Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 865 think about me

Ye Wu's heart thumped.

Although Jin Qianhong's death is well founded and almost no one doubts that she is not suicidal, ye Wu knows that it is not so simple.

Kang Yu also said that he loved Jin Qianhong and wanted to kill her because he wanted to.

Thinking of this, ye Wu subconsciously wants to move a little.

"Jin Qianhong likes snake meat. Who knows if she has any parasites?" Leaf Charm thinks, "if Kang Yu is her close contact, is she infected with insect disease?"

Ye Wu didn't want to use the blanket very much.

Heart read hundred turn, she guessed the intention of Kang Yu, Kang Yu said: "she is dead, will not hurt you."

Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

I still have conscience, remember that I saved his life, no doubt or blame her.

"I have never been afraid of her." "Leaf is enchanted way, tempt again," are you sad? "

"Sad what?" Kang Yu did not understand.

Leaf is charming to close lips not to talk.

Kang Yu was silent, as if to understand how, said: "I don't suffer, she deserved."

Ye Wu hum.

This topic is a bit sensitive in any way, but it's better not to say more subtleties.

It's dark all around, even in the car.

Passing street lights, light into, and slowly back to silence.

There was silence in the carriage.

Kang Yu coughs softly.

He cleared his throat and asked Ye Wu, "what kind of man is the fiance that the governor chose for you?"

Ye Wu has heard from her father many times. At present, there is no specific candidate.

She herself had fantasies many times.

Who will be her future husband? After thinking for a long time, she still felt that being tall and wise like her father, and being nice to her, was enough to satisfy her.

However, the father would not choose such a son-in-law for fear that he would seize his power.

Her husband, is used to stabilize the hearts of the Ye family, not to revitalize the family.

"It's a small staff officer. I've read a lot of books." Ye Wu said.

Kang Yu's breath held.

"Do you like him?" He asked Ye Wu.

"I haven't seen him, but I heard from my father that he is very good and I should like him," said Ye

Kang Yu's breath was a little heavy.

He held on to his breath, but his car was slowing down.

He seems to have experienced a torture, and it took a long time to ask, "if you let yourself choose, what kind of man would you choose?"

Leaf Charm always feels, today's words are not suitable, Kang Yu is not happy, she can feel it.

She didn't expect that she would discuss this problem with Kang Yu one day.

"I didn't think about it." "When I began to think about it, my father told me that he was going to hire his son-in-law in the future," she said

In exchange for Kang Yu's silence.

It was still raining outside the window.

A string of raindrops, sliding down the window, and then be swept away by the window.

Ye Wu relaxed her spirit.

She didn't know where Kang Yu's happiness and anger came from, and she was not sure.

Ye Wu would have been at a loss before. Now she has seen through - there will always be characters she doesn't know and people who hate her face to face.

Kang Yu is just one of them.

What kind of man do you like? Ye Wu never thought about it.

If she can choose, she hopes her marriage can be like Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

"And me?" Kang Yu asked.

Ye Wu is thinking about the marriage between Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu. Taking Gu Qingzhou as an example, she hears Kang Yu's question.

"What are you?" Leaf charm is embarrassed to ask.

"If you could choose your own marriage, would you like someone like me?" Kang Yu asked.

Ye Wu chews this sentence carefully.

"If I could choose for myself, of course I would like you," she said

Without this if.

Since the preceding sentence is absurd, it doesn't matter what is said later.

Ye Wu doesn't want to quarrel with Kang Yu.

Kang Yu sent Ye Wu home to express his kindness. He has kindness, so does Ye Wu.

"Really?" Kang Yu's voice was very deep. "Why?"

Not happy again?

If it's hard to serve, you don't have to.

Ye Wu smiled and said truthfully, "I won't choose my own marriage."

The sound in the car suddenly stopped.

Kang Yu clenched the steering wheel.

The car stopped abruptly.

The brakes are tight.

Ye Wu thought something was wrong and almost hit the glass. She could raise her head and was held by a strong arm.

She heard the pounding of her heart and the shaking words of the man beside her: "from now on, think about me!"

Ye Wu's mind was empty at once.

Her heart beat faster and she lost all her composure.

She was in a daze.

When the car returned to the gate of governor Ye's mansion, she suddenly returned to her senses and opened the door.

In spite of the still heavy rain, she rushed over the threshold.

Kang Yu didn't get off the bus.

On the way back, he burst into tears. He took her in his arms, and even his lips touched her cheek, as he wished.

"So late, where did you go?" As soon as he entered the door, he met his father, who asked him.

Kang Yu stops.

He had a strange expression, which seemed ecstatic, but inexpressible calmness.

"I will not study abroad," he said to his father

"Nothing?" Master Kang didn't understand.

"I don't want to study abroad." Kang Yu Road.

When Master Kang understood, he was furious: "do you think this is a joke? In order to study abroad for you, we "

" the places for studying abroad are tested by myself, not bought by you. I'm not going. You've lost a bragging title. There's no other loss. " Kang Yu Road.

Master Kang was shaking with anger.

They have Kang Yu in their second room, which is shining on the lintel. The child is smart and studious. He has been admitted to the government funded overseas students. He will surely earn a place for the second house when he returns home to work in his own bank.

Master Kang is such a son. He has all his hopes on him.

Master Kang can't do it by himself. He didn't like to study since he was a child, and he can't calculate accounts. He couldn't get the love of the master, which almost forced him out of the business of the Kang family.

It is because of this that Master Kang needs Kang Yu even more. The rest of his life depends on him.

"What boast? You are not filial! " Master Kang was so angry that he wanted to hit him.

Kangyu has already run away.

Back to my room, my heart is half in the fire, half in the ice.

He sat in a daze in the middle of the night.

Do you understand? He felt he had made it clear.

But can she understand?

Gu Qingzhou is ready to rest, but is disturbed by Ye Wu, who is in a hurry to visit.

Ye Wu came here in the rain, soaked to the skin, and with no expression of stupidity, Gu Qingzhou was scared to death.

It took me a long time to understand that I can't laugh or cry at Gu Qingzhou.

"Because of this?" Gu Qingzhou asked her.

Leaf Charm nodded, a pair of tears.

Gu Qingzhou pulls her in, arranges her to take a bath and change her clean clothes, and then sits down to talk.

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