat again. If she is not so conceited, she will see that Gu Qingzhou did not drink, and she quietly poured the glass of wine.

Liu Zhenzhen is the only one who has really been drugged.

As soon as Liu Zhenzhen went upstairs, he was knocked unconscious by Gu Qingzhou, who had been lying in ambush. She and Wei Qingjia put Liu Zhenzhen under the bed.

These words don't need to be stated clearly. When Sima thinks about his sister's steps, he will understand.

All of simmer will know.

Wei Qingjia sighed softly and said to Sima, "young commander, I'll go first." In the tone of endless disappointment.

Gu Qingzhou put the medicine in Sima's hand and said, "young commander, I will go first."

Sima has a straight back and a stiff body.

Siqiongzhi dare not open his mouth, for fear that the more wrong he said, the more tears he could not help falling.

Out of the gate of the governor's mansion, Gu Qingjia and Gu Qingzhou walked out along the path, and Gu's car quietly followed behind them.

The night wind slowly dispersed the high servant girl who took care of the light boat, and a wisp of green silk fell on her white neck.

"No thank you?" Gu Qingzhou opens her mouth with a quiet voice like the moon.

"Thank you for helping me out." Wei Qingjia said.

Siqiongzhi didn't know what happened to Wei Qingjia and simu, so she didn't know more. Once this happened, simu would never pity her, but would be more angry.

Wei Qingjia can't make any more mistakes with the help of Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou did help her escape.

"No, you should thank me for finding a ladder for you." Gu chuckled.

Wei Qingjia's footsteps are tiny.

She understood immediately.

Siqiongzhi may be kind to do bad things, but she is kind indeed, which makes Wei Qingjia understand a truth: siqiongzhi is willing to be the ladder for Wei Qingjia to enter the Si mansion.

Wei Qingjia can use siqiongzhi.

This point, until today, Wei Qingjia completely understand, of course, she should thank Gu Qingzhou.

Wei Qingjia glanced at the boat and did not thank him. Instead, he tried to say, "I don't quite understand. Don't you like young commander?"

"Like it or not, you have to be able to do it." "Gu Qingzhou said with a smile," Madame Si is so noble and wise, probably only you, Miss Wei, can match her. "

Wei Qing understood it when he was Jiadun.

Gu Qingzhou thinks he can't fight against his wife.

However, Gu could resist the temptation of power and see things so thoroughly. For a moment, Wei Qingjia admired her a little.

After all, Gu Qingzhou is so young and sees through the secular things, which should not happen at her age.

Wei Qingjia finally said: "today, you are helping me. In fact, you are the one miss Si wants to deal with. But I still want to say thank you. "

"Thank you. I accept it." Gu Qingzhou said lightly, although she knew that Wei Qingjia's thanks were not worth the money.

In the future, when there will be interest disputes, Wei Qingjia will never be soft hearted because of today's events when he uses or frames Gu Qingjia.

What Gu Qingzhou did today is not for Wei Qingjia, but for herself.

Gu Qingzhou resolved a crisis of his own, and gave Si qiongzhi a final knock. Next time I offend her, I will never forgive her.

Wei Qingjia was a little surprised to see the light boat, her beautiful eyes shimmered, a little incredible, but also a little vigilant.

Gu Qingzhou is not a simple girl at all.

"Miss Gu, you are very interesting." Wei Qingjia's tone is as light as orchid. Even if she is angry again, she is also noble.

"I can't compare with Miss Wei," Gu said

Two people said a few words, Wei family's car drove over, Wei Qingjia got on the car first.

Gu turns around and opens the car door. He hears the sound of honking his horn behind him.

Simmer came after him.

After Wei Qingjia left, he honked his horn to signal Gu to get on his car.

Gu Qingzhou pondered a little and sat in his car. She sat in the back seat and said, "young handsome, do you still want to know what kind of wedding dress I like?"

Si Mu holds the hand of the steering wheel. His slender fingers have distinct knuckles and are a little tight.

"Qiongzhi is still a child." Si Mu Dao.

Gu Qingzhou is slow, and her voice is colder than Qionghua's: "she is only one year younger than me."

Simmer is silent.

He frowned, and there was an unspeakable desolation in his heart.

Three women, i.e. Si qiongzhi, Wei Qingjia and Gu Qingzhou, can cause waves in his heart. When these three people put together a play, Sima stood in the center, it was hard to help anyone.

"I owe you that." "I'll pay you back," said slim

"How can I return it?" Gu Qingzhou is very interested.

If you can, it's good to be a chip in the future.

"how can I return it has the final say." Si Mu Dao.

Gu Qingzhou's lips are slightly raised, and there is a lazy smile on his jade like face.

"I see." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll go home first. Goodbye, young commander."

Gu Qingzhou tries to push the door open.

"It's really bad to marry me?" Sima suddenly asked her

Gu Qingzhou wants to say "of course.".

His mother, his sister, and his ex girlfriend make it hard for Gu to deal with. Family should be warm, not fighting.

Why fight? Just like why revolution is needed.

All for a better future, for a healthier and harmonious family.

Gu Qingzhou's family has had enough troubles. She doesn't want to fill her life in the hole like Si's.

Is it really bad?

Gu didn't answer. She didn't want to deny the man.

She has no position.

There are too many complicated things to talk about in this engagement, which leads to no one can be upright.

Can Sima be upright and take care of the light boat? Of course, he couldn't. when they met, he hated Gu Qingzhou, and made it clear that he would withdraw. He wanted to marry Wei Qingjia.

Can Gu Qingzhou straighten up his mind and make strange mousse? Of course she can't. Even if Si Xingfu forces her again, Gu Qingzhou is now trapped in it. She falls in love with his brother as his fiancee.

It is from this position that responsibility cannot be clearly divided. Gu Qingzhou put up her vitriol in front of Sima.

"I'm going home." Gu Qingzhou talked for a long time and pushed the door open.

This time, simmer didn't stop her.

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