Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 874 backwater

In the hall of the church, after the initial silence, the crowd was noisy and noisy.

Miss sijiashao?

This is a very interesting topic.

In particular, Si Xingfu and Cheng Yu are still sitting there.

Many people went to see Si Xingfu, Cheng Yu and Gu Qingzhou.

The little grandma of the Jin family came over and asked Gu Qingzhou, "are you the little lady of the Department?"

Gu Qingzhou said truthfully, "if you know me, grandma Jin, you should know that I am divorced from Si's family."

"yes, you married your husband's brother, Si Xingfu, right? In order to get married smoothly, you killed the second Young Marshal of Si's family, didn't you? " Mrs. Kim's voice is very high.

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

This rumor, they also have heard, do not think that grandma Jin actually asked in front of the light boat.

They go to see the manager again.

There was a smile on his face. He looked lazy and casual. He seemed to be watching.

Is it?

How do you think the expression of Si Xingfu is not so?

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "No."

The attitude is light, without fear or worry, and the smile is light and soft.

It's the same as Si Xingfu.

Grandma Jin winked at Zhou Yan.

According to the agreement, Zhou Yan should play her role at this time.

The Jin family beat Zhou Yan to let her know. When grandma Jin finished saying this, she would step back and give the rest to ah fan and Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan pretended to retort for Gu Qingzhou, and then said, "Miss Qingzhou won't do that. Even if she did it, she would never leave a trace. Just like when she killed the master at the beginning, she arranged the master to go away from his hometown." so "lost his tongue" and said that Gu Qingzhou killed Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang is the natural father of Gu Qingzhou, who will surely cause the public to punish him.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou was afraid and retorted. Zhou Yan pretended to be more afraid and told more secrets: Gu Qingzhou killed his grandmother, stepmother, sister and so on. All in all, he was a devil by any means.

After that, the Jin family guides the people to act as justice, criticizes Gu Qingzhou, and then kills her with one shot.

Sniper ambush in three different places, no matter from which direction, can blow up Gu's head.

After that, he pretended to be frightened, found the killer, killed himself as the head of Yuecheng, and came to take care of the life of the light boat.

In this way, governor ye had no choice but to send the killer back to Yuecheng.

On the way back, the killer disappeared, and the others in Taiyuan didn't know.

The evil spirit Gu Qingzhou was punished, and the people did justice, and they would not go to investigate the killer's whereabouts.

Everything is arranged to fit perfectly.

Grandma Jin accused Gu Qingzhou of killing simu, which was the beginning.

At the moment, Zhou Yan, who was supposed to open his mouth to argue, had no movement.

Grandma Jin took a look at Zhou Yan again and asked: "aunt Wu, you are also from Yuecheng. Did your miss kill commander in chief?"

Give Zhou Yan a chance to argue.

As long as Zhou Yan opened his mouth, he would use Gu Guizhang's death as an example.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yan said: "this lady, everyone knows that Miss Qingzhou will marry the second young commander after divorce.

The Secretary's family disclosed the divorce letter and the alimony for Miss Qingzhou. Do you think Miss Qingzhou is wrong? What's wrong with Miss Qingzhou's remarriage to the commander-in-chief?

If you don't think it's right, go to ask the commander. At that time, the commander took the whole family to the wedding ceremony of Miss canoe and commander-in-chief. The second commander also went.

Before the big marriage, everything went unimaginably well. The governor and his wife agreed with her. The second young commander gave up his suspicion to bless her. She killed the second young commander at this time. Is she confused? "

It's not known to all about the division.

Or, rumor is always picked up the most vicious spread, to Taiyuan has changed the taste.

Many people think that Gu Qingzhou killed simu to marry him.

I don't think it's such an internal affair?

"How can we believe that there is nothing to say?" Someone asked.

Mrs. king and the rest of the family, ah fan, are all confused at the moment.

Why does Zhou Yan backwater?

Mingming may have given Zhou Yan glory and wealth, and even seized the lifeblood of Zhou Yan. Why should she help to take care of the boat?

It's impossible!

Especially ah fan, how does it end now?

Mrs. Hirano is stupid if she doesn't understand it any more. She took a breath of cool air, but she didn't expect that ahuan and Gu Qingzhou would die!

"This is the divorce letter of the Secretary's family. Have a look." Zhou Yan took out an old Yuecheng newspaper from his handbag and handed it to the speaker.

According to the newspaper, Gu Qingzhou is indeed zhengdaguang and his family have divorced.

Gu Qingzhou is an orphan daughter. The Secretary's family is a local power valve. If Gu Qingzhou is wrong, the Secretary's family will kill her secretly. It is self-evident that the Secretary family agreed to marry her and even pave the way for her.

She is highly valued by the Secretary's family.

As for why, where do outsiders know?

"This is Pingcheng's newspaper. It's a picture of the governor and his wife at the wedding." Zhou Yan takes out another one.

This newspaper was compiled by Shi Xingfu temporarily, and the photos were also provided by him, because he married Gu Qingzhou at the beginning, and there was no reporter to enter, only his adjutant took some photos, and Si Xingfu kept them as a memory.

Two newspapers were placed in front of them, and they were passed around.

When the newspaper came to Wang Youchuan, Wang Youchuan read every word carefully; when it came to Kangzhi, Kangzhi was more careful than Wang Youchuan; then it came to yeyan and Yeshan.

The people were still talking about everything.

Ye Wu saw Gu Qingzhou's composure and self-confidence, saw Si Xingfu's and Cheng Yu's stillness from the beginning to the end, and understood that they were Huang que later.

Before the newspaper was finished, ye Wu opened her mouth.

She stood in front of grandma Jin and asked her, "grandma Jin, my teacher is divorced normally and remarried normally. Do you have any dissatisfaction? My father ordered last year to encourage widows to remarry. Are you dissatisfied with my teacher or your family with the governor's office? "

In the northern part of Shanxi Province, although there is no war, there are also defenses. Therefore, many men died in the war, and many widows are lonely and helpless.

In order to take care of these widows, the government has issued policies to encourage them to remarry and give them subsidies on the land.

This policy really enlivened the population growth of Shanxi.

This is the masterpiece of governor Ye.

When ye Wu asked, they all bowed their heads, afraid that they would get rid of Ye dujun's mouldy head.

Are the Jin family going to die?

No matter how big the business is, it can't be bigger than governor ye, right? Is it not suicidal to fight against governor ye in Shanxi?

"No, I don't mean that!" Grandma Jin was completely flustered.

She hasn't figured out what's going on.

Clearly said, why did it start, it completely changed the taste?

Grandma Jin hurried to see ah fan.

She needs ahun's help.

Ah fan knew that Zhou Yan was back in the water, so she had to rely on herself, so she cleared her throat and stood out and said, "Miss Ye San, grandma Jin's family is really not that interesting, just curious about taking care of the boat.

Don't mention others. Even my elder sister is full of curiosity about her. Have you heard about Gu mansion? It's also a legend that the boat is in my mother's house. "

Since Zhou Yan refused to make it up, he would come by himself.

Some dirty water splashed over her first and ruined her reputation. If she died, outsiders would say she deserved it.

Anyway, Gu Qingzhou is going to die, but what about that?

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