Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 803: the flirting in the early morning

They saw each other's eyes.

Gu Qingzhou sees himself in CAI Changting's eyes. His hair is slightly loose and his eyebrows are delicate.

He is so beautiful that even the reflection of Gu Qingzhou in his eyes is more beautiful.

Looking at each other for a moment, Cai takes a step back.

He kept a polite distance from Gu Qingzhou.

He was still as gentle as before, and he said with a smile, "I'm sorry for the boat, I just"

"call me the boat again?" Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Cai Changting is stunned.

He called her wrong the second time.

It's impossible for the scheming Cai Changting. However, he is wrong again and again.

It seems that in his deep memory, the word "light boat" has more weight. It's worth blurting out. It's not a simple name.

"Ah Qiang, I am confused." Cai Changting laughed freely. "I've been waiting for you for too long."

"There's no need to wait. You should go back to bed first." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting smiles.

He adjusted his mood by yawning.

One sentence is wrong, as if many words are disordered, which makes him a little angry and ashamed.

"Is Miss Ye San better?" Cai Changting asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said much better.

They went back to the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

As soon as she entered the door, Gu called for a servant, and asked her to go to the chariot and horse house and give an order to prepare the chariot for him.

"I haven't slept all night. Now I want to go out?" Cai Changting looks at her.

He has deep eyes.

Gu Qingzhou looks back.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at him directly. It seemed that the bright eyes could reflect in his heart.

She smiled at him, "do you want to go together?"

Such a warm invitation!

Cai Changting made many mistakes today. He should not have held her against the post so close to her as to see herself in her eyes; he should not have called her by the wrong name.

He may be really tired. He didn't sleep well. He didn't have enough brain.

In front of Gu Qingzhou, a little wrong step will sink into the abyss.

This woman is a highly poisonous flower. It takes 12 points of energy to deal with her, or else she will repeat her last fate.

Cai Changting could have died in her hands last time.

"No." Cai Changting said, "don't worry too much. Take more rest."

Gu Qingzhou said he knew.

"Then I went myself." She had a little pink cheeks and a little smile.

Cai Changting said yes.

He turned and stepped out of her yard. However, after a few steps, the steps stopped a little.

He's got a bit of a head in his head at the moment.

He gazed at the yard of the light boat and did not move his feet for a long time.

A servant passed by and called "Mr. Changting", which interrupted his thinking.

Two servants muttered.

"Mr. Changting, do you like the eldest or the second?"

"He was born so good-looking, how could he look up to others? I think both the first and the second miss have taken a fancy to him. "

"If you choose one, you must choose the eldest lady. The second lady is really useless and can't help you."

Among the servants, the eldest lady refers to ahen, and the second lady refers to taking care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou came out and just heard this sentence.

She smiled a little as if she hadn't heard.

Servants are not afraid of her. I feel that the second young lady has a good character, a good character and no desire.

"I didn't expect this from outsiders." Gu Qingzhou road.

She's acting very well.

Early in the morning, Gu went directly to the gate of the Jin family.

She didn't say goodbye to Mrs. king, just to Miss Cheng.

"Just a moment, please," said the servant

In a moment, Cheng Yu came out.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, she saw a surprise in the bottom of her eyes, smiled and said to her, "you are just in time. I still want to find you."

Gu took her arm and said, "if you were on the train the day before yesterday, would you still count?"

"Of course."

"Well, I'd like to see Si Xingfu. Where is he?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu is shocked.

"You come straight to the king's?" Cheng Yu asked, "what's the urgent matter?"

"Very urgent. I need him and you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu nodded: "he hasn't got up yet. Come with me."

Cheng Yu, Cheng Meng and Si Xingqi live in Xiaoqiao courtyard in the west of Jinjia.

There are two main rooms and four small auricles in xiaochuanyuan.

Cheng Yu lives in the ear room, and Si Xingqi himself occupies the east room.

When the knock on the door rang, his voice was lazy and said, "please come in."

As a result, when he saw Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, he was very surprised and surprised to see Gu Qingzhou. He always felt a little unreal.

He closed his eyes and opened them again. He still didn't get up. He waved at the boat and said, "come on."

It's like calling a dog.

Gu Qingzhou stepped forward a few steps: "hurry up, Si Xingfu."

before he finished speaking, he saw Si Xingfu bent over and his long arm pulled Gu Qingzhou over.

Gu Qingzhou falls into his arms.

He hugged her, ignored Cheng Yu's presence, pressed her between the pillows and kissed her hard.

Cheng Yu's whole life is stupefied.

Let her see this picture in the early morning? She really wants to dig out her eyes and wash them. It seems that she is not quite right. Cheng Yu's face turns white: "you, you are not hypnotized by me, are you?"

Si Xingfu let go of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou struggles. He hugs her waist and lets her dance like a hairy cat falling into his arms.

Gu Qingzhou hates to bite him.

But sixingqi looks at Cheng Yu, and then slowly says to Gu Qingzhou, "it's over. I can't hide the secret. Do you want to kill her and kill her?"

Cheng Yu looks more pale.

Gu Qingzhou finally gets away from her. She is also angry. She is angry with Si Xingfu and wants to say something.

However, she held her fingers.

Gu Qingzhou is embarrassed. He takes back his hand and wipes it on his clothes: "shameless colored embryo!"

The robe of Si Xingfu was already loosened when he was tossing and taking care of the light boat, revealing his strong chest. The skin is deep and clear.

Seeing this scene again, Cheng Yuzhen wants to dig out his eyes again.

Unable to bear it, she turned and went out.

Gu Qingzhou feels that Cheng Yu has the feeling of running away from home. He is shameless and disgusted to Cheng Yu.

"Don't make a fool of yourself. I have a business." Gu Qingzhou road.

She simply said about Kang Yu.

This matter is very urgent. She needs Si Xingfu and Cheng Yu to pretend to visit Ye Wu and take the military doctor to the governor Ye's mansion.

"It's been six or seven hours. We can't delay any more." Gu Qingzhou road.

He stood up and said, "OK, give it to me."

He got up and took off his nightgown.

Gu Qingzhou was stunned, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps: "what are you doing?"

"Change your clothes." He glanced at her and tapped her on the forehead with his fingers. "Little girl, what's going on in your mind?"

Gu Qingzhou is going to explode.

"Si Xingfu!" She clenched her teeth and growled.

Si Xingfu said: "OK, no more trouble. Do you want to go out? Because I have to change my pants "

to go to the boat and run away.

Before Cheng Yu's thought, she suddenly understood: it's really hot eyes.

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