Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 361 young commander's moving

Gu Qingzhou looks at all the people, and they are waiting for her.

Nie Yun lowered his head, hoping to bury it in his knee.

Gu Qingzhou continued: "when Nie Yuncai went out, the adjutant came to tell me that when Nie Yuncai went in and out, someone was hiding in a car in the distance to take photos."

The inspector suddenly realized that he understood how the photos in the "evidence" came from.

At this time, Nie Yun's voice was soft and inaudible: "it's a very beautiful lady. She gave me three little yellow croakers. She asked me to take the gold bar and return it to the little lady. She told me that when I came out of Shaoshuai's new house, I was wandering around in the street. At last, I went to the riverside station for ten minutes. "

Everyone listened, and they knew it was a plot.

Nie Yun wanted to explain: "I have six younger brothers and sisters, grandmother and mother. We are almost out of food, so I am. The young lady didn't let me hurt people. She just asked me to go for another round. I thought."

everyone can understand Nie Yun's situation, but they won't forgive her behavior.

She tried to explain that she didn't do anything, she didn't harm simmer. But she must know that there must be something wrong with the money she was given.

She did it, accepted the bribe, and did something that she knew was unreasonable.

"Pretty lady?" Madame Si caught this sentence first and asked Nie Yun, "do you know who it is?"

Nie Yun didn't dare to look at Mrs. Si, or even look up. He pressed his head and said, "it's Wei Qingjia. I read her picture in the newspaper. I can't be wrong. She wrapped her head in a silk scarf and wore sunglasses, but I could see her figure and lips. "

In fact, at that time, the man was wrapped tightly and spoke with a little Nanyang accent. He was a middle-aged woman. Nie Yun was sure that she was not Wei Qingjia.

But Gu said it was Wei Qingjia, which Gu later told Nie Yun. What she said now is determined to return to Gu Qingjia and help Gu get rid of Wei Qingjia.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou heard that she was a middle-aged woman with a Nanyang accent, she knew that she was not the person behind the scenes. Wei Qingjia would not do it herself. She was so rich that she could buy others to do business.

Gu couldn't confirm the identity of the woman, so he fished Wei Qingjia up. That woman was bought by Wei Qingjia. Now there is no doubt about that.

Mrs. Si was shocked.

Jack took her hand.

The governor recalled Wei Qingjia's pretentious manner and said, "it's a snake and scorpion woman indeed!"

Gu Qingzhou also said, "it's Wei Qingjia. I checked it later."

The Nanyang woman can't be found, so she should be omitted and put directly on Wei Qingjia's head. Wei Qingjia was not wronged. She really bought the man to do things.

"And then?" Yan Luoshui was eager to know the follow-up, and broke the topic back, "canoe, where did you save Nie Yun?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "when I know that someone is following me to take photos, I will tell the adjutant not to disturb the snake and let them take photos. I took people out, stopped at the corner, and took Nie Yun to the car.

I pointed the gun at her, and when she was frightened by me, she told me. I thought of Luoshui and said that I was a little similar to Nie Yun, so I changed clothes with her.

She had short hair, so I hid her long hair in my clothes and wrapped it in a big scarf. I continued to stroll along the road Wei Qingjia pointed out to Nie Yun.

Someone's been following me, and my aide's driving. I strolled to the riverside and surrounded my head and face with black gauze. Those people couldn't see my face clearly. Just when I was dressed like my back, they pressed me from behind and threw me into the river in sacks.

There are a lot of stones in the sack. Fortunately, I was prepared to take a knife with me. As soon as I entered the water, I cut my pocket and hid it at the bottom of the water and swam down the water

When she said that, Sima suddenly raised her eyes and looked at her.

That night, when Gu came back, his hair was half dry.

At that time, she said that she had gone to play tennis. It turned out that she had experienced a lot of life and death for the sake of Sima.

Nie Yun trembled involuntarily.

At the riverside, Nie Yun, who was hidden in the car in the distance, also saw it.

Nie Yun was going crazy. At that moment, Nie Yun thought that if it was her, she would surely die in the river. She seems to be reborn. She dare not try to blackmail others any more. Because got the money, may have to pay the price of life!

Compared with money, Nie Yun still wants to keep this life.

". the surface of the river looks calm, but the water below is very fast. It was night again, it was dark everywhere. I held my breath for less than two minutes along the current and swam hard. When I came out of the water, I had already swam so far that people at the dock could not see me clearly.

After breathing, I went to the water to hide and swam for a while before coming out. I waited in the river for half an hour, waiting for them to leave completely, and the adjutant lighted the car on the bank, before I swam up. " Gu Qingzhou road.

One of the generals could not help praising: "little madam, you are really brave and resourceful! If you didn't save Nie Yun, young commander, the case is really not clear! "

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

The governor also said: "it is true that the light boat is quite capable! It's easy to say, it was so critical at that time, but it's rare for her to do so. "

People boasted of the bravery of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and smiles softly. Q +;

smoothie looks at her again.

