Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 360 beautiful ending

Nie Yun suddenly appeared, her mother sun rushed over, hugged her daughter and cried, "yun'er, yun'er!"

A female secretary of the Ministry of justice, who has been following sun's family all the time, said, "Mrs. Nie, people are alike, which is not necessarily."

before she finished speaking, Mrs. Nie pushed her away.

"My own daughter, can I admit my mistake?" cried Mrs. Nie in tears? I knew that last time it wasn't my yun'er, you forced me to recognize it! "

Everyone was in a uproar.

This secretary on the face of the chat ran, afraid that Mrs Nie angry say more, immediately back down.

Nie Yun is also sobbing: "Muma!"

The mother and daughter cried with each other.

All the people here understand that this is Nie Yun, who was forced to die by Sima.

"You hear, Nie Yun's mother said that the Ministry of justice forced her to recognize the body." The audience and the onlookers at the back are talking.

Mrs. Nie's voice was so loud that the whole court heard it.

"It's too unbridled to force people to do perjury in public!"

"You don't understand. It's political strife!"

"It's disgraceful to make such a scene!"

There was a lot of discussion in the room.

The judge roared loudly in English, calmed down the scene and hit the gavel hard.

The sound of the gavel can't serve as a warning in the ears of the Chinese. It's better than a piece of startling wood. The judge's English is drowned in the boisterous voice.

The army and police were so angry that they shot out of the window, which made the scene completely quiet.

"Not so good!" Li Wenzhu whispers to someone around him.

The appearance of Nie Yun caught everyone by surprise.

Yuecheng Si's family has always been very passive. It seems that they have no power to parry. Now they know that they left the latter move.

"Yes, isn't the man dead? How can he come out?" The man also whispered. This is the Secretary of Minister Wu of the political department. He came with Li Wenzhu.

After a quiet time, simmer's lawyer was alert and bright eyed, waking up.

This lawyer, Bai Minghua, once assisted the Ministry of justice of Peiping to establish a new judicial system. He was one of the first overseas students sent by the Qing government to Britain for public expenses.

There is no court in China. White lawyer's usual job is to help factories draw up documents, or deal with some economic transactions for bond and stock companies. He didn't come to the south for a long time, he didn't have much fame, and his business was miserable.

He didn't know the bottom of his mind when he took this case, but the money provided by his family was rich, and it was introduced by the Secretary of President Hu Tongxian, and Bai Minghua couldn't refuse.

But now, the peak turns around. Nie Yun is not dead. Sima won the case.

Today, reporters are present in 80% of the major newspapers in the south.

If we win this lawsuit, we will be famous all over the south of the Yangtze River. White lawyer will probably become famous, and his fame and profits will be full of money.

With such expectations, lawyer Bai immediately came to the spirit, he came forward and communicated with the judge in English.

"I want to add a new witness." White lawyer is such a judge.

The judge was not interested in the Chinese dispute at all. He was sleepy before, but now he saw that Nie Yun was not dead. Instead, he added a few points to explore and wondered what was going on.

"Put her on the witness stand and tell me how she didn't die." The judge sat upright.

White lawyer's face was immediately more smiling.

Li Wenzhu and the Secretary of the political department didn't know English. They saw white lawyer show his face and smile. They were a little flustered. It seemed that the judge had already stood over Sima.

When the judge made an order, lawyer Bai loudly translated and said to Nie Yun's mother and daughter, "please, Ms. Nie Yun, to the witness table."

Someone pulled Mrs Nie apart.

Nie Yun looks like a thin man in a suit that suits her very well. Now she takes off her wig and shows her black hair with a shawl, which is a bit heroic.

She was trembling, afraid or excited, and went to the witness stand.

Lawyer Bai, speaking Chinese and English, inquired cleanly and simply.

"Excuse me, Ms. Nie Yun, have you had any relationship with Mr. Si mu?" White lawyer asked.

"No, I'm still in the office, son. This is the certificate that I was in the church hospital an hour ago. It's signed by the doctor." Nie Yundao.

Then she took a piece of paper out of her pocket.

Li Wenzhu and the Secretary of the political department looked even more ugly. They exchanged glances and understood that Nie Yun was coming with preparation!

Even the doctor's certificate has been issued.

Without Nie Yun's death, Sima had no crime, and the reputation of the military government and the governor was restored. Even if there is a real relationship, it can't prove anything.

However, Nie Yun still has material evidence to prove that he has nothing to do with Sima.

She gave the doctor's certificate to lawyer Bai.

White handed it to the judge.

The judge looked at the doctor's signature and said, "the evidence is credible."

This hospital is the largest missionary hospital in Shanghai. Doctors are well-known in the industry. They will never make false certificates. With the doctor's signature, this list is evidence.

"Your honor said that the evidence is credible, which shows that Ms. Nie Yun is still in charge, and she has never had a relationship with Mr. Si mu."

The cameras of the reporters, with the lights flashing, took several pictures in a row.

People sitting and standing in the audience bite each other's ears.

