Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 840 let out the wind

Cai Changting sends Gu away in a light boat.

He sighed and said to Gu Qingzhou, "don't do that to his wife. She's upset."

Gu Qingzhou's words and sentences are full of frustrating difficulties. However, these words are just casually spoken by her, but Mrs. Hirano's words are very painful.

She exclaimed that she had no good life?

She should have been a very expensive life. Whose life is better than the princess?

However, a revolution cost them everything.

The most painful thing for the lady to fall from the top is her.

It's really bad to take care of the movement of scattering salt on the wound of the light boat.

"Maybe she's upset. It's not the same thing as you think." Gu chuckled. "Cai Changting, do you think I come from the same family as ah fan?"

Cai Changting frowned slightly.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "do you think I'm also Princess GuLun?"

"Ah Qiang, be careful that the walls have ears." Cai Changting whispered a warning.

Gu Qingzhou said no more.

"Madame changed color. Maybe I was worried that I knew my identity. Cai Changting, I always feel that I don't have the life of a princess. I may be a fake. Ah fan is pure. " Gu Qingzhou said again.

Cai Changting is not surprised at her remarks.

She always takes every opportunity to sow discord, or make nothing wrong.

She doesn't trust them.

Even if he saved her, she was still over prepared for them.

"What kind of person do you want to be?" Cai Changting asked, "is the pedigree pure or unknown?"

"Pure blood, of course. Like ahun, he is high. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting smiled, as if he didn't understand her sarcasm: "then don't be suspicious. Ah Qiang, madam will not treat you badly. "

"Well, thank you very much, madam." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting gave half of it to Gu Qingzhou. He left and went back to Mrs. Hirano.

And Mrs. Hirano is going out.

Cai Changting said, "madam, do you want to go to the Jin family?"

"Well." Mrs. Hirano looks plain, but she seems to suppress the boundless anger.

Cai Changting said: "madam, in fact, you don't have to go there in person. You just have some leisure when you go to the Jin family. If you want to let ah Qiang breathe, let Jin Qianhong come back. "

"Come back?"

"Yes, as long as she goes back to Taiyuan, she won't let ah Qiang go easily," Cai Changting said.

When he said that, Mrs. Hirano's face was even worse.

Not willing to forgive easily?

Mrs. pingye thinks that Cai Changting misunderstood her meaning. She would not let ah Qiang suffer.

Ah Qiang's dignity has been trampled, that is, the royal dignity has been trampled, and she can never forgive.

What did she want to say? She heard Cai Changting continue: "as long as she is against ah Qiang again, we will help her, and she will die without burial place. The Jin family can't find any mistakes."

"A Qiang she" Mrs. Hirano worried that Gu Qingzhou would suffer losses again.

"There are more than one or two people who died in arqiang's hands." Caichangting road.

Mrs. Hirano thought of something and chuckled, "and you."

Cai Changting was slightly shocked, thinking of the past, coughed and said: "yes, and me. If it wasn't for my wife, I would have died in her hands. "

Mrs. Hirano's mood improved a little.

"She's like me." Mrs. Hirano said proudly, "I didn't expect that she was the most like me."

Cai Changting smiles.

With the consent of Mrs. Hirano, he went to the governor's office.

Ye dujun caught two assassins. They were all small characters. There was no reliable information to find.

They live in Peiping all year round. This time, someone paid a high price, and they didn't know how to live in Taiyuan. It's the intelligence traffickers who bribe them to kill people behind their backs. They don't know who is the mastermind.

"Inspector, can I help you?" Cai Changting asked.

It's about taking care of the boat. Governor ye also agreed. He cured Wang Jing. The Ye family inherited the love of taking care of the boat.

Cai Changting opened his mouth, and governor Ye nodded.

"Can you send out the news that you have caught the assassin in Peiping?" Cai Changting asked.

"What does this mean?" asked Ye

"Can the governor do it?" Cai Changting asked.

After thinking about it, governor ye asked him, "do you want to force the main plot of Peiping back?"

Cai Changting has a heart attack.

Did ye dujun know that Jin Qianhong had gone to Peiping?

Cai Changting suddenly realized at the moment that it was ye dujun who had the best intelligence in Taiyuan.

"Yes." Cai Changting said truthfully.

"Is that what arqiang means?" Asked governor Ye.

"Yes." Caichangting road.

Ye Du Jun frowned. He did not know what the young man was going to do. So he said, "well, as she wishes."

Soon, governor Ye's Office released a message that the governor's office had caught the assassin. The assassin wanted to assassinate the governor, but almost killed miss a Qiang, the tutor of the governor's office.

Ye dujun was very angry and interrogated the assassin with torture. He knew that the assassin was sent by Peiping.

In order to get to the bottom of the matter, governor Ye plans to send people to Peiping, find the intelligence dealer, and then follow the lead to find the enemy.

"It must be her, it must be!" In recent days, I have been looking for Jin Qianhong's wife, and I will judge her when I hear about her.

What "almost hurt" miss ah Qiang?

Those people went to arqiang.

"Go to Peiping." "Bring her back to me," Mrs. king said

In order to find Jin Qianhong, the Jin family scattered their manpower. Now they gather in Peiping and find it in about two days.

When Mrs. king sent her out, she felt that she could not see people in Taiyuan mansion, and could not shut her in every day, right? Now I think it's safer to stay at home.

Under Mrs. King's eyes, there will be no major disaster!

"We just talked with the governor's office, but we haven't really got your photos and negatives. How dare you be so confused!" When Mrs. Jin received Jin Qianhong in the middle of the night, she slapped her.


"Shut up and seal her mouth for me. If you don't listen to me, I'll cut her tongue. " Mrs. king gave a cold order.

Jin Qianhong was scared to death. He shrunk his shoulders and dared not move.

Mrs. Jin was very aggressive and took a long time to slow down. She sent someone to guard Jin Qianhong.

Cai Changting and ye dujun soon learned that Jin Qianhong had returned to Taiyuan.

"Come back." Cai Changting reported this to Mrs. Hirano, "Mrs. king thought her daughter would be safe when she came back, and it's not too bad to let her dream for a few days."

Mrs. Hirano smiled.

As everyone knows, Mrs. King's imprisonment of her beloved daughter seems to be punishment, but in fact it is protection.

Just afraid of this hard work, Jin Qianhong can't understand.

"It's hard to be a parent." Mrs. Hirano sighed, "look at Jin Qianhong, and then ah Qiang and ah fan. Who takes mother's pains seriously?"

"How can Jin Qianhong compare with your daughter?" Cai Changting said with a smile.

Mrs. Hirano also smiled.

Indeed, her daughter is more like her, better. Ah fan did not say, but ah Qiang was a hundred times better than Jin Qianhong.

"No one wants to leave, not bad." Mrs. Hirano smiled.

As they spoke, a spy came in and whispered to Cai Changting.

Cai Changting's face converged slightly.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Hirano asked him.

"Someone has come to Taiyuan again." Caichangting road.

"Who?" Asked Mrs. Hirano.

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