Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 804 the house is full of Thieves

Gu Qingzhou arrived at the Jin family early in the morning, and the Jin family naturally knew.

Before getting off the train yesterday, Mrs. Jin went out of her way to find Cheng Yu and apologized.

Not only Mrs. Jin, but also the young masters of the Jin family, also made amends to Cheng Yu, saying that his sister was too reckless and offended Cheng Yu.

"It's all Qian Hong's fault. Let's not have a rift. Besides, your mother hasn't been found yet. We can always help, can't we? " Mrs. Jin takes Cheng Yu's hand.

This is the hope that big things will become small and small things will become small.

Mrs. Jin is not for Cheng Yu, or the old love of the Cheng family. She just wants to keep the reputation of her daughter, Jin Qianhong.

Keep Cheng Yu by your side, and in a good way, Yu will go out and talk.

So, after getting off yesterday, Si Xingfu and Cheng Yu still went back to Jin's home.

Ten thousand of Cheng Yu are reluctant.

"You can help me to persuade Si Xingfu. We'd better move away from the Jin family." Cheng Yu said to Gu Qingzhou, "the Cheng family is not safe."

"You're not safe, are you?" Behind him came the voice of Si Xingfu's teasing.

Si Xingfu has been dressed neatly and finished combing. He is not afraid of the Jin family, so there is nothing wrong with him.

Any intrigue can be seen through without any influence.

If it wasn't for taking care of the boat this time, Cheng Yu, the meeting son, would have died. What's really unsafe is stupid Cheng Yu.

"Yes, I'm afraid." Cheng Yu is honest and admits it.

Si xingxu gave her a cold look.

Cheng Yu said again: "after this incident, the Jin family has no goodwill to us, and even will guard against us. It's meaningless for you to stay here.

Wouldn't it be better for us to go out and live, hurry to find my mother, and then leave Taiyuan? "

Gu Qingzhou raises her eyes, which look at Si Xingfu in a quiet way.

"You need to find out, Miss Cheng, the Jin family will feed and drink your brother and sister, find someone for you, but provide you with shelter.

After leaving the Jin family, do you have money to buy houses? Can you get living expenses? Also, can you have contacts to find your mother? "

Cheng Yu is said to be red faced.

Cheng Meng in the next wing also got up.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Leng continues to look at Gu Qingzhou.

He had seen Gu Qingzhou, and knew that this was the woman that Si Xingfu was thinking about.

Now I see it again. It's true that it's unique. It's incomparable between Cheng and Yu.

It's just that

Cheng Meng has seen the eye Secretary again.

Different from Cheng Yu's insistence, Cheng long suspected that Si Xingfu was no longer under the control of hypnotism - for several times, Cheng Yu wanted to be close to Si Xingfu and was immediately rejected by him.

People who are affected by hypnotism are not.

Now, that's true.

"Big brother, you come to persuade him." Cheng Yu pulls Cheng Meng's sleeve. "I don't want to live in the Jin family."

Cheng Meng didn't go to the train. He only knew those things last night.

He said to Si Xingfu, "Si Xingfu, how much is it worth, how many houses and contacts are you stealing Cheng's plane?"

"I stole it, not on credit with the Cheng family. What is stealing? To steal is to enter without foundation. When did I owe you? " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that Si Xingfu can infuriate Cheng Peng.

Sure enough, Cheng Meng's face was red and his ears were red with his shameless words, like a rooster stuck in his throat.

Gu Qingzhou can't see it. He demolishes the stage of Si Xingfu: "Miss Cheng, Master Cheng, if Si shizuo doesn't want to help you, he won't come to Taiyuan."

Si Xingfu laughs: "see? It's hard to prevent day and night. It's hard to prevent domestic robbers!"

After listening to Gu Qingzhou's words, Cheng Yu and Cheng Chong recollect it in their hearts. They know that Si Xingfu is not forgiving others, so they let go. Now I can't help laughing.

"Master Cheng, we have to let go of your move. Life is at stake." Gu Qingzhou road.

The Secretary nodded.

Cheng Yu is at a loss: "do I want to go too?"

"Do you think it appropriate for me to visit Miss Ye San early in the morning?" Sikang leered at her.

The woman's brain is half as flexible as a canoe, and her actions are not so limited.

In the early morning of the first day, Si Xingfu could not go to see ye Wu alone. With Cheng Yu's company, he was right.

"Then I'll take a shawl." Cheng Yu has gone back to his room.

She took her shawl and turned to come out.

Gu Qingzhou didn't visit Mrs. Jin either. He took a bus directly with Si Xingqi and Cheng Yu.

On the way, they are still discussing moving out of the Jin family.

Mrs. king has the best news.

She knew when Gu Qingzhou came and left.

As for what to do, it seems that ye Wu is ill. Please take charge of Xingfu and Cheng Yu. In private, they don't know what they have set up.

"Niang, that pingyeqiang is a tricky woman. Do you want to get rid of her?" The third young master of the Jin family asked Mrs. Jin.

Mrs. King pondered.

She sent someone to check the details of Hirano rose, because they are far away in Japan and can find nothing.

I only know that like her sister, Hirano is Chinese. Mrs. Hirano took her to Japan.

"Don't be reckless. She is now standing at the Ye's side. To get rid of her before is to hit the governor Ye's face. " Mrs. king is very rational.

Jin Qianhong is nearby, biting his lips and saying nothing.

In the case of the train, Mrs. King almost paid for a railway and two latest cannons, which enabled her to reach a new balance with governor Ye.

It's not suitable to annoy Ye's family now.

"I'm surprised that pingyeqiang has such a mind and strategy." "I thought she was just going to cheat," said the king's eldest son

Gu Qingzhou had already awed the Jin family.

"Obviously, she is resourceful." Mrs. king said, "it's fun"

"Mom, where's fun?" Asked the eldest young master of the Jin family.

"I really appreciate her," Mrs. king said with a smile. "Maybe we can have more contact with her."

"Mother!" Jin Qianhong, on one side, cried nervously.

She suffered such a big loss that her mother would not get back her face, but would like to have more contacts with that fake Japanese woman?

Is there such a cheap good thing?

"Niang, who did you say attacked us last night?" When the third young master saw his younger sister being coquettish, his mother frowned and immediately interrupted, shifting the topic.

The attack last night caused Mrs. King's wrath.

They have entrusted governor Ye's office to find the gunman.

If you are seriously injured like that, you will definitely buy western medicine or go to see Western medicine.

Therefore, governor Ye's government strictly controls these two aspects. They can catch people if they are strictly monitored for at least one week.

"There are only a few people on the left." Mrs. King's eyes were cold and frosty. "Well, there's no need to discuss this matter. We'll decide when we catch the murderer. You've been away from home less recently.

It's just that Jin Qianhong has always been reluctant.

What Gu Qingzhou destroyed was not only Jin Qianhong's plan of keeping all secrets together, but also Jin Qianhong's reputation.

Those people in the car must chew their tongue.

All the sources of hate are in the light boat.

"Rose." She remembered the name, even her appearance.

Revenge, or revenge.

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