Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 846 the fourth condition

The most recent event in Taiyuan mansion is about ye dujun's plane.

The Jin family sent the Ye family two airplanes.

One of them should be given to the Wang family, but the Wang family felt that it could not be used, and the maintenance and repair were extremely expensive, so they negotiated with governor ye and got the exclusive transportation right of a railway.

The plane went to governor Ye's house.

"We finally have a plane."

"When can the plane be the same as the train and let's have a seat?"

"It's impossible. It's a strategic machine."

Everyone wants to see the air of the governor's office.

However, ye Wu calls Gu Qingzhou and asks him to go to ye dujun's mansion.

When Gu Qingzhou arrived, ye Wu told Gu: "last night, the Wang family, the Jin family and the Ye family met and signed some treaties. The photo was returned to the Kim family. "

"Two planes, it's worth it," Gu said

"But I don't like it." Ye Wu sighed, "it's uncomfortable to forgive her so easily."

Gu chuckled.

They were talking when inspector ye came in in a hurry.

His uniform, neat and tidy, set off his tall and heroic.

He went to Gu Qingzhou and said to her, "miss ah Qiang, I want you to help me with something."

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou smiles, "governor, please speak."

"Miss ah Qiang moved to her study to speak." Governor Ye looked solemn.

Ye Wu looks at her teacher nervously.

He doesn't care about the boat.

She nodded, and said, "the governor will ask you first."

She followed governor ye to his outer study.

Sit down with each other. Inspector Ye asks the adjutant to serve tea. He took a sip of tea.

Gu Qingzhou also gently stirred the floating leaves, and the fragrance of tea overflowed. She took a sip and said to the governor, "it's Tieguanyin."

"Like Tieguanyin?"

"I like it very much, but it's a little cold. I don't dare to drink too much." Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor ye took a sip slowly and observed the look of Gu Qingzhou.

The woman has always had a light expression and a quiet look.

No matter who she faces, she seldom shows emotion. This skill, ye dujun is rare, the heart of her both defense and appreciation.

During this period of time, governor ye also found that his two daughters were very fond of taking care of light boats.

Especially the second daughter ye Shan, who is tough and ruthless, even regarded Gu Qingzhou as a friend, which shows that Gu Qingzhou is powerful.

It's a pity that if she is not the daughter of Mrs. Hirano, and if she is more mediocre, governor Ye doesn't mind that she has married twice to give her honor and wealth.

"Miss ah Qiang, are you still used to living in Taiyuan?" Asked governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes slightly.

Her eyes are particularly bright, like a clear spring water, against the background of her black and blue silk. She looks at him: "governor, you don't have to go around and talk straight."

"Ye dujun said:" is concerned about Miss arqiang

"Inspector, when the plane arrived at Taiyuan mansion, most of you wanted to make a deal with Si Xingfu, but you wanted to hide from others, didn't you?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

She broke the governor's intention with a word.

Governor Ye's eyes flashed a little.

"Then, will Madame sessau help?" He changed his name, "young lady is a wise man, knowing that I will not treat you two badly."

"I used to marry Sima. They called me" Mrs. shishao ". Then I got divorced. I will marry Si Xingfu again. They call me Si's wife. Then I die again. Now I am a ghost with no face. It is more appropriate for you to call me miss arqiang. " Gu chuckled.

"Yes," said Ye

Gu Qingzhou gently rubbed the golden edge of the mouth of the tea cup ring, thinking a little.

"What does miss ah Qiang mean?" said Ye

"Would you like to borrow someone from the manager to help you train pilots?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Governor Ye nodded.

This matter, he needs a reliable person to help introduce, and to keep secret.

The pilots trained by Ye dujun must not be planted by other forces.

Once the plane is in the sky, the pilot is the God of inspector Ye. This matter should be extremely careful.

The Japanese offered to train pilots for governor ye, who refused.

His other old friends also offered to help, but governor Ye didn't accept it.

The only thing he could think of was Si Xingfu.

There is no direct conflict of interest between Si Xingfu, who is far away in the south of the Yangtze River, and ye dujun. Moreover, Si Xingfu has a rebellious character, but he does not lose his credit.

Gu Qingzhou is in Taiyuan. Si Xingfu needs more protection from his woman from ye dujun.

Since there is demand, we can cooperate.

However, their cooperation should not be made public, let alone known to the outside world, or other forces will try their best to get spies.

Gu Qingzhou is the most suitable contact person.

"I will help you." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm just a third-party contact. What are the specific conditions? You need to talk with the manager yourself."

Governor Ye nodded.

She agreed to help.

Governor Ye breathed a sigh of relief and finally finished a cup of hot tea.

Gu took two drinks, put down his tea cup and left.

She went to see Si Xingfu.

She did not go directly to the new house of Si Xingfu, but met him in the teahouse through her own arrangement of intelligence personnel.

This meeting is to avoid everyone's eyes and ears.

She told Si Xingfu what governor Ye meant.

"Help him." Gu Qingzhou said, "then, ask him for conditions."

Gu Qingzhou gave his own conditions to the manager.

Si Xingfu put his arm around her waist and said with a smile, "yes, what does your wife say?"

When the two sides had a talk, Cheng Yu and Si Xingqi paid a public visit to the third lady of Ye dujun's mansion and met ye dujun.

At the same time, he added another one.

Governor Ye is a little embarrassed about the last one.

"Give me two days." Ye dujun said.

Si Xingfu nodded: "hard work ye dujun."

Two days later, governor ye took what sixingfu wanted and handed it to him personally.

Si Xingfu took out his eyes and put them back with a smile.

So he chose one of his followers and gave it to governor Ye.

Ye's secret training base was officially opened.

Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingfu, "I heard ah Wu say that you have put forward four requirements, why do you have one more?"

Si Xingfu smiled and said nothing.

"What's the last one?" Gu asked again, "can you tell me?"

"Not for the moment, but tomorrow morning you will know." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou gave him a white look.

Si xingxu kissed her secretly and left quickly.

Gu Qingzhou got up early the next morning, and was going to have dinner with Mrs. pingye. Then he had a chat with Mrs. pingye.

I don't think so. As soon as Gu Qingzhou enters the gate, Cai Changting, ah fan and Hirano are there.

Their faces are strange.

"What's the matter?" Thought Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou didn't know, so he went in and saw that there were no dishes and chopsticks on the table, but there were more newspapers.

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