Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 835 possessiveness

Yu Lange was at the Wang family when he was seven years old.

Her parents are not in good health. She was born with more than four Jin, but she also exhausted all the blood essence of her mother's body.

Less than three months after she was born, her mother died.

Her father never remarried. She hired a nurse to raise her. When she was seven, her father died of illness.

My aunt saw her pitiful and took her to her side.

Yu Liange, seven years old, seems to be only the size of a four-year-old child. Her aunt is extremely distressed and particularly favors her.

Her aunt and cousin Wang Jing also love her very much.

After her aunt died, her uncle took charge of the huge Wang family business, neglecting the teaching of the children, and she and her cousin depended on each other.

My cousin loves her very much.

From that time on, Yu Liange thought that she would stay in the Wang family all her life.

From the age of seven into the king's door, she is the king's people.

But things were not as good as people wanted. She slowly found that her cousin had no love for her, and some of them were all brothers and sisters.

Cousin has been in love with Ye Shan since he was 14 years old.

Ye Shan is lively, tall and slim, with rosy and white complexion. Because of her body, Yu Liange is not tall all the time, and her face is waxy yellow all the year round, which is better than ye Shan.

Not only yellow, but also green in the yellow. She is very embarrassed.

She began to dress herself up.

At the age of 13, other girls are still ignorant. Yu Liange has learned how to maintain.

It's a pity that her body has inherited her parents' weakness, and she doesn't strive to be nurtured. She's eighteen now, and she's still 14 or 15 years old.

She was very discouraged.

Yeshan repeatedly refused her cousin and gave her hope. However, she found that there were always many beautiful girls around her cousin.

In recent years, Yu Lange has suffered a lot.

Now, Wang Jing is ill. He may lie in bed forever. Then he will always be her.

Wang Jing, who has become paralytic, is more disliked by Ye Shan, and other girls will leave one after another, only accompanied by Lian Ge.

Therefore, Yu will never allow Wang Jing to go to the hospital.

She didn't even agree with the venerable old doctor to treat Wang Jing.

She took a good look at the light boat.

She thought, "this young woman, since she told me about my brother's illness, let her treat him, at least to cure him of hemiplegia, and also to show my heart."

She insisted on taking care of the boat.

She also enraged Ye Shan and ye Wu: "second sister, ah Wu, you said that, Miss Qiang is not a curse, but a medical skill.

If she could see it, she said that her medical skills were better than those of the old doctor. In this case, why not invite her to take care of it? "

"Isn't this nonsense?" The old doctor looked at the boat standing beside his eyes and said angrily.

Although western doctors are fond of Gu Qingzhou, they have heard that the first doctor in Jiangnan is a young woman, but not all young women can cure diseases.

Therefore, western medicine admonished Gu to take care of the boat: "this young lady, life is of the essence. You should think more about it."

He was kind enough to be afraid that the boat would get stuck.

Gu chuckled and said, "thank you very much. I'll think about it."

"Miss Qiang, will you give my brother a cure?" In the song tears.

Being washed away by tears, her little face was even more pitiful and could not bear to refuse.

"Four rooms can be small 11 children, you make a fool of, be to want to break old four incense fire?"

"Let's invite Miss ye out first. The Wang family will make up its own mind about the Wang family."

"Fourth, say something."

All the people were speechless, obviously distrustful of taking care of the boat, and thought the children were ridiculous.

The fourth Master Wang Youchuan looks at the light boat.

He was a little shaken in the heart.

"Listen to me, uncle!" Yu Langge grabbed Wang Youchuan's sleeve. "Uncle, don't make two wrong decisions!"

Yu Liange knows her uncle's weakness best.

Wang Youchuan loves his wife to have cancer. He is desperate to send her to the West hospital.

At that time, Houxi hospital was rare, and his family opposed him, but he was stubborn, and finally his wife died.

These years, Wang Youchuan often regrets for this. Yu Liange is shrewd and has grasped the pain of Wang Youchuan. No matter how shrewd a man is, he will make a wrong decision.

Wang Youchuan's heart devil, he can't overcome.

"Uncle, if you don't believe me, ask the second elder sister. She knows that Miss Qiang has excellent medical skills. If Miss Qiang wants to be ill, this is very serious. " Cried Yu Liange.

Then she asked Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Qiang, you must be able to cure my brother, right? You are so powerful! "

Young girls are all competitive.

In the eyes of the public, Yu Liange's vanity will surely prompt her to make a positive answer.

As long as Gu Qingzhou answers yes, Yu Liangge can kick all the doctors out and leave her alone to see a doctor.

At that time, Wang Jing will stay in bed for life, and Yu's future will be stable.

Wang Jing is her, so is the Wang family.

"Isn't it, Miss Qiang?" Yu Liange asks again.

Gu Qingzhou hasn't felt Wang Jing's pulse yet. She just looked at Wang Jing and thought about the diagnosis of the old doctor and the Western doctor. So she said definitely, "yes, I can cure him."

Again, the crowd was in a uproar.

What a cow!

In the heart of the song is great joy.

When ye Wu saw that other people doubted her teacher, she was really competitive. She thought of Gu Qingzhou saying that she could be cured. Her name of "the first doctor" was not empty, so she knew that Gu Qingzhou was sure.

Since you are sure, ye Wu won't allow others to look down on her. She said, "my teacher can cure any disease. You believe her! Fourth uncle, please believe in my teacher! "

"Four uncles, why don't you let ah Qiang try? Ah Qiang really has medical skills. " Ye Shan also said.

The Wangs were astonished.

When people's lives are in danger, how can we have fun?

"Uncle, please!" Yu Liange added, "uncle, please help your brother. Don't let him be killed by this old man!"

"Ridiculous!" The eldest husband was half dead with anger. "Impotence is a difficult disease originally, dare to say that he can cure it, all are quacks! Funny, funny! "

"You are a quack! Can't you cure, can't anyone else? Don't hurt my brother, please go out! " Cried Yu Liange.

She deliberately provoked the old doctor to refuse treatment.

Finally, she must fall into the hands of Gu Qingzhou.

Only Gu Qingzhou is half a bucket of water, which can cure Wang Jing and prevent him from dying.

Even though Gu Qingzhou had no medical skills, he delayed his illness for a few days. At that time, the gods could not help him. Wang Jing would still be paralyzed.

How good it is to be paralyzed. He will never abandon appendix song, and will never go out to hook up with other women again!

Yu Liange will not dislike his paralysis.

"Farewell!" The old doctor was so angry that he left.

Others went after him. Unfortunately, the doctor was humiliated and refused to turn back. He left in a rage.

Yu feels that everything is under control.

Her words encouraged Gu Qingzhou, ye Wu and ye Shan to climb onto the platform.

"Let me try. Don't delay." Gu Qingzhou goes to Wang Youchuan.

Look, it's on display.

"Uncle" Yu Liange cried again.

Wang Youchuan thought of Gu Qingzhou's ability to see and break the disease. He was really able to see. He was afraid that he would be far ahead of the old doctor.

Now, let Gu Qingzhou stabilize Wang Jing's condition first. It's the safest way for him to find another famous doctor.

"Well, try it." Wang Youchuan road.

The rest of the Wang family were shocked to see Wang Youchuan.

Really let a young woman try?

Are you crazy?

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