The whole room retreated.

Only Gu Qingzhou, Yu Lange and Wang Jing's father Wang Youchuan are left.

"You must cure my brother." Yu Liange repeated to Gu Qingzhou road.

She rubbed her hands with nervousness.

"I will try my best." Gu Qingzhou road.

"No, he must be cured." Yu Liange insisted.

Wang Youchuan looked at his niece and said in a slow voice, "go out first."

"Uncle, I can't leave. I want to see my brother." He choked in the song.

Wang Youchuan's voice didn't fluctuate: "you go out first and obey."

Yu Liange looks at his uncle's face, which seems to be full of haze. At this time, it's better not to touch the mould.

She didn't want to back out.

There was only Gu Qingzhou and Wang's father and son left in the room. She thought there was something to explain, so she said, "Master Wang, Miss Yu"

"I know it." Wang Youchuan interrupts Gu Qingzhou. "In this family, many people don't want Wang Jing to get better, including Yu Lange."

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes slightly.

She paused and asked, "since you know, why do you want me to stay for treatment?"

"Someone who is not a genius, who looks at his shape and knows his disease, is a miracle doctor. Miss Qiang has this ability. I will not leave you for treatment. Who should I keep? " Wang Youchuan road.

Gu Qingzhou knew that it was Wang Youchuan who didn't use her in a single way, not the song of the appendix.

"Don't worry, young master 10 is good, good at recuperation, and won't leave big roots. I'm going to give him a needle now. Please move. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Youchuan went to WAIJIAN.

In the outer tip, the ethnic people did not disperse, but muttered.

As soon as Wang Youchuan came out, someone said, "four uncles, I've sent someone to invite famous doctors who are good at impotence. They can arrive in two or three hours at most."

Another said, "Sibo, will that woman's family cure the disease, and will he kill ten brothers?"

"Fourth brother, you are too adventurous to go to the hospital." before he finished, his wife stabbed him with an elbow.

To the hospital?

Wang Youchuan's wife in those days, but he insisted on sending western medicine regardless of the opposition of his people. What was the result?

Now send his son to the hospital. If he dies again, will Wang Youchuan have a life?

Ye Yan, the elder sister of Ye Wu, called her sister aside and inquired about it carefully.

She still felt that ye Wu was bold.

"You used to be steady, but now you are frivolous? You're with that Japanese woman every day, isn't it? " Yeyan asked Yewu, but she didn't like to take care of the boat.

Ye Yan hates foreign devils. So do the Japanese in Dongyang.

She knew that Miss Qiang was Pino's stepdaughter, a fake foreign devil.

If a good Chinese doesn't do it, he has to admit that he is a thief. This fake foreign devil is more annoying than the real one!

"The teacher is not a Japanese woman, she also explained to you." Ye Wu said to Gu Qingzhou, "elder sister, she really can cure the disease. Kanghan is the one she cured."

"Cure? Chinese medicine? How old is she? " Ye Yan asked repeatedly.

Leaf Charm purses lip, appear very aggrieved.

Ye Shan is not sure about Gu's medical skills, so she is silent and doesn't help Gu speak.

"Two younger sister, you should take a Wu more, don't let her be used by people with ulterior motives." Ye Yan scolds Ye Shan again.

"Elder sister, you don't need this? Even if arqiang has no medical skills, she is kind-hearted. She is good to Arjun. " Ye Shandao.

"Look, you are all bought by that fake Japanese woman. Dare you say she has no intention?" Ye Yan believes that Gu Qingzhou is not a kind person.

In just a few minutes, Ye Yan decided to have sex with Gu Qingzhou: to be a thief, to be a father, to be a schemer and to be a doctor.

"Four uncles are also confused, really let her give small ten treatment." Ye Yan Road.

There is a dark rule for the survival of large families that we all remember: don't stretch out your hand too much to manage the affairs in other rooms, which means "everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door".

Wang Jing is Wang Youchuan's son. Wang Youchuan agrees to take care of the light boat treatment. Other people's advice doesn't matter. They won't try their best to stop him.

Everyone abides by their duties and lives a small life.

"Well, everyone has his own destiny. I'm afraid that the fourth uncle's mind will not go." Ye Yan Road.

The fourth uncle was so smart, but he was confused about the treatment. Didn't he let the fourth aunt die in the hospital because of his wrong decision?

Now in Wang Jing, the fourth uncle is very careful. He has no decisive decision in the market. He can even make such naive decision as using a Qiang to cure the disease.

"In those days, it's not the fourth uncle's fault at all." Ye Shan listened to her sister's mention of the mind devil, and couldn't help explaining, "if it wasn't for the fourth uncle, the fourth aunt would have died faster and more painful. She has cancer. "

"How do you know? Maybe TCM will cure it? " Ye Yan is dismissive.

Ye Shan is angry.

Ye Yan added that Gu Qingzhou: "when Wang Jing came to visit our house, she mentioned the illness of others. It can be seen that this woman is worried about fawning on the Wang family. Be careful not to be her stepping stone."

Ye Wu was too angry to speak.

At the moment, ye Wu really wants to break Gu Qingzhou's identity and block her elder sister's mouth.

Endure again, leaf charm just didn't say anything.

She said goodbye to yeyan, leaving yeyan and Yeshan to talk.

As soon as she came out, she heard yeyan say to Yeshan, "if Wang Jing is OK, you should be engaged earlier. What's the matter with the two sisters marrying a family? You can help each other "

" elder sister, I'm going to turn my face again. I never thought of getting engaged to Wang Jing. I already have a sweetheart. " Ye Shan said sharply.

Ye Wu is fed up with this. She rushes back to Wang Jing's yard.

The people in the middle of the river are noisy and incisive. They talk almost like Ye Yan. They are afraid that Gu Qingzhou will kill Wang Jing.

No one believes in the medical skill of taking care of the boat. Ye Wu is very confused.

"Have you heard of Miss Gu, the best doctor in the world?"

"First doctor? Isn't it muzong river? "

"That was before, but later, Miss Gu surpassed mu Zonghe. She's only in her twenties. If she comes, she might be able to cure her junior ten. "

"Unfortunately, she was killed."

At this moment, ye Wu did not know whether to be happy or sad.

And the doctor stood before them, and no one knew.

Ye Wu sat by and said nothing.

Two hours later, Gu came out of the boat, sweating all over and soaking his back.

She said to Wang Youchuan, "your son is awake. You can go to see him. I'm going to prescribe a prescription. "

There was a sudden silence in the room.

Especially two people, opened their eyes and looked at Gu Qingzhou: one is Ye Yan, the other is Yu Liange.

Their faces were shocked.

Ye Yan first regained her mind and stepped into the inner room. As expected, Wang Jing, who had not been able to move her eyes before, was half sitting in anger. She whispered, "sister-in-law five."

Hoarse voice.

Ye Yan's whole body was stunned: do cheaters have such excellent medical skills now?

Another shocked person is Yu Liange.

Yu Liange widened his eyes and stared at Wang Jing for fear that he might be wrong.

You live?

The heart of Yu Liange sank to the bottom of the valley.

It was she who asked ah Qiang to treat Wang Jing.

Why is arqiang cured? She is a woman with such a difficult disease. How can she be cured?

I can't believe Yu Liange.

"No, it's not true." Yu Liange's voice is low. The whole person is going crazy.

Once Wang Jing is ready, he will not be her, nor just he

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