Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 828 playing dumb

Mrs. King's face was gray.

She has three sons, each of whom is well-educated, and is the only one who overindulges her daughter.

There was no other reason. Mrs. King suffered too much when she was a child. She made up for her daughter for what she could not get.

Doting is more than teaching.

Mrs. king thought she was enough to protect her life. Even if other people are smarter than Jin Qianhong, they dare not embarrass her in the face of the Jin family.

Who knows that when Mrs. king heard the clatter, she felt a stabbing pain in her fingers. She was shocked that she was too hard and broke a nail.

She takes good care of her nails, which are always smooth and slender.

Now I've broken one, but I don't want to give up. The pain is the most fatal.

"Come and get some cold water." When Mrs. king returned to her senses, she had regained her composure and gracefulness, and she gave orders to the servants.

The servant said yes.

After repeatedly soaking in cold water, Jin Qiantong, the third young master of the Jin family, woke up first.

"Shall I find you a clean woman?" Mrs. king asked her son.

Jin sanshao was shocked.

A cold current poured in from the top of his head, and he stopped immediately.

In front of his mother, he was ashamed: "mother"

"go to change clothes, I have something to ask you." Said Mrs. King coldly.

Jin Qiantong stumbles up.

A quarter of an hour later, he changed into a pair of trousers, a short sleeved white shirt, and combed his beautiful hair. He appeared in front of Mrs. Jin neatly. He was still the third young master of the Jin family.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. king asked, "who do you want to harm?"

It can't be concealed.

Jin Qiantong told Mrs. Jin about it.

In Mrs. King's deep eyes, there were some chilly lines: "sure enough, it's her again."

"Mother, she has been against us again and again!" Jin Qiantong cut his teeth and said, "you should not leave her. You should find a chance to stop her"

" Mrs. King snapped, "you're not good at your own business, and dare to rely on others?"

Jin Qiantong is silent.

He was in agony.

This time, the scandal between him and his sister is only a joke of Taiyuan government in ten years.

He was kissed and teased by a man, and lost his resistance. He had to cut him to pieces.

However, his sister is even worse.

Women's home was torn coat, not inch in front of the public, after serious people who dare to marry her?

"If you don't revenge, the family's reputation will be ruined!" Jin Qiantong kneels down to Mrs. Jin. "Mom, you can't let others do us a disservice!"

Mrs. king was angry at first, and even more furious after hearing these words.

She raised her hand and slapped her son in the face: "useless things, how do I teach you in the past? When you fail like this, you still have the face to ask me to avenge you? "

Jin Qiantong lowered his head and did not dare to fight back.

Mrs. king was very angry. "It's very simple to prescribe medicine. You are not only defeated, but also plotted by others. You are stupid!"

"Niang, I was wrong" Jin Qiantong's voice was low and full of regret.

Mrs. King took a rest and said, "get up. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. You can make it up later. This time it will be a lesson, you have to remember for me. "

She is going to analyze for her son how to deal with such a counter attack.

But Jin Qiantong suddenly turned pale and shrieked, "mother!"

Mrs. king was startled by him.

She frowned at her son.

Jin Qiantong's face was as white as paper, his lips trembled, and his words were not sharp: "Mom, mom, I've called the people in the newspaper office, they must have photographed it"

Mrs. Jin's careful taste of this words, and she fell down on the chair.

It was only five seconds before she got up and shouted to the servant, "prepare the car!"

Ye Wu returns to the governor's office.

She knew that inspector Ye was back tonight, so she cooked mung bean soup and sent it to the outside study.

Governor Ye is talking to the staff.

When the third lady came, the meeting was suspended.

Ye Wu gave everyone mung bean soup and said, "I told the kitchen to cook for the night."

"You have a heart." Ye Shoujun laughed.

The staff members all know that the third young lady is the most beloved daughter of the governor, and she has high hopes.

While drinking mung bean soup, ye dujun asked Ye Wu, "what did you do today?"

Summer vacation at home, governor Ye wants his daughter to play around, don't spend the whole day in the deep house.

"To the ballroom." Ye Wudao.

Then she smiled, clearing her throat and saying, "something happened in the ballroom today. It's very vulgar."

All the staff members raised their heads and wanted to hear the story, but also to give Miss San a chance.

In front of all the people, ye Wu told the governor ye the original story.

She doesn't leak a drop.

How to prescribe medicine for Jin Qianhong, how to fight back by her teacher, how to win a game by hypnotism by Miss Cheng, how to be entangled by the British, etc.

When it comes to the excitement, ye Wu also mingles her personal feelings: "I think of my mother, so I went to church to pray and left the ballroom for a while, or I would be the one who was drugged and torn. It's really dangerous."

All the staff looked at each other.

They don't know if they should be angry or applaud Hirano's counterattack. They all go to see Ye's face.

But ye dujun's resolute lines condensed a layer of frost.

His face was as heavy as iron.

"Inspector, we should beat and beat the Jin family. It's also unusual for children to play like this. " There is a staff officer.

"Yes, I have done so many times. The military government will discipline and discipline the Jin family regardless of their children."

In governor Ye's mind, he had an idea.

He regained some looks and looked at Ye Wu tenderly: "ah Wu, my father will ask for justice for you."

"Yes." Ye Wu stands up.

Just at this time, the Deputy on duty at the door came in and told inspector ye, "Inspector, Mrs. king is here, saying that I have something important to see you."

The gloomy face of governor Ye was even more like ice.

"Let her go to the study." Ye dujun said.

The deputy said yes.

Ye Wu went to the door, turned back, and said cautiously, "father, I want to go, too, to hear what the old godmother said."

Mrs. king is very luxurious and beautiful. She has nothing to do with the old.

Leaf Charm has always been fair, rarely mixed with personal feelings to evaluate a person, this time is furious.

"Let's go and listen to what the Jin family has to say," said Ye

When she arrived at the outside study, Mrs. King explained her intention.

"Taiyuan government is the place of the Communist Party's law. The newspaper has the freedom to report, and we dare not break the law. So, I want to bother the governor to come out and say hello to the newspaper office. We Jin family are willing to buy many newspapers. " Said Mrs King.

Mrs. king sent people to the newspaper office and was willing to spend a lot of money on newspapers, photos and negatives.

I can't imagine that this newspaper is ambitious and aspires to be the "first newspaper" in Northwest China.

The first newspaper needs sales.

Miss Kim's scandal was enough to make the sales volume of the newspaper go down in history. Since then, the newspaper has become famous.

This newspaper dare to be so arrogant, because the boss is Wang's.

Wang family of Taiyuan mansion, which is an aristocratic family passed down from generation to generation, has no low status.

Ye Yan, the eldest daughter of Ye dujun, is the five little grandmothers of the Wang family.

The Wangs are the in laws of Ye dujun's mansion, so they have no fear.

Moreover, the money of the Wang family is not lost to the Jin family.

It's useless for the king's family to buy, but they are also relatives of Ye dujun's mansion.

Where is the relationship? What can Mrs. king do with them?

In desperation, Mrs. king had to ask governor ye to come forward, hoping that governor ye would come forward and be a peacemaker.

"What the hell is going on?" As if he was ignorant, "what photos, how?"

Mrs. King's heart thumped.

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