Si Xingfu left the racecourse with Gu Qingzhou.

He drives himself.

When two people become husband and wife, there is not so much red tape. Two people are very happy when they are in the same space. They don't need to go there to find the atmosphere.

This is the case with Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

"Hungry?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Jelly." Gu Qingzhou road.

He laughed and stopped the car to buy cold noodles at a roadside stall.

He drove slowly and steadily on purpose. Gu didn't eat cold noodles for a while.

After eating, Si's car has arrived at a quiet street. The tall plane trees and pavilions are like covers, casting a large area of shade.

He stopped the car, rolled down the window and began to eat cold noodles.

This is an alley, opposite is the old street.

It's not early or late now. The children haven't finished school. The adults haven't finished work. Only the old people and babies hide in the house for fear of catching the heat.

After the driver stopped, he picked up another bowl of cold noodles and ate them.

Gu Qingzhou asked him, "are you used to eating?"

Si Xingfu shook his head: "I'm a Jiangnan, and only when I'm used to eating can I have ghosts."

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Her laughter is especially bright, just like the wind blowing by, driving away a little heat in the summer, and seeping into the wisps of cool.

Si Xingfu is in a good mood.

With Gu Qingzhou, my heart is always bright.

"Well, is there any gain?" Gu Qingzhou asked the Secretary again.

He and Cai Changting's competition, should be able to see a hint?

"Military background." "I said that I couldn't find him. He is from the Japanese military background. The military has always been strict, there is no precise Japanese spy, it is impossible to spy. "

"Is he Japanese or Chinese?" Gu asked again.

"It must be the Japanese who can be protected by the Japanese military. In light boats, nationality is not important. Position is the key point. " Si Xingfu road.

That is to say, even if Cai Changting is a Chinese, he can be so deep in the Japanese military, he has already been a Japanese military.

So, he is "Japanese".

Gu Qingzhou listened and nodded.

Si Xingfu stopped his chopsticks and said, "your situation is more dangerous than I thought."

"Who is in danger?" Gu Qingzhou smiled and asked the Secretary, "do you mean Cai Changting? What's the point of losing your men? "

Si Xingfu reached for her hand, shaved her nose, and said, "OK, that's Mrs. Si. She has ability and courage!"

Gu Qingzhou was most touched by this.

Si Xingfu never writes in ink. His love for Gu Qingzhou is more respect and trust. Even if there is danger, he will not be afraid of his hands and feet to hide the light boat.

He will protect the boat as much as he can, and will not let the boat hold him back.

"Because I have a division seat to support me." Gu Qingzhou whispers, her voice is soft and her expression is gentle.

Si Xingfu's heart moved.

Throw the chopsticks to the back seat, he wants to start the car to leave, but he sees a two or three-year-old boy running out of the shabby door next to him and drilling into the bottom of the car.

Gu Qingzhou shouted, "Si Xingfu!"

The car just started, but the tires moved half an inch forward. The driver immediately braked.

Gu Qingzhou is already in a cold sweat.

Before the car stopped, she pushed open the door and fell on the ground.

The ground was so hot that it almost burned her skin. She saw the small round eyes of the two or three-year-old boy, full of fear, staring at her hard.

Gu Qingzhou's tight back, suddenly relaxed, she could hardly get up.

The manager pulled her up.

"Get out, kid!" I'll drink it.

At the crack of the door, another child came out, crying "ugly Xin". She was about six years old.

The cry of the girl makes the children on the roof climb out like loach.

"Ugly!" The girl hugged the baby.

At this time, Gu Qingzhou saw clearly that they were a pair of brothers and sisters. They were very thin and ragged.

The child is called Chou Hsin, not more than three years old, not very understanding of personnel; the girl looks small.

Si Xingfu smiled helplessly: "it turns out to be two little ghosts."

He came over and asked the girl, "did your parents ask you to take care of your younger brother?"

In poor families, the elder sister takes care of the younger brother and younger sister, and the parents work and live outside.

Although his skin is deep, he is handsome and evil. He is not the kind of rude Kong Wu. The girl is not afraid of him.

When he asked, the girl nodded.

"Don't be lazy. Take good care of your brother. Don't let him drill under the car again. It's dangerous." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

He approached a little, but suddenly his steps stopped.

The expression on his face has changed.

"What's the matter?" Gu asked him

Si Xingfu, with deep eyebrows and eyes, said to Gu Qingzhou, "look at the two children here. I'll go in and have a look."

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know why.

Seeing that Si Xingfu was so careful, Gu Qingzhou worried, "is something wrong?"

"No." Si Xingfu whispered and took the gun from his waist and loaded it.

Is that ok?

Gu Qingzhou's heart was thumping. When he came to the two brothers and sisters, he squatted down and asked, "little sister, what's your name?"

"Ziyin." Said the little girl.

Gu asked again, "do you know the words? Can you write your own name? "

The little girl hesitated, holding her brother to hide, and nodded for a while.

She wrote her name and her brother's to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou glances at the room with his spare light while watching the children write.

"Does your father like five elements and gossip?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

She found the names of the two children, both with the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

"No father." Zi Yindao.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

When she was ready to ask again, Si Xingfu came out.

He whispered to Gu Qingzhou, "there is only one woman who is dead and stinks."

Gu Qingzhou's face was whitewashed.

Si Xingfu smelled the corpse before, so he had to go in and have a look.

She couldn't believe what to say for a while.

Si Xingfu gently put his arm around her waist and said to her, "first get these two children to the car. I'll find my neighbor and ask what's going on."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She calmed her mood and said to the two children, "hungry?"

The girl immediately drools.

The boy said timidly, "hungry."

Gu Qingzhou thought that there were snacks bought by Cheng Yu in the morning on the car of Si Xingfu, so he opened the door.

Her face is kind, two children have no mustard to her, under the temptation of delicious food, she got on the car of Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou takes out the rest of the snacks. The girl grabs them and hands them to her brother.

The younger brother grabs it and eats it. It's like he's starving.

Gu Qingzhou is full of worries. He looks at the manager there.

"Delicious." The boy muttered.

Gu Qingzhou's heart seems to be scalded by something, Zizi and risking pain.

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