Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 830 wind chimes

Mrs. king had a nightmare.

The face of the woman in the dream is Mrs. Hirano.

"No, it should be." Mrs. king thought back and pondered the dream carefully.

In the dream, the woman's face is young and ferocious. It's not the old Mrs. Hirano, but her daughters.

It should be said that it is Mrs. Hirano's second daughter.

The Japanese woman named "Hirano rose".

It's also normal for Mrs. king to dream that she will persecute herself. After all, she has a strong sense of crisis, and she can't suffer.

Jin Qianhong twice fell into the hands of that woman. She is indeed a threat to the Jin family.

Mrs. king was too deep to sleep.

The newspaper didn't publish, and Jin Qianhong's scandal was not known all over the city, but the rumors had spread, and Mrs. Jin thought over and over again that her daughter couldn't stay in Taiyuan.

Mrs. Kim is going to send Kim to Japan.

Unexpectedly, Jin Qianhong made a scene: "Mom, I'm the victim. Why should I go? I won't go. "

"Are you the victim? You say it again? " Asked Mrs. King sternly.

Jin Qianhong shrunk his shoulders.

"And the third brother?" Jin Qianhong asked, "is he going with me?"

"If he doesn't go, he has something to do." Said Mrs King.

Jin Qianhong is not willing: "why?"

"Will you be satisfied if you destroy your third brother?"

Jin Qianhong dare not answer back.

She felt that her mother loved her third brother better than her.

"When you go to Japan, you just quit the hobby of snake meat. Snake is a cold thing. It's not good for you to eat too much. " Said Mrs King.

Jin Qianhong's tears rolled down: "Niang, you are so cruel. I have such a preference. Do you want to take it away?"

Mrs. king did not look at all.

Without the consent of the rest of the family and her husband, she rushed Jin Qianhong away from Taiyuan and boarded the ship from Tianjin.

Unexpectedly, the steward who had been sent to Tianjin came back in a hurry and said to Mrs. Jin, "miss four has run away."

Mrs. king rose abruptly.

The steward said carefully: "when she got to the wharf, she set us off and ran away. I left someone to look for it in Tianjin. I'll come back and tell you."

"Find it again, find it for me!" Mrs. king was burning with anxiety.

The child was overindulged by her, which was too insignificant.

Mrs. King pondered and went to the residence of Silang pingye to find Mrs. pingye.

When Mrs. Jin came, Gu Qingzhou was learning Japanese from Cai Changting, and Mrs. Hirano was in the nearby landscape.

I heard that Mrs. king came, and Mrs. Hirano went back.

Gu Qingzhou asked Cai Changting, "what is Mrs. Jin doing? Is it a crime to raise teachers' spirits? "

Cai Changting slowly put down his book and said softly, "ah Qiang, do you know how to raise your teachers and ask for their sins? You shouldn't have done this with me. "

"Then I will let Jin Qianhong bully me?" Gu Qingzhou stares at him.

Cai Changting said, "of course not."

Thinking of this, Cai Changting's eyes flashed a ray of ferocity. He stood up and said to Gu, "that's all for today. I have something to do."

"Did you go to see Mrs. king?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Cai Changting nodded, "I'll see."

"If she comes to trouble, let her wife be a little more forceful." Gu chuckled. Most of what she said was a joke.

She knew that the interest dispute between King Tai and Mrs. Hirano could not be broken up after a few fights.

Cai Changting smiled and said a good word.

After he left, Gu picked up his textbook and reviewed his previous teaching.

She went through the drawers of CAI Changting.

Cai Changting's interior and exterior rooms are simple furnishings.

There's nothing in the drawer.

However, Gu Qingzhou saw a string of wind chimes that Mrs. Hirano gave to Gu Qingzhou, which was damaged by Xun Gaoqiao, and Gu Qingzhou threw away.

"What does the wind chime mean to them?" Gu took it up and looked at it curiously. "Cai Changting put it where I can easily find it, which is very attentive."

Her lips were slightly cocked, and she had a curving sneer.

Gu Qingzhou put the wind chime in place and left Cai Changting's house without any valuable discovery.

She called Ye Wu, but she didn't go out today, so she went to see her.

Summer vacation at home, Leaf Charm lazy into a group, do not want to do anything, all day lying reading idle books.

"Kang and other students called me and told me about Jin Qianhong's scandal. It's said that Jin Qianhong wanted to hurt Cheng Yu, but hurt himself. " Ye Wu said, "teacher, Cheng Yu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but he is stepping on Jin Qianhong to become famous."

Gu chuckled.

The enmity between Cheng Yu and Jin Qianhong can not be eliminated in three or two sentences.

Besides, Cheng Yu is almost the same as Jin Qianhong. They are all born rich and well protected by their parents. They don't know how dangerous the world is.

If you can't swallow it in one breath, you need to seek revenge from the Jin family. This is Miss Cheng's temper.

Gu Qingzhou tells Ye Wu about Cheng Yu, and then touches her hair: "it's rare to see such a low-key warlord like you"

to think that she was abused by her biological mother when she was young, Gu Qingzhou can understand.

There are essential differences between Ye Wu and Jin Qianhong and Cheng Yu.

"How long can arrogance last?" "Everyone has a different personality," ye said

Gu Qingzhou smiles and nods.

As they spoke, Gu suggested that they go out for a walk in the evening. Then they heard the servant say that the second miss was coming.

Ye dujun's backyard is a huge family. After all, ye dujun has seven aunts.

Now ye Shan is the second in charge. She is very busy every day. She has to spend a whole day just dealing with housework.

Suddenly I heard that my sister came here at this time, and ye was slightly surprised.

As a result, her sister was not alone, but brought two young people, one male and one female.

"Ah Wu, who is coming?" Ye Shan enters the room smiling.

She didn't stop using napkins to beat the wind, but came out of a thin sweat.

Ye Wu saw the visitor.

It's not someone else. It's Wang Jing, the younger brother-in-law of her elder sister's family and one of her second sister Ye Shan's pursuers.

Wang Jing is the child of Sifang, ranking the tenth in the clan. The "Taiyuan Wang family" was a noble family thousands of years ago. Therefore, there is a kind of nobility cultivated by the royal family.

Wang Jing, too.

"Ten brothers." Ye Wu smiled and welcomed them in.

After Wang Jing, there is a girl.

The girl was thin as a thin piece of paper, but she had a lovely round face. Her eyes are big, because she is too skinny, which causes her skin to turn green. Therefore, she can't leave the lipstick all the year round and smear herself red and white, which is more lovely.

She is Wang Jing's cousin. She was raised by the Wang family.

The sight of Gu Qingzhou falls on Wang Jing's feet.

She watched for a long time, causing Wang Jing to laugh and say, "what's wrong with my shoes, miss?"

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