The company has already made arrangements.

What the Jin family bought at a high price were photos and negatives of the Wang family. The king's family did leave one, but now it was destroyed by the governor Ye.

It was a young master of the Wang family who hid this picture. Governor Ye scolded him. Wang Youchuan, the head of the Wang family, also taught his nephew a lesson.

The photos were destroyed again, and their agreement with the Jin family was not broken.

Therefore, governor Ye opened his eyes and closed them.

"Is that what you want?" After Cheng Yu leaves, Gu Qingzhou quietly asks the Secretary for help.

"Yes," he nodded

She didn't ask him what he wanted, and he didn't ask her what she thought, but their eyes were sure they were in the same mind.

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

"What's the matter?" she asked

"Attacking women with indecent photos always makes me sad." Gu Qingzhou said, "I don't like this kind of thing very much, you know."

"Not in the future." Si Xingkai kisses her earlobe, "canoe, I promised to protect you forever."

Gu chuckled.

Having said that, Gu Qingzhou is leaving.

When she left, she thought of her being late for four days. She felt a little uneasy.

She almost told Si Xingfu.

But the pulse is not.

"Irregular menstruation is normal." She said so to herself.

So she still wants to see a doctor.

Gu Qingzhou didn't say anything. She wanted to ask for confirmation and then she left.

Si Xingqi saw her car in person and disappeared at the end of the street.

When Gu Qingzhou returned to the residence of Silang Hirano, he heard the car sound at the door of Ye dujun's mansion next door.

A woman in a short sleeved black cheongsam with gold rimmed rolled into the gate of the governor's office.

"Mrs. king?"

After Mrs. king, there was another car. Wang Youchuan came down.

Just in time these people, Gu Qingzhou knows each other.

"The Jin family probably won't let it go easily." Gu Qingzhou thought, "I don't know if governor ye will sell his manager?"

Probably not. Governor ye also asked Si Xingfu to train pilots for him.

Once he divulged his words and the training of the officers of the army was a little poor, the future safety of the governor Ye left a hidden danger.

Gu thought and went back to his yard.

She took a bath and went to bed, looking quiet.

The Ye family's outer study is in full swing.

"Look at this picture again. Our reporter is here. Do you see it?" Wang Youchuan holds the magnifying glass and hands it to Mrs. Jin.

The Wang family can be completely abandoned.

This picture was not taken by the Wang family newspaper.

And Mrs. king was so angry that she couldn't look carefully? No one in the Kim family will look at such photos carefully.

Now hearing this, Mrs. King took a magnifying glass.

She did see several figures, one of them with a camera.

This is the reporter of the Wang family.

The position of these three people, and the position of the photographer of this picture, is exactly opposite.

That is to say, the Wangs can't take pictures of themselves.

"That" Mrs. king was speechless for a moment.

In the morning, when she saw the newspaper, Mrs. king went to see governor ye and asked him to help with the removal.

Ye dujun took the Jin family's plane. Although the newspaper was not agreed by them, there was nothing wrong with helping. So ye family came out.

The police seized newspapers everywhere.

In this case, the streets and alleys were full of plaintive voices, and there were not a few who scolded Ye as feudal warlords.

Under pressure, governor ye did this for the Jin family.

Unexpectedly, the students organized themselves to print and paste the newspaper again.

As for why the students fell so low, governor ye also knew.

It turned out that Jin Qianhong abused students and teachers, even the education system, and made public anger. At that time, the students asked Jin Qianhong to apologize, and he was called by his servants.

In this way, the students hate it even more.

The army and police of yedujun have been besieging the whole morning, thoroughly intensifying the contradictions, and the students have stopped the march in the afternoon.

The march was against the collusion of the Jin family and the Ye family in an attempt to control freedom of speech.

Seeing this situation, the military and police immediately reported it to governor Ye.

Ye did not want to have a large-scale student parade, so he sent someone to discuss peace with the student president.

The governor's office has always attached great importance to education and respect for students. There is not much resentment between them. The students intend to cancel the March, but the government should give them freedom of speech.

Governor Ye agreed.

At 3 p.m., governor Ye ordered the withdrawal of the military police and the student March ended.

But the printed version of Jin Qianhong's newspaper was pasted all over the street.

From three o'clock to five o'clock, it has spread all over the streets, and the Jin family are shocked.

At the same time, Mrs. king sent people to tear it up, while negotiating with governor ye and the Wang family.

It's not until now that Mrs. king knows that the reporter of the Wang family is also in the corner of the picture. This picture can't be planted on the head of the Wang family.

Mrs. King's breathing is unsteady.

Since there was nothing to do with the Wang family, Mrs. King resolutely shifted the wind direction and aimed at inspector ye: "Inspector, you promised to deal with this matter."

"I've dealt with it. This is the second thing." Governor Ye reminds Mrs. king.

"Inspector," said Mrs. king, "don't coax us into being women. It's the same thing."

"No, I promised to take back the photos of the Wang family. At that time, there were several people present and how many people took photos. You didn't ask, and we didn't negotiate.

If so, there will be more than two flights. From morning to afternoon, do you know how much impact the student parade has had? Do you know how much human and financial resources I have wasted? " Governor Ye stood up with a strong attitude.

Mrs. King's face was blue.

She sneered, "governor ye, if you just eat, you won't admit it."

"Mrs. king thought over and over again, who asked too much?" Ye asked.

He didn't recognize it, and she didn't feel half guilty. Mrs. king knew that he could not break it easily, so she had to change her way.

Mrs. king was soft.

"Inspector, let alone the close relationship between our two families. It's just that such a tragedy happened to ordinary people. Please help me, it's always OK?" Mrs. King's voice softened a little.

But unexpectedly, governor Ye was still tough: "Mrs. king, I've helped this. I'm done with what I have to do. If your daughter doesn't mess with the students, there's no such thing.

The influence of things has already been caused. What we have to do now is to let go of the current, be soft and admit our mistakes, instead of just facing the students. "

Mrs. king thought about it. She thought about it.

People's indignation grows deeper and deeper.

Now, all we have to do is pretend to be pitiful and let the students cancel the activity by themselves.

Moreover, such photos are not elegant, and students should also bear the stigma of "insulting and polite".

Mrs. king was moved by governor Ye's words, and she left governor Ye's house immediately.

Just before she left, she suddenly stopped and looked at the mansion beside her eyes.

There was a man standing at the gate of the residence.

The man saw Mrs. king and walked over.

"It's you?" Mrs. king said

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