Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are lingering for a long time.

A word from Si Xingfu completely interrupts Gu's thought of light boat.

"I'm not impulsive," she also told Si Xingfu

She explained carefully, "Mrs. Hirano has always distrusted me, and I am not willing to trade my national position for her trust.

It's not good for me to keep dragging. I still don't know their core secret. I only know that the Jin family is one of the royalists.

I married governor Ye. In order to attract governor ye, I will definitely let me into their core and break your mind. In addition to your alliance with governor ye, he will not disclose it to you without me in Taiyuan. "

For her own sake, and for the sake of the chief executive's plan, Gu Qingzhou thought that marrying governor Ye was the safest way.

But the secretary did not agree with him. Gu didn't want to see the frost between his eyebrows, so he stopped thinking.

"Light boat, you think for me, I know." Si Xingqi kisses her forehead and loses her anger. "I'll arrange everything later. I promise that the barrier between you and Mrs. Hirano will be broken soon. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

She got up to wash and change.

When going downstairs, Gu Qingzhou saw Gao Qiao and Xun.

Cheng Yu sat on his lap and asked him to peel pine nuts for her to eat.

See Gu Qingzhou, Gao qiaoxun suddenly stand up, hands of pine nuts scattered all over the ground.

He was shocked and looked at Gu Qingzhou like a child who did something wrong.

Cheng Yu smiled, took his arm and whispered to him, "she knows everything. What are you afraid of? Besides, you don't need to be loyal to her. "

Gao Qiao and Xun's face were red and white.

He's a playboy, and he's very astringent in love. Otherwise, he won't easily fall into Cheng Yu's trap.

"Takahashi, long time no see." Gu Qingzhou is adept at greeting him.

"Yes." Gao Qiao and Xun suddenly said in Japanese.

When he is nervous, he can use Japanese.

Cheng Yu is beside him and is overjoyed: "next time teach me to speak Japanese, OK?"

Gao Qiao and Xun said yes.

Si Xingfu went downstairs.

Cheng Yu frowns and winks at Gu Qingzhou behind her. He verbally scolds her: "little goblin."

"Each other." Gu Qingzhou fought back.

Two people quarreled, the fight was hot, just by the division of Xingfu saw.

Si Xingfu gives Cheng Yu a good look.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Cheng Yu is half dead: this shameless man, look at his strength of protecting the short!

On the way, Gu asked about his plan for the plane.

"Is it possible?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Of course, we need to build our own planes. I've collected all these years and almost everything is ready. " Si Xingfu road.

He told Gu that he had also recruited a large number of arms experts, including Gao Qiao's father, who was one of the targets of Si Xingfu.

"How is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked Gao Qiao Xun's father.

"It worked." "Do you think Cheng Yu's little white face is sleeping in vain?" said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

Then she suddenly understood that Cheng Yu was inspired by Si Xingfu to hook up with Gao Qiao and Xun. To be exact, Cheng Yu first fell in love with Gao Qiao and Xun, and Si Xingfu encouraged her to approach.

No wonder he helped Cheng Yu speak last time.

"You're ready?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

The Secretary nodded.

He stopped the car steadily and touched her hair: "yes, I have plans for everything, or I will spend my time in Taiyuan mansion in vain? Boat, don't worry about me. "

Gu Qingzhou shows his face and smiles.

She got out of the car, made a speech with the manager, and walked back down the street.

Before entering the gate, the sound of the car was heard again.

Cai Changting got out of the car with a fan in his arms.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, he was slightly shocked.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "what's wrong with ah fan?"

Cai Changting said: "she was intrigued, unconscious."

"Who plotted against her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting, who is gentle and kind, seems to have a haze over his brow, and his voice is like ice: "you know it!"

That's what makes me angry.

His angry appearance is as holy and beautiful as snow lotus. Angry or happy, he is beautiful.

With this envy, Gu Qingzhou turned back.

She went back to her yard, changed her clothes, and was going to see Er Bao.

The servant said that Er Bao went to the Kang family.

Kang Han is very close to ER Bao recently.

Gu Qingzhou did not see his younger martial brother, so he went to the yard of ahuan.

Mrs. Hirano is there, too.

"Is ah fan OK?" Gu Qingzhou has the compassion of crying cats and mice. He asks.

"I'm fine. Thank you for coming to see me." He had a gentle attitude and didn't want to fight Gu Qingzhou.

"If it's OK." Gu Qingzhou road.

She sat by and listened to Mrs. Hirano and ah fan.

"As soon as I left the hospital, I was knocked unconscious, and then I didn't know anything." A fan and Mrs. Hirano describe her kidnapping.

"What time is that?" Mrs. Hirano asked

Ah fan stopped.

At three o'clock in the morning, she can't say it.

"More than six." Ah Hui lied.

Mrs. Hirano was suddenly silent.

She said nothing more, stood up and said, "you have more rest."

Ah fan was very nervous and didn't breathe a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Hirano left, and Gu Qingzhou left with her.

Cai Changting follows Mrs. Hirano out.

Mrs. pingye said to Cai Changting, "your responsibility is to protect her. This time, her fault is on your head."

Then she asked, "what is she doing?"

Cai Changting looks at the light boat.

They want to avoid talking to goo.

"Madam, I'll go back first." Gu chuckled.

She has a smooth walk.

There is a small ripple in my heart, which is expanding a little bit. Gu Xiaozhou smiles.

"Soon, I'll be able to meet my old friends. It's very nice." Think of the light boat.

I don't know what will happen when old friends meet?

Does the other side remember her?

I may remember, but is there any gratitude for her now?

Gu Qingzhou never believed in human nature.

Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting go to the main courtyard. On the way, Cai Changting tells Mrs. pingye about ah fan carefully.

"She's going to see Mrs. king." Cai Changting said, "madam, ah fan has crossed you and contacted Mrs. Jin secretly several times."

Mrs. Hirano clenched her fingers.

In the first half of her life, Mrs. Hirano learned a truth: kinship is weak. Once a close relative covets his power, he will be killed.

To ahuan, Mrs. Hirano had a killing idea for the first time.

Together with this idea, she was shocked by a cold sweat: her relationship with ah fan could never return to the former intimacy.

"Since when has my relationship with ahun changed?" Mrs. Hirano asked herself.

Probably, it started from the return of ah Qiang.

A Qiang has made a lot of efforts between Mrs. Hirano and a fan. Now, has she finally succeeded?

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