Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 866 unexpected

Ye Wu lost her soul.

Gu Qingzhou asked people to cook ginger soup for her.

"Silly child." Gu Qingzhou felt her head again.

Ye Wu sighed again.

"Teacher, what does he mean?" Ye Wu asked Gu again, "did he flirt with me?"

Gu Qingzhou said, "no, he has confessed to you."

"But he hates me!" Leaf enchantment is confused way, "Si Xingfu also hates you at the beginning?"

"No, he has been mature since he was young. Young boys often express their feelings in the opposite way. " Gu said.

Leaf charm is silent.

She took a sip of ginger soup.

Ginger soup is hot, the weather is hot, but she feels cold.

The battlefield in her heart, one inch back, pushed her to the corner at once.

Once there was a person, outsiders feel that she loves Ye charm, but she tortured Ye charm to death. Ye charm now has scars all over her body, which are caused by her.

That's her mother.

The shadow of Ye Wu's heart since she was a child made her very afraid of such a person with two sides and three sides.

"He's terrible." Leaf Charm shivers shoulder, teeth open shiver.

Kang Yu hates him. Ye Wu thinks it's nothing. He's a stranger anyway.

But now he said he liked her, but ye Wu was afraid.

The complexity of feelings makes Ye Wu unable to understand the boundary between good and bad. She only knows that Kang Yu is as different from her mother.

She hates such people.

"Ah Wu, it's not like this, he's not terrible." Gu Qingzhou puts his hand on Ye Wu's shoulder.

But ye Wu suddenly shook off her hand.

The anxiety and hatred that her mood is hard to conceal makes Gu Qingzhou stupefied.

Gu Qingzhou tries to calm her down, but she pushes her away.

At last, ye Wu, holding her arms in her arms, shrank in the shadow of the corner of the room where she was looking at the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou dare not disturb her.

As the night grew darker, Gu Qingzhou tentatively helped Ye Wu to the bed.

Leaf charm does not have the mood before, obediently lets attend to the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou said to her, "ah Wu, you will meet all kinds of people in the future"

Ye Wu hurriedly said: "teacher, can I sleep here?"

Gu Qingzhou stopped the discussion.

Ye Wu doesn't like it. Gu Qingzhou doesn't say it anymore.

In the middle of the night, ye Wu had a nightmare. She screamed and wept in her dream, and Gu pushed her for a long time before she woke up.

Seeing her like this, Gu Qingzhou completely breaks his mind of helping Kangyu.

Even if Kang Yu likes Ye Wu again, his behavior makes Ye Wu suffer real injury.

If so, Gu Qingzhou would rather Ye Wu marry a man who doesn't hurt her, even if love is little.

This is what ye Wu needs.

"I'm so scared, teacher." Ye Wu leaned in the arms of Gu Qingzhou and said, "in the future, let's not talk about it again."

Gu Qingzhou said, "OK, the teacher promised you."

A deep sleep arrived at dawn.

When I got up early, governor ye came.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly surprised, and ye Wu is also embarrassed.

"Father, why are you here?" Ye Wu lowered her head and asked in a low voice.

"I heard that you were trapped in the orphanage yesterday. I wanted to get up early to see you. I didn't want the servant to say that you were sleeping here, so I came here." Ye dujun said.

Among his daughters, governor Ye's favorite is Ye Wu.

This love also contains a lot of guilt.

He felt that ye Wu had suffered a lot.

"Are you ok?" Governor Ye looked at her carefully.

"Father, I have something to ask you." Ye Wu did not answer.

Governor ye asked her what was the matter.

"How are you choosing your son-in-law? Do you have any eyes?" Ye asked.

Ye was slightly surprised.

Although surprised, he did not change his kind father's gentleness: "of course"

"I want to see him." Ye Wudao.

Ye dujun was surprised again.

He looked at the boat.

This one eye, include a lot, be like to ask how to return a responsibility, also be like to ask Gu Qingzhou, whether she taught bad Leaf Charm, implicit blame.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and pretends not to see.

Governor Ye cleared his throat and said, "it's too early now. You are still young."

Ye Wu said: "I have one year to graduate. Isn't it a good idea to get married after graduation? Where is it early? It's not unusual to know each other for a year before marriage, is it? Father, do you want me to marry blind and dumb? "

There was no excitement or fear in this series of questions.

She was calm and dignified. With the special confidence of the governor's office, she asked governor Ye.

Ye likes such a daughter: calm, brave and confident.

"That's right." Ye dujun said, "well, let's have a reunion dinner on the Mid Autumn Festival and officially decide the candidates. What do you think?"

Governor Ye chose three of his 100000 troops.

His selection was done in secret and no one knew.

At first, he chose ten, and then slowly eliminated them. Now there are three left.

"Thank you father." Leaf charming smile, smile bright, there is a kind of childhood joy.

She can't seem to wait to settle her marriage.

Ye did not know why, but also looked after the light boat.

Gu is still playing dumb.

Ye Dujun doubted that she had led Ye charming astray, which made Gu Xiaozhou angry. Therefore, now ye Shoujun doesn't take care of the light boat, so as not to find himself unhappy.

"Ah Wu, go home first. I'll have a word with miss ah Qiang." Ye said again.

It turns out that he not only came to find Ye Wu, but also to find Gu Qingzhou.

Ye Wu said.

Gu Qingzhou will not suffer losses. Ye Wu knows this very well. She leaves at ease.

After she left, governor Ye talked with Gu Qingzhou for a long time.

The whole man was lost in thought.

An hour later, governor Ye left the house where he took care of the light boat.

When he left, he happened to meet Cai Changting.

"Inspector." Cai Changting smiles.

Governor Ye's face was expressionless. He didn't hear him passing by.

He had some opinions on Cai Changting because he was too beautiful. Once when governor Ye inspected the garrison, several generals joked with a major general that he could sleep in CAI Changting.

Governor Ye demoted the major general at that time.

If you want to find women, there are many brothels. The military pay is enough for them to play. There are even military prostitutes.

Women are easy to get. If they want to play with men, they are unforgivable.

Governor Ye disgusted the major general and Cai Changting. He thought he was the culprit.

He glanced coldly at Cai Changting.

At this glance, there seems to be a sharp arrow.

Cai Changting didn't seem to see it. He still had a smile. It didn't stop until governor Ye left.

He went in to see the light boat, but he saw that the light boat was tapping the table with his fingers.

She was thinking about a difficult problem.

Cai Changting coughs.

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes and saw that it was him. He immediately looked at his watch: "I'm sorry for being late again, Changting."

"No problem, let's start now." Cai Changting said, beckoning her to follow her.

Gu Qingzhou did not stand up.

She said: "Changting, you sit down. I want to hear from you about this."

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