Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 810 intentional strictness

The next day, it was hot and the sun was shining brightly on the earth.

As soon as you go out, the heat waves come.

Gu Qingzhou changes to see the moon white summer cloth slant Lapel shirt, green long skirt and goes to Cai Changting.

Cai Changting was still wearing a black silk long sleeved shirt and the same black trousers, but he lifted the sleeves to show his arms.

"Not hot?" Gu asked him as soon as the boat entered.

Cai Changting said, "it's not hot."

Sit down with each other and look at him from time to time.

Cai Changting noticed and asked, "what are you looking at?"

Gu took his eyes back and said, "you are still strong, not as weak as you look"

CAI Changting looked at his little arm.

Although his forearm is not thick, it has strong muscles and tight lines.

Cai Changting knows that Gu Qingzhou has been exploring him and studying him.

Hearing this, he put down his sleeve and said, "men are all like this."

What flashed in Gu Qingzhou's heart, no more words.

Cai Changting opens his textbook.

Their progress in learning has fallen a lot. Cai Changting said that they would double their time today. Gu Qingzhou has no objection.

It was very hot in the morning. Cai Changting put a basin of ice beside it. It was still hot.

Gu Qingzhou's hair is curled up, the bangs are lifted up, and sweat is still oozing out.

As soon as it gets hot, the enthusiasm for learning will be reduced a lot.

And Cai Changting, from the beginning to the end did not sweat a drop, always fresh.

Gu took another look at him.

"You're looking at me again." Cai Changting said, "ah Qiang, are you really interested in me?"

"Because you look good." Gu said truthfully, "who is more beautiful than you?"

Cai Changting smiled softly.

Gu asked him again, "don't you get angry when others say you are beautiful?"

Cai Changting laughed, "are you jealous?"

Take care of the boat.

It's really hot. Gu Qingzhou stands up to look for the folding fan. Cai Changting takes out an embroidered round fan from the drawer and gives it to her.

The silk embroidered fan looks like a lady's fluttering firefly. It's small and lovely.

Gu Qingzhou holds the fan. Cai Changting looks at it and then moves away.

The time in the morning passed quickly, and Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting completed their study smoothly.

"Goodbye, teacher." Gu Qingzhou tells Cai Changting in Japanese.

Then he asked in Chinese, "how do I pronounce?"

Instead of answering, Cai insisted on asking her in Japanese, "if you have any questions, please let me know."

Gu Qingzhou didn't understand at first, but later vaguely understood. She slightly pursed her lips.

Cai Changting seems to have gone mad and said a long speech in his fluent Japanese.

Gu Qingzhou didn't understand a word, just felt that he was in a bad mood and seemed very angry.

Rarely does he get angry.

Gu Qingzhou still listens.

"Today's progress is not complete." Cai Changting changed back to Chinese, "ah Qiang, you are going to stay in the hall today."

"No lunch?"

"No." Cai Changting continued.

He asked Gu to recite a paragraph of text. He taught it word by word, and Gu followed suit.

This passage is very difficult to remember.

Gu Qingzhou tries to concentrate and recite it. But the brain was tired. It had its own opinion and didn't listen to the light boat at all.

Gu took an hour to finish the recitation.

"You have stepped back. Your mind is not on learning." Caichangting road.

This is really a mistake for Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou wants to learn Japanese well, and then understands what Hirano said. She also studies hard.

Every day's learning schedule is set by Cai Changting himself. Today's homework is obviously a lot more difficult, but he said that Gu Qingzhou was distracted.

"I'll improve later," Gu said, exhausted and expressionless

Cai Changting sighed.

"Still learning?" He asked Gu, "do you think I'm too strict to learn?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "I want to learn. I know that a strict teacher is superior to an excellent student. "

Cai Changting nodded with satisfaction.

Gu Qingzhou looks at his watch. It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun is burning outside, and the shadows of the forest are smoky, and the cicadas are singing more and more fiercely.

Gu Qingzhou looks out of the window and considers how to go back to rest and eat.

But the servant brought in the meal.

In addition to the light food, there are two bowls of cold noodles. Gu Qingzhou takes the cold noodles and eats them.

"It's delicious." She said, "it's too hot to have an appetite."

"And then there's the ice surging fruit." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou ate half a bowl of cold noodles and waited for fruits.

Fruit is watermelon.

She ate half a watermelon and her stomach was full.

"I'll go back to sleep. What time is the class in the afternoon?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting said, "three o'clock."

Gu took a look at the time. It's two forty. She has only twenty minutes.

It's too late to rest.

"How about four?" she frowned

Cai Changting gently lifted his lower cuff and said, "I'm a teacher."

He is a teacher, and he decides the time of class.

Gu Qingzhou said: "then I'll take a rest here"

CAI Changting pointed to the big Kang near the window of the living room, which has already laid a mat.

"Don't you sleep?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting said, "I want to sleep."

Then he got up and went into the room.

Gu Qingzhou lies on the mat and recalls his recent learning success. Fortunately, she is young and has a good memory. She can recall 90% of her memory.

In my mind, I was reviewing my lessons, and my tiredness came up, and Gu went to sleep in a daze.

She felt a sudden awakening when someone stood by her.

She sat up and saw Cai Changting.

"It's three ten already," Cai Changting said with an air of self-confidence. "You're late. Get up."

Gu Qingzhou wants to ask how long he has been here, but when he comes to his mouth, he doesn't think it's suitable. He stops.

The lessons in the afternoon are heavier.

Cai Changting kept asking her to recite.

When the light in the room was dim, I was exhausted.

She had never studied so hard, lying on the table without moving.

"See you tomorrow, teacher." She has no energy.

Unexpectedly, Cai Changting sat beside him and said lightly, "today's class is not over"

GU Qingzhou frowned.

Cai Changting really taught her something, and he was willing to teach more, and Gu Qingzhou was not qualified to complain, so she sat up.

"I'll have a rest. Is there anything else to eat?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting rings the bell.

But for a moment, the servant brought in the watermelon.

The refreshing watermelon juice has really restored the spirit of Gu Qingzhou.

They rested for half an hour.

Gu Qingzhou had no appetite and Cai Changting was not hungry, so he continued his study.

Until the whole book is sorted out, Cai Changting said, "school is over."

At a glance, it's nine o'clock in the evening.

She frowned and asked Cai Changting, "will it be so late in the future?"

"Look at yourself. The intensity is constant, but your time can be compressed. " Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou bit his lips slightly.

She stood up.

After sitting all afternoon, he was stiff all over. Gu almost couldn't stand up.

"I'll see you off." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou did not refuse.

When the party arrived at the yard of Gu Qingzhou, she didn't care to leave with CAI Changting, so she lay down on her own bed.

Just lie down, but feel something wrong, Gu Qingzhou suddenly sat up.

There's someone in the room!

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