Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 807 two Shu conspiracy

Ye Wu looks back.

Kang Yu on the bed, depressed, but his eyes are wide open, looking at her.

He seems to have something to say.

"Thank you very much, arwoo." However, when he said it, it was the only one.

He paused and continued: "ah Wu, they should not leave now. Can you accompany me?"

Leaf Charm heart a jump.

Inexplicably, so jumping, as if who is touching her heartstrings, she has a kind of both beautiful and uneasy feeling.

She was a little dazed.

"Good." Ye Wu quickly adjusted her mind.

The sick people are extremely vulnerable, she can understand very well. After all, she and Kang Yu are not the big enemies of life and death, but just some small disputes of children.

Kang Yu asks Ye Wu to sit down.

Ye Wu sits by the words.

I really sat down and had nothing to say. Kang Yu tried to pick up a topic and chose a lot of sentences at the beginning, which was not appropriate.

The room was so quiet that the needles could be heard.

Not far away is the racecourse. Today, Si Xingfu comes. The racecourse is cleared again. There is no noise. There is only a solitary horse running.

"Will it be too noisy when there is more business?" Ye asked.

This is a good start.

Kangyu is very familiar with this racecourse. He learned all his riding skills from childhood to the big here.

He said: "it won't be noisy. This is the infield. Even if it's not clear, only family members or familiar guests can run in the infield. "

Leaf Charm Oh voice.

They talked about horsemanship.

Kang Yu told her all about horses and horsemanship.

Ye Wu was fascinated.

"When I'm ready, I can teach you polo." Kang Yu Road.

He mentioned it casually.

"Leaf Charm smiled:" good, I want to play polo very much, unfortunately not

A word and a word soon passed the time.

Ye Wu looks at her watch. It's over two o'clock in the afternoon. Kang Yu should have a rest and she should go.

"I'll see you next time." Ye Wudao.

Kang Yu suddenly lost his temper: "don't come."

He didn't know why he was angry, but he felt that she looked at her watch frequently. It seemed that he was impatient with her, and his heart was burning.

Fortunately, he is moody, and ye Wu is clear in her heart.

She said: "that's good. You're very sick. When you're well, we'll meet in the city."

I really don't plan to come again.

Kangyu held her breath, and the wound hurt. It hurt deeply, so her heart and mouth hurt together.

"Whatever you want." Kangyu cold road.

Ye Wu stands up.

She took a look at him. After all, she didn't say anything more. She turned around and went out.

Kangyu's hands and feet were cold in a moment. It was a little hard. He couldn't hold his fingers together for a long time.

He thought that ye Wu would not come again.

she always keeps her good name, and treats him with no difference, just like anyone else.

In the future, those who fell in front of Ye's house last night were other people she knew, and ye Wu would help each other.

"What are you thinking?" Kang Yu asked herself, "don't be silly!"

He hated his face and closed his eyes to sleep.

When ye Wu returned to Gu Qingzhou, she was in a good spirit. She was probably used to Kang Yu's attitude and became indifferent.

"Have you eaten?" Ye asked.

"No today," Gu chuckled

"I'm hungry. Shall we go back to the city to eat or just eat here?" Ye Wu asked again.

"Go back to the city. They still have something to do." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu agreed.

A few people go to eat, Leaf Charm mood is a little low, Gu Qingzhou noticed, but did not say anything.

After dinner, Gu went to the drugstore and bought several kinds of herbs.

She asked the shopkeeper, "do you have any beans?"

"Do you want to buy seeds, teacher?" said Ye

The shopkeeper next to him stood up and laughed: "Miss, I misunderstood that this bean is not another bean!"

Gu Qingzhou also smiles and grasps Ye Wu's hand lightly.

Ye Wu stopped talking.

Gu went to the inner room, got what she wanted, gave the boss some money and went back.

After returning, Gu led Cheng Yu to the corner of the backyard alone and made a rectification of her.

"Will you leave scars?" Cheng Yu is worried.

Before she could answer, she continued, "will I die?"

Gu Qingzhou fanned her head and said, "I can't die, and I won't leave scars. I'll fix the spot!"! No matter how bad it is, you can live in Jin's house and be torn apart by Jin Qianhong! "

Cheng Yu wants to cry without tears: "you are no better than Jin Qianhong!"

At this time, she especially miss her parents.

When her father was alive, she was a high-ranking governor's office lady. She was more charming than ye. Who dared to trip her up?

The life of being well-off has not made Cheng Yu cautious since she was a child. Once she is down, her wisdom is inferior to that of ordinary people.

Just like her, she wanted to hypnotize Si Xingfu, which was beyond her capacity.

"It's different!" Gu light boat responded solemnly to Cheng Yu's Tucao, "I'm trying to save you. Is she the same as harming you?"

Cheng Yu said, "I also think your kindness will kill me!"


"Why are you so sure?" Cheng Yu asks with some eagerness. She needs to take care of the light boat to give her a more certain and persuasive answer and reassure her.

Can't imagine, Gu Qingzhou smiled and said, "no matter what, I'm the one who says it casually!"

Cheng Yu is in tears.

After that, Cheng Yu did not go back to Ye Wu's yard, but went directly to the car.

The driver waited for the driver to come out and left the Ye family.

They went back to the golden house. When they got off, Cheng Yu did everything as usual. They entered through the gate of the golden family and went to the cross courtyard where they were placed.

When he came back, Cheng Yu hid in his room and first went to find Cheng and told him the story.

Knowing that Cheng is OK, Si Xingfu asks him to see Cheng Yu.

Seeing Cheng Yu, Cheng Meng was worried and angry: "can you promise to do such a dangerous thing?"

Cheng Yu said: "don't worry, brother. You can't do anything uncertain if you take care of the boat. Besides, I am in good health and can bear it! "

"You shouldn't risk yourself!" Cheng Meng's heart aches.

Cheng Yu doesn't think so: "brother, listen to me this time. Don't worry."

That night, Cheng Yu had nothing to do with it. She secretly scolded Gu Qingzhou, "isn't it ineffective?"

As a result, in the middle of the night, her mouth was dry and she got up to drink water before she realized that she had a fever.

"Come on, please call me a doctor. I'm sick. I have a fever." Cheng Yu shouted.

Her fever was not very serious, but her voice was shrill.

Si Xingfu and Cheng Peng also got up.

"It's OK. Go to ask for some antipyretics first, and then go to the hospital tomorrow morning." Cheng Mengdao.

The servant asked, "do you want to tell your wife to ask for a doctor?"

"It's so late, it's over," Cheng said

I endured until dawn.

After daybreak, Cheng Yu's fever dropped a little, and Mrs. Jin came to see her.

As soon as Mrs. king came, the plan was about to begin.

Cheng Yu picked up his lips and smiled, but it burned badly. The smile was not as good as she expected, but rather sad.

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