Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 841 the cruelty of Si Xingfu

Someone came to Taiyuan again.

Can let Cai Changting heart, Mrs. pingye can only think of one: Si Xingfu.

Without waiting for Cai Changting's answer, Mrs. pingye asked him, "is it si Xingfu?"

Tsai Chang Ting nodded: "his wife is very wise. It's really him."

Si Xingfu has built such a large Racecourse as an airport, and all the people in Taiyuan should know about it.

So, how many eyes are there.

It's no secret that he's here again.

It's just that it's hard for him to keep an eye on him every time he goes to the city.

Cai Changting's secret agent, sent out twice, disappeared twice, and was all secretly dealt with by the Secretary Xingfu.

It's hard to get to the sky if you want to watch him.

That's why Cai Changting is not very happy.

"Send someone to stare at him again. I'll stare at him. He has to report everything." Hirano man.

Thinking of Si Xingfu, Mrs. Hirano is also a mess.

If it were an ordinary man, she would have sent someone to kill him and take Gu Qingzhou away.

It's a pity that Si Xingfu can't do it.

Or with a little strategy, you can also leave the company smoothly. You can think of the boat's sophistication. It's so cunning that you can't control him at all.

Mrs. Hirano dare not accept the secretary.

The ambition of Si Xingfu is not small, which we all know. Moreover, he is a man of unrighteousness. If he steals the victory in the end, Mrs. Hirano won more than she deserved.

It's too dangerous to put this beast that can't be tamed around.

"It's hard, ma'am." Cai Changting said, "sending people over is nothing more than sacrificing a few more people."

"Then send it." "He's such a big man, he's just moving under our eyes. I don't know what he did. Isn't it terrible?"

"Do you want governor Ye's men to watch?" Cai Changting asked.

When he finished, he felt a little stupid again: Governor Ye was afraid that he had already been watched.

It is estimated that, like Cai Changting's people, most of them will die without any body.

In the dark, ye dujun is also supposed to trip up Si Xingfu.

"Let's keep an eye on it. There's no need to alarm the governor." Hirano man.

Ye dujun and Si Xingfu are both warlords. What if they form an alliance?

Mrs. Hirano is alert everywhere.

"Yes." Caichangting road.

he immediately redeployed to arrange eye liner to monitor every move of the company.

When Si Xingfu arrived at Taiyuan, Gu Qingzhou received a call from Cheng Yu.

The phone in her room has already been monitored by Cai Changting.

Cheng Yu is very happy to say to Gu Qingzhou, "will you come or not? Ah hee is coming. "

Hearing this accent, Cheng Yu seems to be the bridge between the two of them.

Cai Changting has already known that Si Xingfu has never lost his memory. Now when he looks at Cheng Yu again, he feels that the other side is not simple.

"Here comes Takahashi." Cheng Yu continued.

Cai Changting is slightly shocked.

Gao Qiao Xun?

When did Si Xingfu hook up with Gao Qiao Xun?

Mrs. pingye let Gu Qingzhou contact Xunzi of Gaoqiao for a purpose.

There is too much involved in Hirano's suspicion of the loyalty of Takahashi's father.

Gao qiaoxun's father may be a traitor. His heart is not in the Japanese military. He may be greedy for Chinese culture and betray his country.

This point, has not been confirmed, only speculation.

"I can't leave today, but I have to review my lessons. It's not easy to have a day off. Tomorrow's lessons are heavier." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu is disappointed.

"And when will you come?" Cheng Yu asked, "we are moving. Ah Hui will find a bigger garden."

"Then when you have moved home, I will not be late." Gu chuckled.

The phone just hung up.

Cai Changting waited a day.

The next day, he still taught Gu to learn Japanese. Obviously, Gu had no idea.

Cai Changting asked him, "is Sikang Chu here? Do you want me to give you a day off? "

"Really?" Gu chuckled. "That's great."

"Ah Qiang." Cai Changting suddenly converged and said, "what are you doing now?"

"What to do?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

"You and Si Xingfu," Cai Changting said.

Gu Qingzhou said: "do I want to die after my wife's career is completed? Or do you still want me to marry governor ye? "

The marriage with ye dujun is one of the purposes of CAI Changting's taking Gu to the north, and also the most superficial purpose.

In other words, their goal has never been governor ye, who is just a springboard.

"Of course not. It's just that we don't know whether the advantages or disadvantages of Si Xing Fu are clear to us. " Cai Changting said, "Madam doesn't want you to contact him again."

"I will persuade my wife." Gu chuckled and said, "I'm your princess GuLun, not your jinv. I'm just a tool to get people around, right?"

Cai Changting's face was gloomy.

He was silent for a long time.

Many times, Gu Qingzhou's speech is very cruel. She uses a relaxed tone to poke at the most painful place in people's heart.

For example, what she said about jinv was not to belittle herself, but to scold Mrs. pingye as an old lady, a bustard, and Cai Changting as a turtle and a slave.

A lot of times, without listening carefully, you can know the cruel hint of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu chuckled, "in that case, I'll talk to my wife. Is today off? "

"Holiday." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou swaggered away.

When she got to the door, she turned to Cai Changting with a smile and said, "don't worry, I don't know anything about your secret, except that the Jin family is royalist. What can I tell him? "

Cai Changting disappeared in the shadow and didn't answer.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "besides, Si Xingfu doesn't remember me. I'm just an ordinary friend. Go to see Cheng Yu."


Cai Changting nodded a little and didn't prick it.

Gu Qingzhou left.

After he left, Cai Changting looked at the time and sent two groups of people to monitor Si Xingfu. One group should come back to deliver the news.

Now, after more than an hour, no one came back, indicating that these two groups of people have disappeared.

They are the same spies that Cai Changting sent out before. No one dies, no body.

Cai Changting is particularly upset.

He felt sultry and untied two buttons.

When the button is opened, the ferocious scars on his chest will be exposed. Cai Changting does not move to button them up again.

He likes black clothes.

Black can narrow the whole person's vision. When others look at him, they can't judge the strength of his body, just feel that he is thin and Sven.

In fact, he's not that thin at all.

Black appears thin, this truth women all know, but will not think of CAI Changting.

"Bastard!" Fidgety more and more intense, Cai Changting suddenly full of books pushed to the ground.

They have been operating in Taiyuan for many years, but they can't take advantage of the newly arrived Si Xingfu. It's humiliating!

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