Ye Yan is embarrassed.

Before that, she said that Gu Qingzhou was a liar. In a flash, Wang Jing was really cured, which made Wang Jing wake up for the time being.

"That's good!" Ye Yan walked up to Wang Jing's bed and asked, "how do you feel, little ten?"

"I feel bad" Wang Jing can speak slowly, but at least his mind is clear.

That is to say, he is getting better.

Ye Yan looks at her in amazement.

Others crowded in and asked questions. Ye Yan and her husband stopped them and said, "I just woke up and want to be clean. Go out, all of you!"

They decided that Wang Jing was awake, afraid of disturbing him and getting sick again, so they withdrew one after another.

As soon as they came out, everyone exploded.

"Acupuncture is powerful, but it is still effective in traditional Chinese medicine!"

"It's not that traditional Chinese medicine works. It's the same with traditional Chinese medicine. I'll tell you, it's that woman! "

"Japanese? Japan's medical skills are just amazing. " There is a personal exclamation.

In his mind, things of different races are more mysterious and effective.

"What? They say she is not Japanese. Her name is a Qiang, not Hirano."

"It's still traditional Chinese medicine."

"Yes, it's still traditional Chinese medicine. This woman is really amazing. If Mrs. Sishao is not dead, I don't know who is more powerful between her and Mrs. Sishao? "

"Madam Sishao! They are the first doctors! "

"There are evils in troubled times. Look at this world. Women are skilled in medicine. There are several excellent doctors in a row. It's a mess."

"What happened to the woman? Where is a woman inferior to a man? " The young lady studying western learning was not happy, and she retorted loudly.

The whole shoot was in a mess.

Leaf Charm listens to these words, the lip cape is tiny cocked, the mood is very good, seem to be in praise of her.

At this moment's Leaf Charm, hates all people to praise her teacher.

It's a pity that her sister Ye Yan didn't come out. She would like to see her sister's face at the moment.

Must be wonderful, right?

Yeyan didn't come out, but yulange did.

Yu Liange is dull. She stared at the front with no focus in her eyes.

"It's I who prompted arqiang to treat her brother." There was a smell of sweetness in her throat.

Wang Jing woke up.

This kind of impotence should have been in a coma for a long time. Wang Jing can speak now, which shows that his disease is not serious. Even if we change the doctor now, we can take care of it slowly.

"No, impossible" Yu Liange is still unbelievable.


A woman born so beautiful should be a vase and a straw bag. Why can she have such medical skills?

I can't believe Yu Liange.

"What can I do if my brother wakes up?" Yu Liange asked himself.

The sweetness in her throat grew stronger.

"Why is pingyeqiang so powerful?" In front of the song began to darken.

The rose destroys her ideal.

"She's just a young woman. She can't be cured. Who is it?" Yulange drilled a dead end for himself.

Pingyeqiang, pingyeqiang, these words linger in her ear, and finally her eyes turn black, and yulange falls into a coma.

"What's the matter with appendix song, appendix song?"

"Come on, help me up."

The seven aunts of the Wang family are the most intelligent and transparent. They are not used to threatening Wang Youchuan with appendixes. At the moment, they say: "when I wake up, appendixes will become angry. As expected, women's mind is unpredictable."

When they thought about this, they all showed a deep expression.

Gu Qingzhou in the next room is prescribing a prescription for Wang Jing.

"Impotence arthralgia caused by deficiency of foot three yin. For those with deficiency of Yin, Qi can't reach the whole body. Therefore, Qi and blood can't move powerfully, and Qi and blood can't flourish and nourish muscles and bones, forming impotence arthralgia." Gu Qingzhou road.

Sitting next to Gu's boat is Wang Youchuan.

Cai Changting follows.

Wang Youchuan did not go to see his son for the first time, but entertained the doctor well.

He knew that in the future, he would take care of the boat and give the doctor great respect.

"He's awake, doesn't it mean there's little chance of paralysis?" Wang Youchuan asked.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Wang Youchuan's face, floating a little joy.

He sighed and said again and again, "thank you very much, Miss Qiang."

"The doctor's duty." Gu Qingzhou road.

Then, she gave Wang Jing medicine: "three money for ginseng and Qi, one money for body, two money for Poria, two money for wheat and winter, three money for Astragalus, seven points for Chen, five points for licorice."

After she finished, she showed it to Wang Youchuan.

She said: "it's mainly for Invigorating Qi. Qi is the commander of blood. If you have enough Qi, you will have blood movement. "

Wang Youchuan nodded.

Gu Qingzhou said again: "one dose a day for a month. I'll come back in a month. "

Wang Youchuan thanks again.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly told him: "Master Wang, whose hand this medicine passes through, you need to see it clearly, but don't ask people to steal beams and change posts."

Sitting next to Cai Changting, he said directly, "for example, your niece."

Gu Qingzhou coughs.

Cai Changting's smile is gentle, and he is a romantic person. He laughs and says to Gu Qingzhou, "ah Qiang, a doctor should have no scruples and never say anything."

"I will teach that child." Wang Youchuan said, "don't worry, Miss Qiang. I won't let you down and save the dog."

Gu Qingzhou smiles and nods.

After prescribing the prescription, Gu Qingzhou came out.

The clansmen of the king's family gathered around one after another, asking for help and warmth.

When Gu Qingzhou first came in, they looked on coldly.

"Miss Qiang, Chinese medicine is really powerful."

"Miss Qiang, who are you from? Do you know that there is also a miracle doctor in Jiangnan. She is the young lady of the Secretary's family. You and her are in the same family? "

"It doesn't happen that way, does it?"

Cai Changting looked at the boat.

Gu chuckled, "you guys, I'm not polite. I'm a little tired today."

Ye Wu and ye Shan come over and say, "let's go back first."

Wang Youchuan sent someone to take care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou said no.

When returning, Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting take ye Wu's car, and ye Wu and her sister Ye Shan take one.

Cai Changting's tone was leisurely: "if you indulge yourself like this, I'm afraid your reputation will not be hidden."

"I'm not a bad reputation." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Madame doesn't want these troubles." Caichangting road.

Gu chuckled and said, "yes, without these troubles, it's a good business for me to marry any dignitary. If there are these, then other people who marry me will also bear the secular eyes, right?"

Cai Changting shook his head and said, "ah Qiang, don't think of people as bad."

"I didn't think of people badly, I just wasn't naive enough." Gu Qingzhou road.

What else would Cai Changting want to say? Gu Qingzhou closed his eyes and dozed off.

She was really tired and said to Cai Changting, "let me sleep for a while."

Cai Changting no longer speaks.

When the car arrived at the gate of the mansion, Cai Changting woke her up.

After getting off the bus, Gu Qingzhou saw Cai Changting turn his head suddenly and look at the southwest corner of the wall. His eyes were tight.

Gu Qingzhou looks to the past.

When she thought of something, her heart shrank.

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