Ye Wu meets Kang Yu at the gate of the orphanage.

Every family in Taiyuan often helps this orphanage.

It is reasonable for the Kang family to send money and food.

The relationship between Ye Wu and Kang Yu has always been lukewarm. Since she saved Kang Yu, Kang Yu has not continued to be mean.

But since he said that she would go abroad, ye Wu's heart was particularly awkward. Her alienation could not be concealed.

See to hide not past, Leaf Charm walks forward, smile Ying Ying and Kang Yu say hello: "seven elder brothers, you also came?"

Kang Yuwei Leng.

In this moment, his expression is weird, as if he can't believe the appearance of Ye Wu.

Ye Wu used to come to the orphanage.

She didn't understand, but she didn't show her smile. It's too hot. Her cheeks are red and lovely.

"Yes, we're going to donate today." Kang Yu keeps her mood stable and says to Ye Wu.

Facing Ye Wu, he seldom smiles.

"You're a donor, too?" He asked Ye Wu again.

"No," said Ye

After that, she simply told Kang Yu about Ziyin and Chou Hsin.

"Do you care about people who don't matter?" Kang Yu blurted out his words.

Ye Wu is a little embarrassed.

This, in addition to embarrassing her, reminded her: since when, she would care about other people?

She thought about it. It was probably her teacher Gu Qingzhou who brought her change.

Leaf Charm's life and mood are changing slowly, she likes this change very much.

"I don't mean that," said Kang Yu, chatting.

Ye Wu shook her head and smiled: "I know."

The atmosphere is still awkward.

Before that, their relationship eased a little, and ye Wu liked it. Can not think of, and deadlock, Kang Yu is good scar forget pain, and began to attack leaf charm.

The attitude is a little better than before.

However, every time Kang Yu sees Ye Wu, he frowns slightly, as if he is in great pain, which makes Ye Wu embarrassed.

Two people stood silent, do not know what to say, fortunately, the Dean came out to meet the two people.

Ye Wu goes to see Ziyin and Chou Xin, separated from Kang Yu.

"Did anyone bully you?" Ye Wu asked Ziyin.

She can't ask Ziyin if she's eating well, sleeping well and getting used to it, because she can't solve these problems for the two children.

Ye Wu is still a child.

"No, it's just too hot." Zi Yindao.

Ziyin said softly, but in a good mood.

Ye Wu doesn't know why.

After listening to Ziyin, I learned that the Dean told Ziyin that if she wanted to wait for her mother to pick her up, she would be obedient, eat and sleep.

I can't run out. My mother can't find her as soon as I run.

The two brothers and sisters are looking forward to their mother.

What's more, the food in the orphanage is more delicious than that in Ziyin's family.

Leaf Charm touched the child's head: "in a few days it will not be hot, lovely."

Ye Wu is here today, not only to see her brothers and sisters, but also to teach the children to sing.

She and her classmates often do it.

Now there are more than 40 children in the orphanage. They look good. Apart from being a little thin and yellow, they are not sick.

Ye Wu asked them to stand in three rows.

In the middle of the class, ye Wu saw Kang Yu passing by the window.

He didn't stop. He continued to leave.

Ye Wu breathed a big sigh of relief.

She stayed in the orphanage for lunch, and in the afternoon she painted with the children.

It's too hot. Ye Wu's back is already sweaty. So are the children.

"Is there a rainstorm today?" Ye asked the president.

The dean said, "I think so."

Before long, lightning flashed and thundered, and there was a rainstorm. This is probably the last rain at the end of summer. It will be cool after raining.

Leaf charm and the children hide under the eaves to watch the rain, and sometimes lift the water with their hands.

This rainstorm is endless.

Ye Wu is also interested.

The summer heat all dissipates, Leaf Charm mood is excellent, teach children to sing again.

It's five o'clock in a flash.

There is no sunset in rainy days, and the length of time is not clear. The Dean urged: "miss three, it's not early, and you've been tired all day."

Ye Wu feels that her voice is a little dry.

After clearing her throat and drinking two mouthfuls of tea, she said, "where's my driver?"

"Right at the door." The president said.

Ye Wu leaves the door and takes the driver's car to go home.

From Youci orphanage to the city, there is a long way to go.

In rainy days, ye Wu's car broke down.

The rain in the sky didn't stop. The driver was sweating all over his head. He went down to have a look twice. He came back and said to Ye Wu, "miss three, I'm afraid the engine is broken."

"Don't worry." Ye Wu appeased him.

The driver was very worried because it was dark now, and he couldn't get to the city. He had to walk for a long time to return to the orphanage.

It's stuck here. The driver is afraid that the inspector will kill him when he goes back.

"Miss three, shall we get off and go back?" The driver decided, "before it's completely dark, I'll send you to the orphanage for a moment, and then I'll call the governor's office to send you a car. What do you think?"

"It's OK," ye said

As soon as they got out of the car, they saw a light cut through the gloom.

The sound of the car comes from far to near.

Ye Wu squinted.

People who can afford cars in Taiyuan must know Miss Ye San.

Let them take a ride to solve the current dilemma.

When the car reached them, the driver stopped.

As a result, the face exposed from the window is actually Kang Yu.

"What's the matter?" Kang Yu asked them, "is the car broken?"

The driver is very happy.

Leaf Charm face also relaxed a lot.

Acquaintances, of course, are the safest.

"Yeah, maybe it's the engine." Ye Wudao.

"Get in the car and I'll take you back." Kang Yu Road.

When ye Wu saw that he was still coming from the city so late, she asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"I lost a document in the orphanage. The Dean called me to get it. I'll come if I have nothing to worry about. It's the same with sending someone to pick it up tomorrow morning. " Kang Yu Road.

Kang Yu's words are full of loopholes.

Of course, Kang Yu doesn't need to Tell ye Wu the truth. They are not close friends.

Leaf charm does not care about these loopholes, she is very clear that Kang Yu will not kill her, so on the car.

The driver stayed, hiked to the orphanage to make a phone call, and waited for someone to get the car back.

Ye Wu gets on the car first.

Although she had an umbrella, she was still wet.

Kang Yu takes a thin blanket from the back seat and hands it to Ye Wu.

Leaf charm is grateful.

"Is it cold or not?" Kang Yu asks Ye Wu.

Leaf Charm laughs: "not cold, how cold can this day be?"

Kang Yu slightly pursed her lips.

Ye Wu knew that even if he was joking, he would not be happy.

She was a little embarrassed. She knew she shouldn't have taken his car for a long time and preferred to walk back.

After a moment's silence, Kang Yu suddenly said, "Jin Qianhong has committed suicide"

Ye Wu's heart thumped. I don't know what he meant.

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