Sima's previous moves were all restrained.

When he looked after the boat, he restored his hatred and disgust as if she were still the vicious snake.

That touch is too shallow, shallow to have left a trace, was all erased by Gu Qingzhou.

Now, Sima's hatred for her has added another layer: philistine and greedy!

A woman is vicious, greedy and philistine. She is nothing.

"Thank you, young commander. We have a good cooperation!" Gu Qingzhou signed.

Sima also signed.

The contract is made in duplicate with the private seal of simmer.

After the chapter is completed, Sima is more sure that Gu Qingzhou has no feelings for him, and his heart is cold. What he felt a few days ago is even more ridiculous now.

In the next few days, Gu thought that just like normal people, he didn't mean to run.

In a flash, it's new year's Eve.

The military government didn't want to be busy. The whole family went to the headquarters.

The old lady didn't know about it. The Secretary's office deliberately pretended to be indifferent, but it was red hot to organize the new year.

At the beginning of the first month of the first month, Gu took action on the light boat.

But Sima looked at her and thought she was just going to pay a new year's visit.

She visited many relatives and friends, and went to accompany the old lady to touch the cards, and had a leisurely life.

Finally, on the sixth day of the first month, the military government prepared a special train for Shanghai.

Yan Xinnong and other staff officers and generals will go, so will his wife and his cousins, and some of his children.

Anyway, the special train can be installed. The superintendent waved his hand and took all the people to Shanghai.

"Is it brave to take so many people with you?" Mrs. Si is dissatisfied.

The governor smiled: "people are so busy and happy. Good luck will come."

A private room between Gu Qingzhou and Si mu.

The private room is more than the ordinary train, and there are two beds opposite. The bed is very small, but the aisle is very wide. There is no one in the upper berth. There is luggage for the boat.

Sima lies on the shop opposite and reads.

Gu Qingzhou is stupefied.

She fell asleep in a daze, but for some reason, she dreamt of the first meeting with the secretary.

He was also such a cold winter at that time, got into her bed and pulled her skirt apart.

The past flashed by.

"Hello!" Someone pushed her. She felt that Si Xingfu was right beside her and smelled the familiar cigar.

She sat up abruptly and hugged him.

Holding, the other side's body is stiff, she also slowly regained consciousness.

Tears on her face.

She wept in her dream, and simacai came to push him to wake up. As a result, she put her arms around him before she woke up. She could not cry out: "simangqi!"

Sima felt nauseous. After a moment of stupor, he pushed her away. Gu ran into the car's skin and hurt his back.

Simmer got out of the car.

It's been two hours since he came back. He washed the skin that had been pasted by Gu Qingzhou hard, and it turned red as if he wanted to rub it off.

The touch of Gu Qingzhou made him sick to the extreme.

When Sima came back, he didn't say anything. He just cleaned up his things.

When the special train arrived in Shanghai, the superintendent contracted a hotel near the court, and everyone from Yuecheng stayed in it.

Gu Qingzhou wants to have a room with Sima.

As soon as Sima entered, he looked around indifferently and found that there was no sofa.

"You sleep on the floor tonight," he said

If he hadn't been in the car, he would probably have slept on the ground himself, and now he has no manners, only irritation.

Gu Qingzhou said, "OK."

After putting things down, Gu went to find Yan Luoshui.

That night, she lived in Yan Luoshui's room and didn't come back.

she refused to sleep on the floor and did not want to quarrel with Si mu.

Simmer's mood improved a little.

The next day, Yan Xinnong took Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui to the court to watch today's trial.

The governor and his wife visited local dignitaries, met with lawyers and even two jurors.

Everyone else has a task. They are busy.

On the third day, the eighth day of the first month, the case was heard as scheduled.

Simmer's case opens at ten in the morning.

After the public opinion's exaggeration, this matter is also extremely noticeable in Shanghai.

Nanjing and Yuecheng newspapers are followed by reporters. Now they are all around the door of the court.

At eight o'clock, the door of the court was already besieged.

Gu Qingzhou and others went in at nine o'clock.

The court was not big, and the back two rows of chairs were removed, so that more onlookers could stand.

Sima attended in formal dress.

He was dressed in an iron gray uniform, with neat and elegant ribbons and shining medals. He had a good manner, long legs and wide shoulders, and stood in the crowd taller than most of the people present.

Simpson is handsome. Now in this German military uniform, he is even more handsome.

All the people present, men and women, began to talk to each other.

"Young commander of the military government on one side, what kind of woman do you want? Has planted a heel on the female color, is someone framed? "

"I can't say that. Maybe he's abnormal. When he meets a chaste girl, he has to ask for someone else?"

"Anyway, I can't believe it. The water is deep behind it."

"Such a person, I would like to..."

before, many people scolded simu. Now, seeing the appearance of SIMU, they immediately turned against each other.

