When sixingfu came to Taiyuan, Gu Qingzhou was still at ease in learning Japanese.

She's been making good progress recently.

During this period, she went to the new house of Si xingxu twice, and met Gao Qiao Xun twice.

Gao qiaoxun's eyes dodged, but he was willing to help Gu to proofread the learning results.

The manager is busy.

He often haunts the king's house.

For this reason, Cheng Yu is not happy: "he even contacts with the Jin family! Gu Qingzhou, is he interested in Jin Qianhong? Jin Qianhong's reputation is now ruined. The Jin family is willing to spend a lot of money to marry her daughter to Jiangnan. "

Thinking of it, Cheng Yu feels more and more reliable.

Si Xingfu often goes to the Jin family recently. Maybe he made a deal with the Jin family?

"Think about it. What do you compare with the Jin family?" Cheng Yu said again.

Gu chuckled and said, "you've also learned to stir up discord and see what you can do!"

Cheng Yu is half dead with anger.

Gu Qingzhou added: "I can doubt anything about Si Xingfu, but I don't doubt his loyalty to me. Cheng Yu, we are husband and wife. They are engraved in each other's blood life. He will not betray me. "

Cheng yuweileng.

Her heart was sour and astringent, but also slightly warm.

The true feelings in the world can make people moved and warm even if they have nothing to do with themselves.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, Cheng Yu seems to have some confidence in marriage.

Late in the evening, the secretary came back, full of wine.

He held down Gu's boat and asked her in a low voice, "little thing, you didn't do what you promised me last time!"

"What is it?" Gu Qingzhou pretends to be a fool.

"You let me bleed, and then you said to find a place to spend the night with me." Si Xingfu bit her earlobe lightly. "Have you forgotten?"

"I didn't give it to you." Gu Qingzhou's cheeks are slightly hot. He coughs and says, "don't push your foot."

After that, Gu Qingzhou thought about it again. His character is to make progress.

Gu shied away from his lips.

Smelling the wine on his body, Gu asked him again: "where to drink?"

"The golden family." Si Xingfu road.

"Why, the Jin family really want to price you for their daughter?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "it's not kind. You are Cheng Yu's fiance now."

Si Xingyao kisses her on the cheek.

There are so many people who want to marry their daughter to him that even the once prominent governor of Yunnan failed to do so, let alone the little Jin family?

Compared with Jin Qianhong, Cheng Yu is much stronger. Moreover, he once really loved Si Xingfu, who was unmoved.

"It's immoral, and I don't know how much I weigh." Si Xingfu road.

Gu asked again, "is it still close to them?"

"They have a way of ammunition, and they have access to airplanes. This line is very important." "They can be bought directly, which is different from Cheng's," said Si

Take care of the boat.

Si Xingfu said, "light boat, Jin Qianhong dare to start with you, I will not spare her."

Gu Qingzhou's mind moved.

She pondered for a moment and said, "don't make trouble. You can't make friends with the Jin family. When I come to Taiyuan, I have my own arrangements. Maybe the Jin family is very important. "

Si Xingfu whispered in her ear, "no one can bully my wife, boat!"

Gu Qingzhou's heart was crisp and numb, and he put his arms around his neck.

When I left, it was nine o'clock in the evening.

Gu Qingzhou sat in the car, as if he had been run over, and everywhere was soft and sour.

Unable to lean on her seat, she fell asleep.

Back to the residence of Mr. Hirano, Gu Qingzhou got off and met Cai Changting at the door.

Cai Changting looks at her.

"Do you want to go out or just come back?" Gu said

"Just came back." Cai Changting said, "is it hot today?"

"All right."

"I see your hair is wet with sweat." Cai Changting points to something.

Gu chuckled, "help Cheng Yu clean up the house, get dirty and take a bath."

After taking a bath, there are many ambiguities.

It's like taking a bath. She doesn't hide that.

In other words, for Mrs. Cai Changting and Mrs. pingye, Gu Qingzhou has always been true or false, which is unclear.

Cai Changting's face is expressionless. He continues to walk in.

Gu Qingzhou follows him.

"For the next half month, there will be no vacation," he said in Japanese

"Good." Gu also replied in Japanese.

Not willing to have a holiday, not willing to have more contact with Si Xingfu, not wanting to go back to Jiangnan to be the young lady of Si family, Gu Qingzhou can understand.

After all, Jiangnan is not their goal, but Gu Qingzhou, a chess piece, has not fully warmed up.

Gu Qingzhou has enough patience for this matter.

As expected, she was stable and studied Japanese with CAI Changting.

But there was one thing that made her happy and worried: her monthly affairs were delayed for two days.

She felt her own pulse, but had not yet found the happy pulse, and was afraid that she could not see it. "The doctor does not cure himself." this sentence is believed in by Gu Qingzhou.

"In case of children, is it a good thing or a bad thing?" Gu Qingzhou lies on the bed, thinking slowly.

He must be very happy.

She could see his joy.

But what about the royalists? Either we can get rid of the relationship with them completely, or we can accept them completely, or we will never be able to settle down.

In order to restore their country, they need royal blood to attract momentum. They will not let go of the boat.

Gu doesn't want to be harassed by the royalists all his life.

She always felt that she was Han, not Manchu. This kind of cognition engraved in her bones made her unable to trust Mrs. Hirano.

Gu Qingzhou came for the purpose of "accepting the royalist party". Since we can't avoid them, let them obey.

If this matter is not handled well, the children who take care of the light boat and even the light boat cannot avoid the harassment of the royalists.

"Once I have a child, how can I tell Mrs. Hirano?" Gu asked himself.

If she is pregnant, she will definitely have the baby.

But exactly how to say, how to deal with, even how to be ready for labor, these need to be estimated clearly.

Gu put his hand on his belly.

She felt her pulse again.

"Not a happy pulse." She made sure again.

Although I didn't like it, the postponement of the monthly event still distracted her several times in class.

Cai Changting is not satisfied.

"Ah Qiang, please be serious. My time is limited."

"Sorry." Gu chuckled.

In a flash, ten days passed.

Cheng Yuchang calls Gu Qingzhou: "when will you come to accompany me? My boyfriend and Kim's family are not clear recently. I'm so angry. "

A few days later, I called again and said, "my boyfriend is back to Ping. Can you come and accompany me?"

Cai Changting has all monitored these calls.

Cheng Yu becomes the informant between Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu. She is responsible for delivering the news.

After a few days, Cheng Yu calls again and says that Si Xingfu is back.

At the same time, a great event happened in Taiyuan.

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