Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 847 a good play begins

As soon as Gu Qingzhou entered the gate, he saw that all the people, such as Mr. Hirano, were there.

They all looked at the newspaper in front of them.

"Good morning." Gu said in Japanese.

For such a long sentence, she took Cai Changting's habit from pronunciation to articulation, so she said it in a standard and pleasant way. The last pronunciation was slightly delayed and a little soft.

When she speaks Japanese, she is like a pure child, and her tone is not affected by any worldliness. This may be the charm of voice, which can almost cover up her mind.

The purity of beginners is beyond the disguise of others. #_#67356

Mrs. Hirano and Cai Changting both like to listen to Gu Qingzhou speak Japanese. They just feel like she has changed her Japanese.

A fan then slightly droops the eyes, does not look after the light boat.

He raised his head, said Ohayo simply, and said to him, "I'll go out first. I need to practice in the morning."

Mrs. Hirano got up and took him to the gate.

Gu took the opportunity to pick up the newspaper on the table.

The headline on the front page is an indecent photo that can hardly be seen: a woman's upper body is not covered with clothes, and she is refused by a man when she is light and thin, so she wants to welcome or refuse, and her head is slightly backward, and her posture is provocative.

The woman's body is actually blocked by the man's head, but her face is clear, and her posture is more Miaoman.

This kind of half cover is more attractive than straightforward, because the overall structure of this picture is dynamic and the implication is more obvious.

"Jin Qianhong?" Seeing the photos, Gu Qingzhou suddenly thought of Si Xingfu.

He proposed four conditions to governor ye: the first three were inspired by Gu Qingzhou, and the second one was proposed by himself.

Gu doesn't need to know all about it. His condition is to get another picture.

Moreover, this newspaper is not from Taiyuan, but from Peiping.

"Where did you get it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting smiled: "it's sold at the small stall at the door. Although it's a newspaper of Peiping, it's the evening news the day before yesterday. It has the headline of the famous lady of Taiyuan mansion. Therefore, the people of Taiyuan mansion have been sold to Taiyuan mansion. It's said that the sales volume is excellent. "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

She knew that Si Xingfu would not give up. #6.7356

she was relieved to learn Japanese from Cai Changting. After school in the afternoon, she immediately went to the garden of Si Xingfu.

Seeing Si Xingfu, Gu took out the newspaper and asked him, "what did you do?"

"Yes." "Light boat, it's just the beginning of the plan, and the good play is at the end."

Cheng Yu also saw the newspaper.

Gu Qingzhou has been at home all day. I don't know that Taiyuan government has fried pot. Everyone is passing this newspaper around. Many people put it on the street.

The police and the army were not allowed. They had a conflict with the students. Many students surrounded the police station.

Cheng Yu laughed when he said this: "Si Xingfu is so wicked. Do you know what he was doing some days ago? He stole Cheng Yu's diary, printed it and pasted it at the gates of schools everywhere.

In that diary, Cheng Yu scolded the students and teachers of the school, saying that they were all slaves. The students were so angry that they all said that Miss Jin was vicious.

They hated and humiliated in their hearts and wrote articles to scold the Jin family. Unfortunately, the Jin family never cared about this voice. Unexpectedly, this time's newspaper, Jin Qianhong's reputation was ruined, and the students took a bad breath.

At this time, the military and police will stop them. It's useless. It will only aggravate conflicts. The student problem is the biggest headache. My father was afraid of student trouble when he was alive.

The Ye family has received the benefits of the Jin family. If they want to suppress them, they will die. Now the students are making trouble, printing this paper by themselves and spreading it everywhere. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at Si Xingfu.

If she wants to bring down Jin Qianhong, she will do the same.

Si Xingfu smiles.

Gu Qingzhou had a brainstorm in her mind. She asked Si Xingfu, "so what's your purpose?"

Only Gu Qingzhou knows the most about his character.

It's not the purpose of the company to damage its reputation.

All these are foreshadowing.

"You will soon know." Si Xingfu is still selling, and lightly points her nose.

Gu Qingzhou seems to understand.

She bit her lower lip.

Cheng Yu asked curiously, "what's the purpose?"

Gu Qingzhou quickly changed the topic and asked Si Xingqi, "how did you get the photos? The photos taken by the Wang family newspaper have been returned to the Jin family. "

"Yes, is it hidden by governor ye?" Cheng Yu asked.

He smiled and said, "No. The fourth condition I put forward with governor Ye is to have a look at the photos. As far as I know, the Wangs must have kept one.

Because of the agreement with the Jin family and the Ye family, they will never let this picture leak out of their home unless they want to fight with the Jin family.

I said yes. If governor Ye doesn't believe me, I will ask him to find a way to force him. I don't want a picture. I just want to have a look. "

Hearing this, Cheng Yu vomited: "you are disgusting. Gu Qingzhou, he wants to see Jin Qianhong's "she rowed to her chest.

Si Xingfu glanced at her with a light glance: "do you have some insight? If I want to see it, I can see it if I go to see it myself, and I want to see the photos? "

Gu Qingzhou hit him heavily on the arm.

Si Xingfu gave an exaggerated hiss.

Cheng Yu laughs.

"To be serious." Gu Qingzhou frowned.

Si Xingqi hugged her first and kissed her on the face.

Cheng Yu thought he was blind.

"I want to see the surrounding environment when I get to the photo, and then I find that there is a trace in the upper left corner of the photo, which seems to be exposed.

This kind of exposure should be reflected by the magnesium lamp when another camera takes photos. That is to say, in addition to the reporters of the newspaper, there was a second person who had a camera and took the same scene. " Si Xingfu road.

So he took the time to find the ballroom.

After a series of buying and extorting confessions, Si Xingfu asked a waiter, and there was indeed another person taking photos that day.

The man was an English woman who appeared twice in the ballroom as if he were a travelling journalist.

He inquired again and again to find out that there was such a man.

That's a reporter from the British newspaper. She came to China to record the local conditions and customs of the whole country, and then sent the information back to the UK once a month.

The British are interested in the mysterious East, so her newspapers sell well.

Si Xingfu spent a lot of money, asked the reporter to give him the photos and negatives, and told her the danger of the north, asked her to go to the South or simply leave China.

The female reporter has been in the north for half a year and is just about to go south, so she disappeared mysteriously.

She went to Hong Kong and then from Hong Kong to Singapore.

Si Xingfu got the picture.

"Look at this." He pointed to the other corner of the picture.

Cheng Yu takes a magnifying glass to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou zoomed in and saw three reporters of the Wang family newspaper.

They only have one camera and are taking pictures.

"This picture, not only can let Jin Qianhong get the retribution she deserves, but also can let the Wang family and ye dujun get rid of it." Si Xingfu road.

It turned out that he had already made a plan. C

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