"Then I'll go on?" Gu Qingzhou and other people's praise slowly stopped, she said.

The governor nodded.

". the other party actually investigated Nie Yun and knew that she couldn't swim. On the same day, we didn't know that we had left the bag. Because no one noticed, I sent an adjutant to send Nie Yun to Shanghai overnight.

Fortunately, the other side wants to make Nie Yun look like he's drowning himself in the river. He can't leave a suspicious wound on her. They didn't stab me or stun me with anything, or I would have died.

At that time, I didn't know who the enemy was or how powerful it was. I didn't dare to leave Nie Yun in Yuecheng. After seeing her off, I sent someone to the countryside to buy a dead woman's body for half a month.

Each other's family was poor, and they didn't even have the coffin to bury. When I paid a lot of money, they happily gave me the body. According to Nie Yun's characteristics, after removing one toe of the woman, I soaked her in warm water for three days. It's really different. It was found in the river.

They want to find the body that day, so it's easier to identify and testify. I didn't expect that later it would not look like it, so I could only identify it from the clothes of Nie Yun.

I think it's the people in Yuecheng who want to calculate the governor and the commander. I can't imagine that things started in Nanjing. Since that is the case, some of them are beyond our boundaries, and I have to be more silent. Only let them think that they have succeeded, they jump out by themselves "

the waiting of Gu Qingzhou seems to put the military government in the downwind.

But things have come to this point, which has aroused everyone's curiosity. Everyone is concerned about the result of the case. The message that "Si Mu is innocent and Nie Yun is not dead" can only be thoroughly conveyed after a high degree of fermentation.

In this way, Sima would never have to suffer such gossip again.

At the beginning, only a few people paid attention to it. In the future, some people deliberately framed it. The audience didn't know about it. It would be even worse for simu to spread false information.

At the same time, the brewing of the matter can expose Li Wenzhu's face in Nanjing, and it will also let people know that the political department, together with Li Wenzhu, framed the Department of supervision.

When the inspector general goes to Nanjing to take office again, he will stare at Minister Wu, so as not to stab him behind his back.

But Minister Wu exposed in full view of the public, and then to the governor is to drop the handle, but let the governor more secure to go to office.

On this side of Yuecheng, people who want to frame simu also appear.

"How is it?" The chief inspector glanced at the crowd with pride, "who of you has such a brilliant mind?"

Gu Qingzhou's handling of the storm will completely solve it without any omission.

It's like a fire boil. If it comes out completely and you cut off the pus, you won't get sick again.

"Little madam is the best help of young commander!"

"Only when the matter is steadily brewing can the political department and Li Wenzhu be caught off guard and get complacent. Young madam, this is a move to eliminate a strong enemy for the governor! "

This is to say that Li Wenzhu is no longer qualified to compete for the position of commander-in-chief with the supervisor. Li Wenzhu is such a clown. He is afraid that he will be rejected by the president in the future.

Yan Xinnong said: "the evidence this time can be traced back to Li Wenzhu. I have sent someone to start combing."

The superintendent nodded with satisfaction.

I have made it clear that when the people are scattered, the chief inspector will also do something to deal with the aftermath.

At that time, the governor took Yan Xinnong and other deputies to Nanjing, leaving simu to escort the family back to Yuecheng.

When he returned to the room to pack, he leaned on his chair and held his arms in silence.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou turned around, his eyes fell on her and seemed to have thousands of words.

He raised his lips slightly as if to say something.

Gu noticed and said, "don't thank you. You have promised me the money. I'll just take the money."

Simu thin lips slightly pursed.

After a pause, he asked, "is it cold?"

Gu Qingzhou doubts.

"I spent half an hour in the river that day, was it cold?" Sima's voice is low, and he can't say what kind of mood is mixed.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

She didn't expect him to notice that.

Everyone was just happy, no one remembered that it was December. Gu Qingzhou had been immersed in the river alone for a long time, his hands and feet were frozen, and he waited for this goal to be achieved.

Compared with the grand plan, that sacrifice is too small to ask for credit.

But it's really cold.

"Fortunately, it's not so cold in the water. It's cold when I go ashore." Gu chuckled.

What else did simu want to say? Gu Qingzhou turned around and walked out quickly.

The atmosphere in the room was so strange that she couldn't stay for a moment. Sima was moved in his mood. He was not used to taking care of the boat.

He is always easy to be moved and forget after a few days.

Gu Qingzhou did not know whether he was like a superintendent or a madam. In the aspect of nostalgia, the governor and his wife are two extremes.

The governor should keep in mind the small favors of the past and repay others; the Secretary's wife would like to deny all of them, even if she had been better to her, she would take them for granted.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that Sima is like Sima, but does she really know men?

Coming out of the room, Gu Qingzhou went to the room of Yanluo water and said to Yanluo watercourse, "I have something to talk to Nie Yun. Go and help me open up her mother."

Yan Luoshui immediately became interested and asked, "what are you talking about? Do you want Nie Yun to be a concubine for his second brothe

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