Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 834 heart disease

Taking care of the boat is not a good temper.

Just met the sick family members, her character will converge, she can understand the urgency of any human ugly.

This is the duty of a doctor.

"I see that Wang shishao's ankle skin is rough and dark, which is different from that on his calf. It's obvious that he has no clothes for a long time.

Foot three Yin are in the lateral malleolus, if foot three yin deficiency cold, will cause the lateral malleolus fever intolerable. Judging from Wang shishao's skin quality, he has been in this situation for a long time.

I reminded him at that time that he should ask the doctor to have a look, so as not to cause a major disaster. If he is light, he will have impotence, if he is heavy, he will die young. I don't think so. Wang shishao and Miss Yu call me alarmist.

Now the disease is exactly what I diagnosed at that time. If you don't believe it, you can ask an old Chinese doctor to see it, or ask a Western doctor for consultation. " Gu Qingzhou did not slow down. He made it clear.

Wang's house full of elders, now look at each other.

The evil curse of feeling in the mouth of the song is only the inspection of others.

"Miss Hirano, can you have a diagnosis?" A middle-aged man stood up and asked Gu about the boat.

The middle-aged man, in his early thirties, was dressed in a blue grey summer cloth shirt, trousers of the same color, and his sleeves were pulled up to reveal his strong arms.

He was born with big eyebrows and eyes, bright eyes, handsome and heroic.

"Call me miss Qiang. I'm not Hirano." "I do see some minor illnesses," Gu corrected

"Kang Han, the young lady in the third room of Kang family, was cured by my teacher. My teacher has a family background. Since childhood, I have learned from a famous doctor. I hope he knows where his disease is. If the teacher doesn't say that he is sure, he will be fifty or sixty percent. " Ye Wulian said.

The Wang family all looked after the canoe and ye Wu, but they didn't believe it. They thought Ye Wu was bragging.

The middle-aged man said: "in this way, the dog's disease please Miss Qiang."

Gu Qingzhou is stunned: "dog?"

"Yes, I'm going to visit Xiawang and Wang Jing is a dog. Thank you, Miss Qiang." Wang Youchuan road.

Gu Qingzhou heard that ye Wu and ye Shan said that the Wang family has a huge industry, because the fourth Master Wang Youchuan is good at business.

In their mouth, Wang Youchuan is a man of both culture and martial arts. He has masterminded people and made the Wang family's business bigger and bigger.

It's just that Wang Jing is in his early twenties. Why does Wang Youchuan look like no more than 3112?

Gu took another look at him.

Her fox confused, Wang Youchuan also understand, he said: "some was born younger, it is indeed Wang Jing's father."

Gu took back his sight.

What was she going to say? She heard footsteps again.

It turns out that the western medicine that the Wang family went to invite has arrived.

Western medicine took out the instrument and diagnosed Wang Jing, then said: "it's hard to say what kind of disease it is. It may be neuritis or myasthenia gravis. Send it to the hospital quickly. I don't have the instrument in my hand, so I can't cure him."

Yu Liange suddenly jumped up and said in a loud voice, "no, don't send your brother to the hospital. When my aunt was in the hospital, she never came out."

Wang Jing's mother, Wang Youchuan's first wife, was hospitalized with cancer and died months later.

Ten years ago, the original western hospital was not accepted, so the Wang family and the outside world said that Wang Youchuan insisted on sending his wife to the hospital, killing her.

Wang Youchuan suffered a lot of misunderstanding at that time.

Now Yu Lange is saying this, and he is embarrassed by western medicine: "can he be cured at home?"

"Master Wang, I'll tell you the truth: This is the impotence in traditional Chinese medicine. Impotence is not an acute disease, the treatment of the ancestors is not lost to western medicine. If you are determined not to go to the hospital, you can change to an old Chinese doctor to see it. " West Medical road.

Although the western medicine stayed abroad, he kept some good feeling and trust for the traditional Chinese medicine.

Not long ago, there was a female doctor in Jiangnan. Her deeds were true, which gave people hope for traditional Chinese medicine.

It's a pity that the witch doctor seems to have been killed by the explosion. Now there is no body.

"No, we don't!" Cried Yu Liange.

She is small and has a sharp voice.

It may be too sad. Her small voice is not as sharp as before. Instead, it is hoarse and pitiful.

"Take it to the hospital, fourth." Another elder nearby said, "look at the situation. The crisis is like this. Don't delay the child."

"Yes, fourth uncle, it's still reliable in western medicine."

"I can't move now. I still stare. It's frightening. It's important to send him to the hospital."

There was a lot of talk.

Western medicine also said: "to send the hospital, we must hurry up and never delay."

"No, I can't. I can't take my brother!" In front of Wang Youchuan, Yu Liange said, "uncle, you can't kill your brother."

Wang Youchuan looks gloomy.

Ye Shan, who hasn't spoken, shouted, "what's your name?"

"It was."

"All right!" Wang Youchuan drinks low.

He came out with the western medicine and asked if the western medicine could move the instrument. The Wang family was willing to pay more.

Western Medicine says it can't be moved. The instrument is too heavy.

"In this way, you are not as good as traditional Chinese medicine!" Yu Liange pointed to the doctor's nose, and the little man almost jumped up. "If you don't have an instrument, you won't see a doctor. Are you a doctor or an instrument a doctor?"

The Western doctor's face suddenly turned ugly.

The Wangs also think a little.

There was a sudden silence in the room, only the doctor's rough breath.

"Too mean." Gu Qingzhou takes the initiative to open his mouth and says to Yu Liange, "doctors come to help, not to be humiliated by you."

The doctor looked at the boat and looked at it with gratitude.

Yu Liange looks at Gu Qingzhou.

There was a breath in her heart, which could not be let out, but she did not open her mouth.

"Or wait for TCM to come and have a look before making a diagnosis?" Western medicine asked Wang Youchuan, "compare them and decide whether to send them to the hospital."

Wang Youchuan hesitated and agreed for a while.

Ye Wu wants to say that her teacher can cure Wang Jing. However, the attitude of the Wang family is mixed in the middle of the song, and ye Wu is reluctant to speak.

About five minutes, an old Chinese doctor came.

After the diagnosis of the old Chinese medicine, he said: "this is the deficiency of the three Yin of the foot, so that the blood essence is not stored. Lack of blood essence to nourish the muscles and bones, resulting in impotence. You can take care of yourself, but not in a day. "

The disease is confirmed, which is caused by deficiency of three Yin of foot.

"If it is cured, can my brother be the same as before?" Yu Liange jumps out again and asks.

The old Chinese medicine nodded.

Yu Liange's eyes turned: "in case"

"if it doesn't cure well, it's probably to stay in bed for life, and the legs should not move." Old Chinese medicine.

I was frightened when I was in languoton.

She turned to see Wang Youchuan: "uncle, this old man is not sure. Don't treat him!"

Everyone was shocked.

The old doctor's face was full of anger.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is thumping.

She can't help but look at Cai Changting, but see Cai Changting is also looking at her.

They all have the same look at each other's eyes: this song in the appendix has different intentions.

Sure enough, they heard Yu Liange continue: "Ye's sisters have said that Miss Qiang's medical skill is the best, let her treat my brother."

The room was full of noise.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head and smiles.

As she expected.

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