When Gu Qingzhou arrived at Cheng Yu's apartment, he heard Cheng Yu's laughter from afar.

Laughter is crisp and pleasant.

Gu Qingzhou picked the corner of his lips slightly, and unconsciously added a smile and knocked on the door.

It's Si Xingfu who comes to open the door.

He pulled her over and held her in his arms.

"Hey, pay attention, we are still there!" Cheng Yu shouted at the back.

Gu put the boat against Si Xingfu's chest and went to see his face.

His charming and handsome features have not changed at all, especially those bright and deep eyes, which are full of deep feelings, looking at the boat.

"Miss me?" Si Xingfu lowered his head, kissed her earlobe gently, and then leaned close to her ear and asked.

The blazing breath makes Gu Qingzhou almost soft in his arms.

She raised her eyes, clear Zhan's eyes are full of rich feelings, said: "I want to."

Si Xingfu pressed hard and hugged her even more.

"Cough!" Cheng Yu is coughing again.

Looking back, Si Xingfu gave Cheng Yu a sharp sweep, which made Gu Qingzhou free.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the room.

The living room is messy. In addition to Cheng Yu and Si Xingfu, there is another man, Gao qiaoxun.

"Moving?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's moving." Cheng Yu said, "we have bought a new house."

"I bought a new house, not us. You're a dead duck." He corrected her.

Cheng Yu stops.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Gao qiaoxun used to be very happy. Now when he saw this scene, he was inexplicably depressed and couldn't laugh. He had a simple mind, and his mind hung on his face.

Cheng Yu called him to come.

She asked Gao qiaoxun to help her move.

I can't imagine. Gu Qingzhou has arrived.

Si Xingfu pulls Gu Qingzhou to his room and closes the door.

High bridge Xun looked at the door, feeling melancholy.

"Oh, how sad?" Cheng Yu teases him.

Gao Qiao and Xun ignored.

He has no interest in speaking.

"I'll go back first." He went out without a clue.

He never thought that he would be so sad. He just felt that Mount Tai was going to crush him.

He wanted to find a place to cry.

Cheng Yu looks at him stumbling out and scolds Si Xinghe in his heart: "the wicked ghost must bring Gao Qiao to have a look and make the little man sad."

It was Si Xingfu who instructed Cheng Yu to look for Gao Qiao Xun.

The purpose is simple.

In order to fight against Gaoqiao Xunzi and let him back, Si Xingfu has now done it.

Cheng Yu scolds Gu Qingzhou: "little goblin! What's good about her? "

There is a big mirror beside the living room.

Cheng Yu stroked her hair, straightened her chest and tucked her stomach in the mirror. She felt that she was more beautiful than Gu Qingzhou. She was born in a famous family and had a high bearing. So she began to pack things with satisfaction.

There was a bit of movement from the inside of Si Xingfu.

Cheng Yu thought it might be bad. He was so angry that he took the key and ran away. When he went out, he brought the door to the sky.

Bang when a, also disturbed Gu light boat.

Gu Qingzhou hurriedly pushes the Secretary to go: "stop making trouble."

"What's the matter? She's gone." Si Xingfu kisses her clavicle, and his words are not clear.

Gu Qingzhou was still very nervous, saying: "there is still a high bridge"

Si Xingfu exerted a little force and bit her skin.

Gu Qingzhou shouts low and holds up his face: "are you a dog?"

"Is it not?" said the secretary

Gu chuckled.

Si Xingfu rolls to the side and holds her in her arms. They snuggle up.

"As soon as I got to Taiyuan mansion this time, there were several tail's blatant stalking. I want to get rid of it before I go to you. I don't think you'll come first. Can't wait, can't you? " She stroked her soft waist.

Summer clothes are thin. Even though they are separated by clothes, the heat in his palms can penetrate into the boat.

Gu chuckled.

"Is there a stalker every time?" Gu Qingzhou asked, ignoring the palm of his hand, but his voice was a little gasping.

She bit her lips.

Si Xingfu's palm, along the curve of her waist side, slides up slowly.

He said: "every time, but not this time."

This time, he was so eager that he seemed to want to know what he would do as soon as he got to Taiyuan.

"Whose people do you know?" Gu asked him, putting his hand gently on the back of his hand, trying to press him.

However, she is not as strong as the manager.

Si Xingfu climbed inch by inch, sketched the front end, gathering his fingers slightly, but refused to use force and gently stirred them.

"I think it's the old witch's man." Si Xingfu road.

After that, he kissed the earlobes of the boat.

Just for a moment.

Gu Qingzhou shivered all over, and the fire in his heart was ignited.

Her breath was slightly disordered, and after a while her voice was stable, she said, "Mrs. Hirano? If it is her, it should be Cai Changting. "

"Cai Changting?" Si Xingfu chuckled, but his hands suddenly tightened and grasped her softness. "Why, after only a few days, he is also interested in my woman?"

"He?" Gu Qingzhou almost wanted to laugh, but at the same time, he could bear to move. "Cai Changting's mind is not something that you and I can figure out. It's too easy to think of him as pure. His heart is black. Don't think your woman can get in. "

Si Xingfu leaned down and pecked her lips gently. His movements were like wings gliding past: "how can you look up to him like this?"

Gu Qingzhou never despises Cai Changting.

Just, the hand and lips of Si Xingfu, so gently and softly stroked, all the feelings of Gu Qingzhou were hooked up.

She pressed his hand hard and said, "enough, don't do this!"

"Is that enough?" Si Xingfu leaned close to her ear and asked, the heat of breathing made her ears burn.

Gu Qingzhou bit his lip.

She pulled out the comb on her head at once, let the hair fall down, and rolled over sixingkai: "you piss me off, asshole!"

Si Xingfu hugged her waist with surprise and helped her to sit stably: "so easy?"

Gu leaned over and bit him hard on the chest.

Si Xingfu quietly took off her clothes and pressed her waist to sit down.

Her hair, floating all over her shoulders, like a thick black, dancing with the action, there are brilliant eyes.

When the feeling is deep, Si Xingkai says: "light boat, you are really a goblin. You have taken my life!"

At that time, Gu Qingzhou was so tired that he was weak and sweaty.

When it was over, she fell asleep first.

When Cheng Yu came back, he was relieved to see that there was no movement in the room.

She knocked on the door and asked, "Gu Qingzhou, have you left yet?"

There was no answer in the room.

After a long time, Si Xingfu dressed up and came out. He closed the door and said, "the boat is sleeping."

"Oh." Cheng Yu is a little disappointed.

She asked Si Xingfu, "did you tell her about that?"

"What is it?" Gu asked, standing at the door in a dazed sleep.

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