Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 802 company's ability

Gu Qingzhou stares sideways at Cai Changting.

The bright moon is like ice soul. It sprinkles Qinghui on Cai Changting's face. His face is white and smooth, which makes him handsome and charming.

He's the best sculptor in the world. He's perfect.

Even with a smile, his smile is always more gentle and beautiful than others.

"Ah Qiang, why do you always think me so bad?" Cai Changting laughed, "I didn't monitor you, I just came out to look around and saw the steam lamp on the rockery. I thought someone might have gone out. At this time, I can't think of anyone but you. "

"You really know me." Gu Qingzhou sighed.

Cai Changting smiles.

"What are you going to do so late?" he asked

"Ah Wu is not very comfortable. She called me to take care of her." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting's eyes turn slightly, which seems to be shining and colorful, especially good-looking. He asked again, "is Miss Ye San OK? Do you want me to call a doctor for her? "

"It's not a big deal. It's a woman's monthly affair. She has a bad stomachache and is embarrassed to call people." Gu Qingzhou road.

She always lies in front of CAI Changting.

Cai Changting did the same to her.

"You see, I'll give it to ah Wu." Gu Qingzhou shows Cai Changting the traditional Chinese medicine.

She believes that with CAI Changting's intelligence, he has known some pharmacology in these days. Otherwise, how to deal with Gu Qingzhou?

At first glance, these drugs are all for promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.

Cai Changting pretended to be careless, looked at the eyedrops, and looked at the boat quickly.

Gu Qingzhou is a little impatient.

"Shall I come with you to see Miss ye?" Cai Changting said again.

Naturally, Gu Qingzhou refused.

"In the middle of the night, you go to see her alone, don't you let her toss out to change clothes and comb her hair?" I frown at the light boat.

Cai Changting's thin lips are slightly pursed.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "why don't you trust me like this?"

Cai Changting just smiled: "ah Qiang, you're more caring"

GU slightly tilted his head, with a little cute little action, and looked at Cai Changting.

Cai Changting said, "I'm kind. I'll take you to the corner gate."

Gu Qingzhou did not refuse this time.

On the way, they chatted and talked about the train.

Today, Mrs. pingye didn't talk to Gu Qingzhou, but she told Cai Changting.

Cai Changting also simply expressed Mrs. pingye's meaning once: "ah Qiang, let's not interfere in the internal conflict of Taiyuan mansion in the future. You could have told the governor about Miss King first. There's no need to bring it out. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "I have nothing to do with you. I worry you and your wife."

Sentence irony.

Cai Changting also didn't mind: "ah Qiang, the one who really loves you in the world is probably his wife. That's what Madame means. Tomorrow she may come to you. Don't contradict her. It's cold in her heart. "

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "OK, thank you for telling me."

At the corner gate, Gu Qingzhou opens the door and enters.

Cai Changting stayed outside the door.

He listened attentively.

After Gu Qingzhou entered the door, his steps became lighter. Cai Changting didn't hear anything. He sat on the corridor beside the corner gate.

He can wait for Gu to come back.

Cai Changting doesn't believe what happened tonight. Of course, he won't show it.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu go to the yard.

Ye Wu decocting medicine.

The small stove is placed in the living room. It feeds the fire a little. The room is full of medicine.

Gu Qingzhou also told ye Wu that she lied about her monthly pain.

As for other matters, they can be handed over to Gu Qingzhou, who will handle them properly for ye Wu.

Ye Wu nodded: "teacher, do you have these drugs that can activate blood circulation?"

Gu Qingzhou road is.

"Leaf Charm asks again:" bullet does not take out, how long can cause septicemia

"I don't know much about western medicine," Gu said. Now we should be on guard against his fever. When it's dawn, I'll find a way. "

"What can I do?" Ye asked.

Ye Wu is the daughter of a powerful person in Taiyuan government. She doesn't know how to use it. Is it possible for her to come here for the first time or to live under the influence of others?

"I'll go to Si Xingfu." Gu Qingzhou said, "nothing is a matter when it comes to the hands of Si Xingfu."

Ye Wu looks at the boat.

Such trust!

In the eyes of teachers, is Si Xingfu the omnipotent God?

Ye Wu is suddenly envious. She also yearns for such feelings. Unfortunately, ye Wu hesitates.

Gu Qingzhou said firmly, "believe me. If the company has the most reserves, it is probably the doctor. You don't know how much trouble he will cause! He is often injured, and always ready to be injured. There are military doctors in his entourage. "

At this time, ye Wu's trust has changed from 70% to 10%.

Her heart suddenly brightened, and the dark clouds that covered her disappeared unconsciously.

They cook medicine. Ye Wu goes in to see Kang Yu from time to time.

After drinking the first bowl of medicine, Kang Yu's spirit improved a little and the blood from the wound stopped.

He said to Ye Wu, "I'm sorry, but I want you to save my life."

Leaf charm is very fair, she said: "you did not ask me, I saw you, just to help you back. I also don't like Jin Qianhong very much. If you want to kill her, just help me. "

After a pause, ye Wu asked again, "why do you want to kill Jin Qianhong?"

Kang Yu was stunned.

His eyes flickered and his voice became more unnatural: "I pursue her, she refuses to pay attention to me, I am so angry that"

he lowered his eyes.

Leaf Charm listened, also feel a little disappointed.

However, Kang Yu was not a good person at all. He often fought against Ye Wu and humiliated her, which was a complete lack of grace.

Jin Qianhong is the most beautiful young lady in Taiyuan. Kang Yu likes her, and ye Wu is not surprised.

Just, the heart is stuffy, a little tight.

"Why don't you let me go? I'm not worth it." He added.

Ye Wu straightened her mind and said, "the teacher is right. You are in such a mess now. Others will know that you left the governor's office as soon as they check.

In this way, I can't explain more clearly. I just had a conflict with Jin Qianhong. The Jin family thought that the governor's office was the mastermind, so you'll have me in trouble. "

Kang Yu immediately closed her mouth.

He closed his eyes and dozed off.

Leaf charm comes out.

She told Kang Yu to Gu Qingzhou.

It's only a moment of disappointment. Now it's reported that ye Wu's tone is very calm, just a little funny: "unexpectedly, Kang Qishao is so naive. Love is terrible. I'd better not fall in love. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at Ye Wu and says, "what did he say?"

Ye Wu nodded.

Gu Qingzhou sighed and said, "is he ill?"

This sentence, Gu Qingzhou said very lightly, but ye Wu didn't hear it clearly, so she asked, "teacher, what do you say?"

"Nothing." Gu chuckled, "I mean, his behavior is too reckless and immature"

"yes." Leaf Charm also sighs.

They sat and it was six in the morning.

Ye Wu drinks the second bowl of medicine to Kang Yu again, and tells the servant not to serve her. She wants to be quiet alone today.

And Gu Qingzhou went back to the residence of the fourth brother of Hirano.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a man fall asleep leaning on the pillar of the cloister. The morning light spread on his face. His flawless face added some ruddy color, especially crimson.

It's Cai Changting.

He sleeps soundly, with childlike quietness and simplicity.

Gu Qingzhou steps forward and wants to wake him up. Don't sleep here. Be careful of catching cold.

As a result, she just touched his shoulder, but he tightly clasped her wrist.

Like a fierce leopard, he jumped up and instead pressed Gu Qingzhou on a stone pillar.

Such vigilance, Gu Qingzhou only saw it in Si Xingfu, so she was slightly shocked.

Cai Changting was also slightly shocked.

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