Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 829 remuneration

Mr. Ye's question made Mrs. Jin feel cold.

She immediately realized that it was not easy to solve the problem.

"Overseer, our two families always support each other. At this time, you can't die without help." Mrs. King's face was sobbing.

Although she is old, she can be soft and gentle, which makes people can't bear to refuse.

Ye dujun said: "I didn't see the dead but I asked, what happened in the end?"

Mrs. King recounted the matter once more.

She said her daughter was counted Governor Ye suddenly interrupted her.

Mrs. King's heart tightened again.

She knew that she had a problem today. I was probably very angry to hear governor Ye's tone.

"Not really." Said Mrs King.

She changed her strategy and told the truth about her children's shortcomings. She only said that Jin Qianhong wanted to deal with Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, with the focus on Cheng Yu.

She described Jin Qianhong's and Cheng Yu's enmity as a young girl's jealousy, in order to fight for the Secretary Xingfu, rather than against the Ye family.

"Is it?" Governor Ye's face was more gloomy, and he lit a cigarette slowly.

Mrs. king doesn't like the smell of smoke. She used to be as polite as possible when she came to governor ye, but today she doesn't care.


"Mrs. king, you have no sincerity to talk about things." Suddenly, governor ye put out the smoke, and with great force, his voice suddenly said, "what did your daughter do? Are you a fool?"

Mrs. king has a bitter heart and hair.

It seems that this matter can't be solved without blood.

"Governor, since you know it, I dare not conceal it." Mrs. King sighed, "please tell the Wang branch this time, and the king family will repay you with all their heart and soul."

"It's your grudge with the Wang family, not mine." Ye Shujun said coldly.

After that, governor ye will get up and leave his study.

Ye Wu suddenly said, "father."

Ye dujun frowned slightly.

Ye Wu went to Mrs. Jin and held her hand: "Mrs. Jin, sister Qianhong's business is really not suitable for more trouble."

Hope rose again in Mrs. King's mind.

"My father has been worried about the money for the airport recently, so he has no idea. As you know, my eldest sister is now the master mother of the Wang family. Why don't I ask for her? " Leaf charming and way.

Mrs. king thought quickly.

Here's the money for the plane.

A plane will cost a lot of money. How many planes will the Jin family give to fill the governor's desire?

Mrs. Jin bit her teeth and said, "Inspector, miss three, if this matter can be suppressed, the Jin family is willing to send two airplanes to the inspector's house."

"I want your plane?" he said

The plane is very difficult to get, and the price is extremely high.

Ye's military government bears huge military expenditure, and the annual surplus is not so sufficient.

Every military government has the support of the consortia, but governor Ye doesn't, because he doesn't want to be controlled by others.

Two planes, in fact, he was also moved.

There is no plane in Taiyuan.

"Father, our two families are friends. There's no need to have a conflict because of this. Mrs. king is so sincere. Why don't you answer? It's not easy for you to talk. I'll talk to elder sister. " Ye Wudao.

Ye Wu knew the consequences of this.

Of course, she would be happy to let the Jin family give some blood.

It's really pressing the Jin family. It's not good for the governor's office.

Ye dujun is still cold.

Mrs. King wrote the contract immediately and promised to send two planes and two pilots to the governor's office within one month.

Ye Wu takes the handprint and hands it to ye dujun.

After seeing off Mrs. Jin, governor Ye looked at his little daughter and asked, "ah Wu, why do you do this?"

"It's a big deal. The Jin family's face is ruined. It's just to send Miss Jin and master Jin away from each other. You can't kill them. They were disgraced, but they didn't break the law. " Ye Wudao.

Her delicate eyebrows and eyes suddenly gathered a thin layer of frost.

Against frost China, she is calm and magnificent, full of murderous spirit.

Ye immediately understood: his little daughter, this is to help kill.

Miss Kim's mistake is not big enough for everyone to be punished.

Forgive them this time, Jin Qianhong will have another time, the next time the mistake is bigger, enough to kill, this is what ye Wu wants.

Now, the strategy of the Jin family must be to send Jin Qianhong away from home and not allow her to step into the Chinese soil again.

The Jin family hates the governor's office more, is more cautious, and even takes revenge. What's the good for the Ye family?

"My father told me it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge." Leaf charming light way.

Governor Ye smiled and patted his daughter on the shoulder: "ah Wu, you have the wind of fatherhood."

Leaf charming smile.

Their father and daughter did not tell the staff, and they discussed for half an hour alone.

Ye Wu was ordered to act.

That night, ye Wu went to see Gu Qingzhou first, and told him his decision.

Gu praised her handling.

"You're right. This time, it's not enough to hurt Jin Qianhong and his family. It's meaningless to catch him. Besides, I won." Gu chuckled, "it's a profit to change two planes."

"Just another plane." Ye Wu said with a smile, "another plane must be given to the Wang family, or can the Wang family give up? This is what my father acquiesced to

"Yes." Gu chuckled.

The Wangs are ye's in laws. Ye Wu went to see her elder sister all night.

Their three sisters have always been in a good relationship. After her sister married to the royal family, she was happily married and had a harmonious family. Ye Wu also came to see her occasionally.

Late at night, ye Wu said the meaning of Ye dujun and the reward of the Jin family.

"Elder sister, your family is engaged in industry, and the Jin family is engaged in arms sales. No one can take advantage of it if they are matched. Moreover, the sales volume of newspapers sold in exchange for selling indecent photos is always with or without public praise.

Once the word-of-mouth is broken, the dream of becoming the leader of the newspaper industry is only to be broken. This is what my father means. You can consult with your family to see if you can accommodate them. " Ye Wudao.

With that, ye Wu saw that her little nephew had gone to bed and left the king's house without interruption.

The next day, the steward of the Jin family bought countless newspapers from the street, including the Taiyuan evening news of the Wang family. There was no picture of Jin Qianhong.

"When the plane arrives, the photos and negatives will be delivered." The Ye family sent someone to Mrs. Jin and said, "the Wang family has given things to the governor's office. Please ask the governor's office to supervise. Mrs. Jin can rest assured."

Mrs. King breathed a sigh of relief.

The external influence of this matter has been suppressed.

Mrs. King rubbed her sore eyebrows and said, "I'm going to sleep for a while. Please call me if you have anything."

She fell asleep.

But for a moment, Mrs. king had a nightmare.

She dreamt of a man who stabbed her and spattered with blood all over her face.

The man raised his face with a grim smile, a beautiful and charming face.

Mrs. King woke up screaming in horror.

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