Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 302: rare willfulness

The ball was a success.

Siqiongzhi came down from the upstairs, pretending to be nothing, and was tired until the end of the dance.

She can't sit on the sofa.

Liu Zhenzhen also woke up slowly.

"What's the matter?" Liu Zhenzhen felt his painful head and had a very short memory loss.

He doesn't remember what happened.

As soon as Liu Zhenzhen entered the door, before he could see the people in the room, he was knocked unconscious by Gu Qingzhou from behind. His memory, staying at the moment of entering the door, was completely unknown.

Simmer came in.

Siqiongzhi was shocked and stood up immediately.

"Send Liu Shao back." Sima said to the deputy.

The adjutant takes Liu Zhenzhen downstairs, and simu sits on the opposite sofa and lights his cigar.

The light smoke covered his deep eyebrows and eyes, and he could not see clearly.

Jack's white hands trembled a little.

"Second brother..." she wanted to explain.

But simu interrupted her, "don't do that later."

Siqiongzhi just wanted to cry.

What she regretted was not that she designed and framed Gu Qingzhou, but that she was easily seen through by Gu Qingzhou.

To deal with Gu Qingzhou, we need to use more rigorous methods. She is too reckless this time.

In her heart, she was able to eat the contradiction between Gu Qingzhou and Wei Qingjia, but she didn't expect that Gu Qingzhou could put down his prejudice towards Wei Qingjia and cooperate with her for the time being.

In this respect, the spirit of siqiongzhi will never compare with that of Xiaozhou.

"You don't like canoeing?" Simmer asked her.

Jack gnawed his teeth.

When it comes to taking care of the light boat, it's hard to say anything. She took care of the boat for the first time and took advantage of Mrs. Yan's illness. As a result, the Yan Family hated her. Yan Yiyuan, her pursuer, changed her mind.

Her second design of the boat, her watch lost, so that her father almost sent her to a remote country, is tantamount to her exile. Later, it was her mother who spent a lot of money and begged to take care of the boat, and her father left her.

At that time, he not only lost his face, but also went to his father's love and suffered a heavy loss.

This time, she tried to make a misunderstanding by using the contradiction between Gu Qingjia and Wei Qingjia, which made her brother dislike Gu Qingzhou. As a result, she was calculated by Gu Qingjia.

"Second brother, I don't dislike her..." siqiongzhi felt that she might lose her brother's trust. For a while, her heart ached. She wished she could jump over and hold simu's leg.

"Qiongzhi, it's not that important whether you like her or not." Sima said lightly.

Siqiongzhi is slightly stunned. He doesn't understand what he wants. He looks up at simu.

Sima smokes, his eyebrows and eyes are as cold as a pool of water.

His voice is smooth and steady, without any emotion: "you are my sister, and you will marry out. If you don't like your sister-in-law, we can stay away from each other. "

This is a threat.

Sima is warning her that if she dare to fight against Gu Qingzhou again, she will not think of her mother's family as her support in the future.

Simmer didn't recognize her sister.

"Second brother!" Listening to Sima's ruthless words, Sima qiongzhi lost his balance.

She didn't expect that her brother, who regarded her as a treasure, would be so cruel, as if he wanted to break with her.

How could this happen?

Why does he favor an outsider?

Si qiongzhi pounced on him and hugged his leg: "second brother, don't you hurt me? What do you have to do with Gu Qingzhou? I'm your sister! "

Si Mu is silent, but the look at the bottom of the eye is more clear, there is no half of the temperature.

Jack looked scared.

"Qiongzhi, when you do these things, do you treat me as your brother?" Asked Shi mu.

Before siqiongzhi could answer, he pressed half his cigar into the ashtray and left.

This scene, Si qiongzhi completely ignorant.

She thought of her mother.

Her mother was shrewd and strong, but she was alone on Wei Qingjia's problem. She was afraid of her hands and feet, and even pulled out Gu Qingjia to resist.

At first, Si Qiongzhi did not understand that his mother 's forbearance was useless.

What happened to Wei Qingjia? It's not easy to clean up my mother's governor's wife?

Up to now, Sejong Chih has understood it all!

Only then did she feel that her mother was wise. Her mother's approach is always the wisest for her husband and children.

Si qiongzhi goes to find his wife to cry.

She told Mrs. si the whole story.

Mrs. Si was also annoyed at her daughter's reckless actions. At the same time, she was so distressed and cried that she stroked her hair gently.

"Men are like children, especially women. The more you obstruct them, the more secretive they are. If you marry Gu Qingzhou, do you think she can beat you? You're stupid. " Schiff humanity.

I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it all.

"Mom, I'll listen to you later. I shouldn't act against you." Cried siqiongzhi.

Mrs. Si put her arms around her and said a good word to her.

However, Mrs. Si is still angry.

In such a disturbance, Gu Qingzhou, Wei Qingjia and even Si Mu were all on guard. It takes more effort to hold them in the palm of your hand.

Mrs. Si endured for half a year. She was all mixed by Mr. Si qiongzhi. She was angry and helpless.

For a long time, simaze did not want to take care of his sister.

It's getting hotter and hotter. Gu Qingzhou is downstairs every day, accompanying his aunts to touch the cards.

