Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 809 Cai Changting's gift

Gu Qingzhou is tired and relies on Si Xingfu.

From the aftertaste, she listened upstairs and downstairs, and said to Si Xingfu, "nothing"

Cheng Hui and Cheng Yu were silent.

Si Xingfu never paid attention to this kind of thing.

Who doesn't know about this between men and women? What's more, his kung fu in this area is only for men to envy women, and they are not afraid of being known.

"Cheng Meng should be out. Cheng Yu is asleep." Si Xingfu gently rubbed her back to relieve her fatigue.

Gu Qingzhou beat him: "what do others think?"

"What do you think?" Si Xingyao kissed her cheek, "left is just two shameless men and women. Don't we do that, and they think we're good people? "

I admit without hesitation.

The shameless limit of Si Xingfu is increasing every day.

Gu Qingzhou's ears were slightly scalded: "it's a skill to be a good man. Don't take your disgrace for granted, it's not good. "

"I'm fine," said the secretary. In the light boat, I will bear more sins. In the future, I will go to the next 18 layers of hell and bear all the pain together. Then you can enjoy the happiness. "

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

Then she shrank into his arms and scolded him: "glib!"

She got up and simply combed.

There was no movement in the room.

Cheng Meng really went out, and Cheng Yu was sleeping from the beginning to the end.

Gu Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Recently, I don't invite servants. I cook by myself. What would you like to eat today? "

"Rice, with braised fish." Gu Qingzhou swallowed his saliva.

Si Xingfu scraped off her nose and said, "greedy cat."

He went out to buy fish and went upstairs to see Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu is still awake.

Two hours later, Cheng Yu woke up and looked at the boat sadly.

"Can you" Cheng Yu is going to break down and doesn't want to hear such a move.

She's married and she's very clear about the movements.

"Not next time." Gu Qingzhou's face is swollen.

Cheng Yu took her hand and said to her, "take care of the boat. You have to take the initiative in this matter, so your man can tame it.

Do you follow him in this way, and he does not know moderation or weight? Is it not you who suffer

Gu chuckled: "couple, what initiative are you talking about? I'm equal to Si Xingfu. He doesn't control me and I don't control him. I am voluntary "

Cheng Yu looks at her in amazement.

Gu Qingzhou also felt that she was becoming more and more shameless, because she was tired by the leader of the company.

She coughed awkwardly, poured a glass of water to Cheng Yu, and went downstairs to see Si Xingfu cook.

Si Xingfu just came back from shopping.

He is very skilled in frying and frying. In a short time, a southern style meal will be served.

Cheng Meng is back.

He is not as sophisticated as his manager, and Cheng's face is full of embarrassment.

On the contrary, it is to take care of the light boat and eat in peace.

Gu Qingzhou feels that he has really learned the bad habits of Si Xingfu.

This is not a good phenomenon.

How pretentious she used to be!

After staying here for dinner, it was completely dark, and Gu went to a tea house by taking the bus of Si Xingfu.

He sat down a little and went downstairs again.

He left for about an hour before he got to the back door.

She was sent to the side door of governor Ye's Mansion by her close friend at the back door.

Gu Qingzhou has her own key, which is given by Ye Wu.

By the time she got back to Hirano's residence, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

No sooner had she returned to her yard than she saw a man standing in the shadow under the eaves.

He was tall and silent.

Gu Qingzhou did not need to see clearly, but also knew that it was Cai Changting. The wind lifted a corner of his clothes, and Gu Qingzhou smelled the familiar rose fragrance.

He stood there, looking at the boat's delusion, feeling that he was in a daze.

"It's quite relaxing to stand under my eaves at night." Gu Qingzhou smiles.

The thin moonlight outlines Cai Changting.

His outline is hidden in the dark, not so beautiful, even a little gloomy.

Gu Qingzhou is strange.

I've seen him in the dark before. I've never felt this way.

"Don't be afraid of ah fan's jealousy, do you want to fight with me?" Gu asked with a smile.

Cai Changting finally spoke.

His expression was motionless, but his voice was gentle after he opened his mouth. It was as quiet as the wind at night: "no, ah fan can't be jealous."

"You don't know women." Gu Qingzhou smiled, "even if she doesn't like you, she will never allow others to touch you."

Cai Changting took two steps to the open.

There is a light on his face, his face is more clear, it shows his unique style.

"Ah Qiang, you always see things differently." Caichangting road.

It's not that Cai Changting doesn't look at Gu Qingzhou, but that ah fan doesn't look at Cai Changting at all and doesn't care about his vinegar - that's Gu Qingzhou's understanding.

It's very different from ordinary people's understanding.

"I always do." Gu chuckled and asked him, "what are you doing here?"

Cai Changting pointed to the windowsill.

There are three books on the windowsill. They are all the materials Cai Changting gave to Gu Qingzhou.

After the train, Gu Qingzhou went out all day, Cai Changting couldn't find her figure, and her Japanese study was delayed.

Cai Changting needs to talk to Gu Qingzhou: since learning begins, we should not give up halfway.

Meanwhile, his left hand was down and a string of wind bells rustled.

He handed over: "your wind bell is broken. I'll give you one."

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile: "I'm tired of this kind of wind chime. You know, it was sent by my wife before, so I had to accept it. You this, I will not want. "

"Am I your teacher?" Cai Changting asked her with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou said, "yes, you are my teacher. I respect you very much."

"I dare not say goodbye to the elders," you forgot Caichangting road.

His voice is soft, like the rustle of bells, with a kind of demagogic charm.

Gu chuckled: "I'm right about that. Changting, you misunderstood Chinese culture."

Cai Changting smiles quietly.

He no longer said anything, turned around and walked over, and hung the wind chime under the eaves of Gu Qingzhou, just like Gu Qingzhou had hung before.

Gu Qingzhou tried, much taller than her. She couldn't take it down. She had to go back to the house and carry the stool.

Once again, they are standing in the shadow.

Cai Changting stepped back two steps to keep a polite distance from Gu Qingzhou.

"I will take it down tomorrow," Gu said

"See you tomorrow." Cai Changting then said good night to her in Japanese.

Gu Qingzhou's Japanese is a mature one, a little shy to say good night.

Cai Changting said, "you have become gentle. As expected, people can change."

He also said that in Japanese.

Gu Qingzhou hasn't learned here yet. He looks at him blankly.

He didn't explain either. He went away laughing.

Looking at his back, Gu Qingzhou thinks a little.

She thought of the conditions that Cai Changting put forward last time. They said that if they had taught Japanese, they would agree to Cai Changting's terms. Gu Qingzhou had already agreed.

Every time I think about it, her heart is always restless, as if she stepped into the trap of CAI Changting.

"What is Cai Changting doing for me?"

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