He knocked on the door of his neighbor's house.

It was a 60 year old woman who opened the door.

The woman is kind-hearted and amiable.

In fear of frightening this kind of flat headed people, he pointed to his car and said, "old lady, I'm here to look for relatives. What about the people who used to live in this family?"

"Are you looking for Meng's family?" Asked the old lady.

The Secretary nodded.

"They've moved away a long time ago." Said the old lady.

"And who lives in this house now?" "I only saw two children. Where's the master's house?" he asked

"Now it's the Hu family. Hu's wife moved here with her children before she left. Her man lived for two months and never saw him again.

Mrs. Hu doesn't walk around with us very much. Her men don't know where they are. Everyone guesses that they eloped out. The man went home. " Said the old lady.

"And where is Mrs. Hu now?" He asked again, "did you go to work, or did you go to relatives?"

"Without any relatives, she has no one to visit her even during the Spring Festival, so I said she ran out secretly. Not at home at the moment? " The old lady was a little surprised. "She never works. She has money to use. Who knows where she escaped?"

By implication, Mrs. Hu is a new comer in recent years. She is not familiar with the neighbors.

She has no husband, no relatives and friends, and no neighbors.

After thanking the old lady, he went to the car and told Gu about it.

There was a surge of pity in Gu Qingzhou's heart.

"I'll go in and have a look. This Mrs. Hu is quite mysterious. Let's see her origin. When I find out, I'll tell governor ye to send someone to collect the corpse. Don't make the neighborhood panic. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu took him by the arm.

"What about the dead?" Gu Qingzhou didn't have much heart. "Forget it, just tell governor Ye."

"Are you stupid?" Si Xingfu smiled and said, "you are waiting for me."

Gu Qingzhou can't be stubborn.

Si Xingfu enters the room.

He turned the room inside and outside for an hour.

In this hour, Gu Qingzhou kept talking with Ziyin and Chou Xin.

There's still soda in the trunk of the car. Gu takes it out to them.

The two children were full and asked Gu Qingzhou, "can you give it to my mommy?"


Are they overseas Chinese or Hong Kong people?

Gu Qingzhou smiled gently: "where's your mommy?"

"Asleep." The girl said, "Mommy says she's tired. She wants to sleep for a while. Let's not disturb her."

"How long did you sleep?"

The girl broke her finger and calculated: "two days"

GU Qingzhou's heart was hit by something, which made her dull and painful.

The two children spent two days with their dead mother.

She comforted the children here, and Si Xingfu finally came out.

He put a small bundle in the car.

"Let's go and report to the official." Si Xingfu road.

"What did you find?" Gu asked

"I don't know yet. Take it back and study it slowly." He said.

The car arrived at governor Ye's residence.

Si Xingfu got out of the car and went straight to the study of governor Ye. He told the governor about this and threw the two children to governor ye by the way.

"Ye Du Jun frowns:" this little thing, sent to the police station is

"Then send it." "You are the master of one side. This is your people. You can set it up yourself."

Governor Ye is angry.

He called the police immediately.

Gu Qingzhou went to see ye Wu and told her about it.

Ye Wu's reaction is similar to that of Gu Qingzhou. She pondered and went to the study to find her father.

At the same time, inspector Ye is going to throw the two children to the police station.

"Father, can I take care of them for a few days and wait until things are clear?" Ye asked.

Governor Ye hesitated and nodded.

Ye Wu took the two children back to her yard.

Gu Qingzhou is still there.

The girl finally knew something was wrong and cried to find her Mommy.

"Where is Mommy?" Cried the girl.

As soon as she cried, so did the boy.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu comforted the two brothers and sisters again and again.

"Your mommy is asleep. She's afraid she won't be able to wake up and take care of you in the future." Gu Qingzhou told the truth.

The girl cried louder all of a sudden.

Ye Wu gently poked at the boat: "teacher"

"they always need to know." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu can't help it.

Both children's clothes are very shabby, but there is no oil on their bodies, only they have been dirty in recent days.

Ye Wu coaxed them for a long time, and then made them some food.

Gu Qingzhou asks Ye Wu to take care of them and returns to the residence of the fourth brother of Hirano.

She calls Cheng Yu.

There are no servants in the other shop of Si Xingfu, only a few adjutants and entourages.

The entourage took over and said, "Miss Cheng hasn't come back yet. She went to the Kang family."

Gu Qingzhou knew that Cheng Yu would not miss the opportunity.

When Cheng Yugang arrived in Taiyuan, he looked decadent and weak. At that time, she was in the middle of lovelorn, worried about her mother and brother, and was even more worried that she would get better.

Now, she has her own little white face, and the wound of love has been slowly repaired; her mother and brother have returned to Yunnan, and she has received the good news that they are about to conquer Kunming; the matter between her and Si xingxu has been completely solved, and it is more suitable to be a friend than a lover.

There is a sense of settling down, which makes Cheng Yu regain his former self-confidence.

She is the beloved daughter of inspector Cheng, the most distinguished young lady in Yunnan Province. She is also the wife of the Hong Kong inspector.

No matter which identity she is, she is a high-ranking celebrity. Therefore, when she makes friends with others, she has a high temperament, talks and things, which is very popular.

She regained her confidence and went to visit Kang's family.

When Gu Qingzhou went to the Kang family, he knew that Kang Zhi, the aunt of the Kang family, had stayed for Cheng Yu to eat.

Gu Qingzhou receives Er Bao and goes to the garden of Si Xingfu with Cheng Yu.

Si Xingfu has come back and is sending someone to Hong Kong.

"What did you find?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"I don't know. It's the key to a warehouse." "It's in Hong Kong. I'll send someone to have a look."

Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu was also curious to see it, and was pushed away by the secretary.

"Are they from Hong Kong?" "Are you sure?" Gu asked the Secretary again

"Sure, I found the woman's passport." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou said nothing more.

Inspector ye sent people to check the broken house, and the people in the police department handled the case seriously.

After checking the house carefully and asking the neighbors, I knew that the hostess had been ill all the time, and her children were so sure.

There was no murder. The hostess died of illness.

"What about the two children?" "What are you going to do with them, father?" ye asked

"To the orphanage," said Ye

Ye Wu couldn't bear it.

These two children are too young.

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