When she graduated, she lost her homework completely. She just practiced piano by chance and went to another shop in Si Xinghe to tease Mulan and Dushan.

At the beginning of July, it was so hot that there was a smoke. The staff of the company suddenly called Gu Qingzhou: "Miss Gu, come quickly. The old lady is not feeling well."

Gu Qingzhou immediately went to the company mansion.

The old lady coughs and has blood in her sputum.

The officials were all flustered. They surrounded the boat and asked, "the old lady coughed for two days."

"How can I cough on this summer day?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"I used to eat some cold food and sit in the arbor in the backyard. I didn't expect her to fall asleep. After a short nap, the old lady had a cold. Unexpectedly, not only sneeze, but also cough. "

There was a lot of talk.

"Let's call in a military doctor." The second wife said, "don't delay."

The chief inspector is not in the city, and the people in the chief mansion are a little flustered. The second wife helps to make an idea.

The old lady trusted Gu Qingzhou, so they invited him.

It's a mess outside and the old lady is still coughing inside.

When Gu Qingzhou went in, the old lady coughed a mouthful of blood phlegm and spat it on the mat.

"Western medicine has a quick effect. Go and get some cough water." Gu Qingzhou also said.

As soon as she said that, the people of the office immediately abandoned her and went to ask for western medicine.

When the old lady heard this, her face changed slightly. "They invited you, and they also advised me to take western medicine?"

It turned out that the old lady would not use western medicine.

Last time I was seriously ill, I kept the old lady's secret about western medicine.

The old lady took hold of Gu's hand, and her voice was short and weak: "let them not be busy, I will not take western medicine! What western medicine? It's so skillful that it's useless! "

Second wife advised: "Muma, now people believe in western medicine!"

"I don't believe it." The old lady was always reasonable. When she was ill, she broke the temper of a child. No one would listen to her advice.

"Old lady, first use some western medicine, and then slowly regulate with Chinese medicine." Gu Qingzhou also said.

The old lady immediately became angry at her: "you go out, too! You all think I'm stupid! "

Take care of the light boat.

When Mrs. Si came with the children, the military doctor had arrived.

Diagnosis, the military doctor said that the old lady is "bronchiectasis hemoptysis", Gu Qingzhou pulse diagnosis, also think it is "hemoptysis".

"It looks like a minor illness, but it's the hardest to cure." Hu Jun's doctor is a little difficult. "Why don't you take the medicine quickly?"

"The old lady won't eat it."

The old lady is angry again.

Gu Qingzhou suggested using western medicine's cough water, which annoyed the old lady.

As a result, the old lady didn't even listen to the advice of taking care of the boat.

"Then I'll prescribe some Chinese medicine for you?" Gu Qingzhou changed his tune.

"I can't believe you. Who knows if you mix western medicine in it?" Said the old lady.

Gu Qingzhou is speechless.

"How can such a wise old lady be so stubborn when she is ill?" The cousin of the Secretary's family muttered to Gu Qingzhou.

When the old lady was ill, she was very stubborn and very grumpy.

She was suspicious, and once in doubt, she would never trust these doctors, including taking care of the boat.

"I don't take any medicine!" The old lady was so angry, "it's better to die of illness, so as not to hinder your eyes!"

When she said this, she looked at Mrs. Si.

Steve has a stomachache.

At this time, the old lady is unreasonable and mean.

Simmer came in the evening.

So is Gu Qingzhou.

All day long, she was busy in and out. She was so tired that she sweated all over her head. The bangs were wet and separated, showing her bright and clean forehead.

"How is it?" So many people were present, but Sima only asked Gu Qingzhou.

"I don't know what caused her. She suspected that we would give her Western medicine. Now she refused to take any medicine." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Didn't you come early? Why don't you give her Chinese medicine?" Asked Shi mu.

Gu Qingzhou is very rational in dealing with the problem of Chinese and Western medicine. There is no doubt that western medicine has achieved rapid results in some diseases.

The old lady is old. Her viscera are not so strong. Western medicine may work better. Gu Qingzhou is also worried about her.

I can't imagine. She said the wrong thing. The old lady doesn't even believe her now.

"... I also thought about her illness at that time. I didn't expect that the old lady was so prejudiced against western medicine." Gu Qingzhou explains to simu.

The old lady was still coughing when slim went in.

Two more coughs of blood.

When Gu Qingzhou followed, Sima said, "grandma, let the boat prescribe a pair of traditional Chinese medicine for you?"

"I don't know who bought this girl. The Chinese medicine she prescribes will be changed into western medicine secretly!" The old lady insisted.

It's said that the secretary took care of the light boat, but it's said that the Secretary's wife bought the light boat.

This has a long history of resentment against my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It can't be solved overnight. Otherwise, why doesn't the old lady live in the governor's office?

Sima is also in trouble.

After a long time of persuasion, the house is full now, and the old lady doesn't believe any of them.

It's estimated that she can't listen until Si Xingfu comes back.

"Do you have any other way?" Sima asked Gu about the boat.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I have a small way, not to give the old lady internal medicine, to her external application."

Si Mu frowns: "can cough use external application medicine?"


Sima suddenly had sporadic doubts about traditional Chinese medicine.

However, it's just taking care of the boat. There's nothing she's not good at

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