Sima Chang had a very restrained face. His appearance, judging people by their appearance, is definitely a positive and devoted person.

Let alone women. Even men don't think it's possible for this person to commit adultery.

Before the trial began, public opinion changed.

After that, Gu Qingzhou saw the governor standing up.

Looking back, Gu Qingzhou saw a man in his fifties come in.

The man was dressed in military uniform, but he looked a little strange: he was thin and white. In spite of his age, the face was still a little overcast.

When Gu Qingzhou saw him, he didn't think he was an old man, but he felt like a eunuch.

"Don't worry, inspector Li." The chief inspector said hello.

It turns out that this man is Li Wenzhu.

Gu Qingzhou is a little surprised, which is far from Li Wenzhu's imagination.

"Is this really a warlord?" Gu Qingzhou said, "she looks like an old lady. If I were the president, I would not appoint him commander in chief of the armed forces. It's a bit hard to pull out like this. "

Gu Qingzhou thought that soldiers should look like soldiers. It's OK to be ugly or fat, but no one can accept a eunuch look.

"Si Yan, I haven't seen you for several years. You're getting richer!" When Li Wenzhu didn't speak, he was very soft, but when he spoke, his voice was as loud as a bell, which was more masculine than that of the governor.

Listening to him may change his first impression.

At the same time, Li Wenzhu saw Mrs. Si: "Jingshu, have you not changed in these years, or are you so beautiful? My fat lady must be jealous to death when she sees you."

Mrs. Si forced a smile.

Face to face heat Luo, stab a knife behind, division madam faces such person, really hard have good facial expression.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Li Wenzhu and immediately takes back his eyes.

Sima said that Gu Qingzhou's nurse and master were beaten into a sieve by Li Wenzhu. Gu Qingzhou did not believe them. Even if it's true, it's also because of Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu is the murderer.

She doesn't believe in the ghost words of Si Xingfu, and there's nothing different about Li Wenzhu in her eyes.

Before the formal court session, Gu Qingzhou suddenly lies down beside Sima's ear and whispers something.

Sima looked back at her, and his surprise was obvious. He asked, "really?"

Gu glanced back and said, "really."

Simmer nodded.

After the formal court session, the judge sat down, a lawyer stood out in Nanjing, and determined to Si Mu that "forcing Nie Yun to die should be sentenced to ten years in prison."

The lawyer of Si's side, a middle-aged man in his forties, spoke extremely fluent English. He first refuted the plaintiff's words, and then translated them to the onlookers.

The Ministry of justice asked Nie Yun's mother, sun Shi, to testify.

Sun is very thin, crying pitifully: "it was the Secretary's family who forced yun'er to die. She told me that she could not live, and said that young commander sent her with gold bars."

At the same time, the lawyer in Nanjing took out the photo and asked, "is this Nie Yun's body?"

"Yes, yun'er has only nine toes by nature," Sun said

Then the lawyer took out the picture again: "is this the picture of Nie Yun?"

The photos prove that Nie Yun appeared in the new house, hotel and riverside.

"Yes," cried sun

The other lawyer concluded: "Nie Yun was first raped by Sima Qiang. After being humiliated, he went to Sima's home to find a way of saying it. After being humiliated by Sima's home, he jumped into the river. Sima's crime was established."

The judge asked his lawyer to speak.

Simmer himself was in the stand.

"Mr. Sima, have you ever had a relationship with Nie Yun?" Asked the lawyer.

But simmer shut up.

He was silent, and suddenly stood up and said, "I have no crime. This is the framed accusation of Nanjing Ministry of justice. This is a huge trap. I want to destroy the reputation of my father and I!"

His voice was loud, but his mood was steady, he said clearly.

The onlookers were restless and the court was noisy.

When the judge struck the gavel, the voice gradually subsided.

The lawyer of Sima thought that Sima was out of control and a little nervous. He was afraid that it would be difficult to deal with the matter. He said: "Mr. Sima, please sit down and answer my question just now."

"I have no crime." "Ask me, lawyer, why there is no crime, instead of others," said simmer

The lawyer was stunned.

The onlookers laughed.

The judge struck the gavel again.

The lawyer was embarrassed. However, Sima is one-sided. If he doesn't calm down, today's case must be lost.

So the lawyer followed him and asked, "how can you prove yourself guilty?"

"Because Nie Yun is not dead." Si Mu Dao.

A word arouses thousands of waves. Everyone is shocked and looks at simu.

At this time, a man with sunglasses sat on the last side, took off the wig on his head, and showed his long hair that was shoulder length.

It turned out to be a woman disguised as a man.

Everyone looked at her.

Nie Yun's mother was shocked. She recognized her daughter at once, rushed to her and hugged her. She cried: "yun'er!"

All of a sudden, the whole court was in a mess.

Everyone stood up: "what's the matter?"

"Is not man dead?"

"Is this Nie Yun? Her pictures are published in the newspaper every day,

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