"Ms. Nie Yun, the Ministry of justice in Nanjing said that you have passed away. How can you prove yourself?" White lawyer asked again.

Nie Yun's voice was a little shaky, and said: "the newspaper said that my body was rotten. With my toes, they decided it was me. Then can I use my toes to prove that I am Nie Yun

Lawyer Bai asked the judge.

The judge nodded.

Nie Yun has only nine toes, which is the evidence submitted by the Ministry of justice of Nanjing. This evidence, of course, can be handed over to Nie Yun for self certification.

So Nie Yun took off his shoes and socks and showed them his feet.

She was born with only four toes.

"She's my daughter. I won't admit it. Why do you want her to testify?" Mrs Nie cried again.

In fact, no one doubts the identity of Nie Yun.

Nie Yun's photos have been published countless times in the past half a month. Everyone has seen her, and she is undoubtedly the one.

Now her toes are the most powerful evidence that no one can doubt her any more.

"This is Miss Nie Yun. Since Ms. Nie Yun has not died, the evidence of the Ministry of justice in Nanjing is a well-designed trap to frame! " White lawyer has a voice on the ground. QAA;

for a moment, the crowd was boiling again.

This time, instead of stopping them, the judge was interested in watching the group.

Since Nie Yun appeared in this case, the judge felt that it was no longer boring, but wonderful. He was more interested than anyone, and asked lawyer Bai to translate it to him one by one.

Lawyers at the justice department were caught off guard.

No matter how many arguments, in the case of Nie Yun's not dead, they are all helpless.

There is no need for further refutation, that is, frame up.

"Do you have any evidence?" The judge asked the lawyer of the Ministry of justice in Nanjing.

The Ministry of justice sued simu for allegedly forcing Nie Yun to death.

Since Nie Yun was not dead, the lawsuit of the Ministry of justice was completely defeated. What's more, Nie Yun is in charge of her son's body. She has nothing to do with Sima.

The lawyer was dumb.

"The evidence carefully prepared by the Ministry of justice of Nanjing is all forged and framed. It is ordered that the Ministry apologize to Mr. Si Mu through five evening newspapers." The judge concluded.

The case was settled with a smack of the gavel.

Before and after less than an hour, the crisis between the chief inspector and the chief executive officer was resolved, and the case which had been raging for many days was ended.

"I thought the case would be delayed for the first half of the year, but I didn't expect that it would be less than an hour."

"I'll tell you, as for the appearance and talents of commander in chief, as for forcing an ordinary looking woman?"

"Commander in chief is so handsome. Do you see that? There is no one more handsome than those romantic young men in Shanghai. "

"He doesn't look like a man of talent."

Men and women had not yet left the court to discuss.

And the reporters rushed up, and the spotlight kept taking pictures of Sima.

Sima is in a good mood, but his wife is excited and hugs her son.

The governor also smiled and looked at Li Wenzhu.

Sima thought of something and held Gu's face.

Gu Qingzhou was surprised, and simu's lips fell on her forehead.

"Thank you very much," he whispered

It's a lie not to be excited.

Gu light boat astringed the surprise in the eye, lowered eyebrow eye walked out. When no one saw it, he wiped his forehead hard to cover up his inner disgust.

She doesn't like it.

Nie Yun is not dead. This case is straightforward. Sima doesn't have any sewage on his body. If not, even if we win the lawsuit, we will have gossip in the future.

Now, the reputation of SIMU and his overseers is completely preserved.

"Canoe, I heard that you brought people?" The superintendent also looked at his daughter-in-law.

"Abba, let's go back and talk." Gu chuckled.

The party went back to the hotel, and the Ministry of justice followed Li Wenzhu back to Nanjing. Nanjing still needs to investigate this matter. After all, we need to find out who brought out the evidence and who was the first to bribe newspapers to report it.

Li Wenzhu said that he went to Nanjing with him. In fact, he was invited back by the military police of the Ministry of justice.

"Li Wenzhu is in great trouble this time." Yan Xinnong said with a smile.

Back to the hotel, the deputy of the Department also arranged for Nie Yun's mother and daughter to stay.

"Light boat, explain to us quickly, why does Nie Yun not die?" Yan Luoshui said excitedly.

The inspector general then took goo to his guest room.

Yan Xinnong and the generals are all over the room.

Slim sat on the sofa opposite.

Gu Qingzhou said, "please come here, Miss Nie."

The chief inspector nodded. Nie Yun was the party. She should be present.

After Nie Yun came, she first sat next to Gu Qingzhou and folded her hands.

When Gu Qingzhou saw that the eyes of all the people were burning, he stopped selling and explained.

"When Nie Yun returned the gold bar to me at home that day, I noticed the difference between her eyebrows. She was a little nervous. Her father died, the whole family was old and small, and they were starving to death. How could she have the backbone to send the money back?

There's only one possibility. It's a conspiracy with gold bars. She went to the new house at the direction of others, who gave her more money behind her back. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Nie Yun is very embarrassed.

Gu Qingzhou is telling the truth. It's because of the truth that Nie Yun is embarrassed

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