Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 869 Wife Training

Gu Qingzhou was shocked.

Looking back, it turned out to be si Xingfu.

She was amazed.

Si Xingfu covers her lips.

"You can't come. Recently, both Mr. Hirano and Mr. Cai are very vigilant." Gu Qingzhou uses Qi to speak.

Si Xingfu shook his head: "it's OK."

He said to Gu, "go back to sleep, go to my place tomorrow, and I will follow you."

Gu Qingzhou bit his lip.

Si Xingfu pecked her on the cheek: "I have trouble to find you!"

After that, his figure flashed.

Gu Qingzhou came out of the rockery, and no one could be seen.

At dawn, there are black trees everywhere, and the branches are like ghosts.

Gu Qingzhou returns to her yard and confirms that no one is following her, so she goes back to her room.

The next day, Gu went to see Si Xingfu.

As soon as I enter the door, I can see that his face is as heavy as iron.

"Sit down!" His expression was sombre.

Gu Qingzhou knew that her words of yesterday's bombing of AHU had been known by Si Xingfu.

"If you have done something stupid, please explain it first!" Si Xingfu's legs were on the tea table, and he untied two buttons. His hair was a little disordered and fell on his forehead. Suddenly, there was a kind of evil spirit.

He is the most handsome man Gu Qingzhou has ever met. Compared with him, Cai Changting has less masculinity.

Gu Qingzhou bit his lower lip.

Cheng Yudong runs over and sits on the sofa next to Si Xingfu. He looks like he's afraid of missing out.

Si Xingfu glared at her.

"Why, let me see how to train my wife." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou stares at her.

Cheng Yu immediately put his nose on his face: "what are you staring at? Look at what you've done. Do you want to stare at me? "

With a stretch of his arm, he pushed Cheng Yu down.

Cheng Yu stumbled.

God, what kind of bastard is this? I've never seen such a dishonour.

Cheng Yu was so angry that he got up and stood beside him.

Anyway, she won't leave. She will listen to what's going on.

"Say it!" He did not care about Cheng Yu, but about the light boat road.

His voice was not high, but it was like the stratus before the rainstorm, which made people unable to breathe.

Gu Qingzhou took a deep breath and said to Si Xingfu, "did you catch Ah Fu?"

"I got it." "Say the right thing," said the secretary

"The business is that I need ahun." Gu said.

"Who asked you His eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. "Tell me the truth, and then try to play tricks?"

Cheng Yu turns white eyes beside him: what a prestige! If you dare to scold your wife like this, you won't be afraid to kneel and rub your clothes?

"Governor Ye talked to me." Gu Qingzhou told the truth.

This time, she stopped talking about him.

Governor ye brought a message and talked with Gu Qingzhou about one thing.

He said that the company was looking for him to cooperate.

"With the resources of Yuecheng and Shanxi, you can develop your own aircraft and occupy the aviation field first.

You've been thinking about this idea, and you want to join forces with governor Ye. I know that. It's just that governor ye asked me to be a hostage. You didn't agree. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"Yes, I don't agree." "Then what?" said the secretary

"Si Xingfu, you always sacrificed a lot for me. If it wasn't for me, you would have married Cheng Yu. Then the troops of Heyue city and the Cheng family have already defeated the Yangtze River.

Now the opportunity comes. I just need to withdraw my secret post. Under the supervision of governor ye, you can get a strong ally. " Gu said, "it's my turn to pay for you."

"So, didn't he say how to be a hostage?" Si Xingfu asked again, his voice more and more cold.

Gu Qingzhou sips her lips.

Of course.

Marriage is the best bond.

Of course, it is not a simple purpose for governor ye to make such a request.

He wants to form an alliance with both Si Xingfu and Mrs. Hirano.

Since we want to make a formal alliance with Mrs. Hirano, why not kill two birds with one stone?

Gu Qingzhou married him, and he could achieve the goal of "one stone, two birds". It can not only make Si Xingfu dare not act rashly, but also get the support of the royalist party.

He was prepared to swallow two forces in one bite.

Gu agreed to consider.

"Say it!" Si Xingfu said again.

Gu looked into his eyes and said, "he said, he wants me to marry him."

Si Xingfu stands up at once.

Across the coffee table, he almost picked up Gu Qingzhou and roared angrily: "bastard, I have been waiting for so many years to marry you, and I am waiting for such a result? I want a peaceful age, not for you? If I don't have you, what can I do to realize my dream and steam it? "

Gu Qingzhou stared at him.

Si Xingfu lifts her up, making Gu unable to breathe.

She blushed and even shed tears.

"You little bastard, do you want to torture me to death?" Si Xingfu's Qi reached the extreme.

"I was wrong." Gu Qingzhou road.

As soon as she confessed her mistake, Si Xingfu's mind of killing people and setting fire was all gone.

He loosened her collar and held her firmly.

He sighed deeply and said, "boat, you made a choice later, and you left me pretending to be dead. Don't do it again. Don't you know that without you, nothing means anything to me? "

The tears of Gu Qingzhou rolled down.

She bit her lips to keep herself from crying.

Cheng Yu is nearby. I don't know if he is moved or anything else. He coughs awkwardly.

Two flirtatious people!

Although affectation, but also a little enviable.

Cheng Yu returns to his room quietly.

Si Xingfu carried Gu Qingzhou upstairs.

Gu Qingzhou said to him, "I promise to consider, not only for your alliance with him, but also for myself."

"I dare to think about it again. I'll peel off your skin first!"

"Listen to me, in fact, we have gained the most in this matter!" Before she spoke, Si Xingfu bit her shoulder heavily.

Her clothes were roughly stripped by him.

"Don't worry, I have an idea." "You are not allowed to participate in this matter, let alone say what benefits do not benefit!" said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou struggles: "then I don't say where is ah fan?"

Where does Si Xingfu allow her to struggle?

According to her, Si Xingfu is ruthless. This time, Gu Qingzhou is half dead and half dead, which makes him feel better.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm not a man who sells his wife to seek honor."

Gu Qingzhou feels a pain in his heart.

All her thoughts were completely dispelled by this sentence.

"Then we have to wait." Gu Qingzhou whispered.

Si Xingfu pinched her nose: "silly girl, I have an idea. Don't worry. I'll do all the things I worry about at one time. "

"How?" Gu gets up.

Si Xingfu held her in his arms and whispered in her ear.

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