Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 875 surrounded

Ah fan didn't plan to let go of the boat.

Her plan is still in progress.

Around the guests, but gradually saw some clues: no matter how bad the accusation, Gu took it calmly. But this ragged woman, when she broke in, prepared a newspaper, which means she turned to Gu canoe.

"If you have a good play, please don't act rashly." Said Kang's aunts and nephews.

The nephews nodded.

She saw all the children go to see the bustle, and added, "be smart. If miss a Qiang is in trouble, help her."

People at the Kang's table nodded.

Wang's side is also well-informed. After a few eye exchanges, you will know your mission.

"How did Gu's wife, Qin Zheng, die?" Ah fan asked Gu about the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou smiled quietly: "do you really want to know?"

Mrs. Hirano's gentle face is gone. She was covered in the storm and her eyes were dark. She didn't open her mouth to stop ahun because it was too late.

Not now, there will be more gossip in the future.

Mrs. Hirano is always sensitive to the situation. She knows that what she has to do now is to deal with the aftermath.

"Of course I want to know." Ah Dao.

Kim's grandmother took a step back.

Without Zhou Yan as a chess piece, any words of ah fan are not convincing.

"Here you are." Gu Qingzhou also took out a newspaper and handed it to ahui.

Ah fan looked at it, his face was slightly grim.

Next to the leaf charm, immediately grabbed over.

This newspaper says that Qin Zheng killed her mother-in-law and committed suicide in prison.

"Here, I'll show you." Ye Wu gives it to grandma Jin.

Granny Jin took over, not very good-looking.

The crowd began to circulate.

A fan's expression is already a green and a white.

Gu Qingzhou takes out a newspaper, then there is no edge. He turns around and takes out several more. He hands them all to Ye Wu.

What is the end of the family? Yuecheng's newspapers all have reports. They have heads and tails. They are not silent. Gu Qingzhou has newspapers as evidence.

"You" ah fan's lips trembled slightly. "Where did you prepare so many newspapers?"

"It's related to my family. Of course, I have to keep it. When the children ask about it, I can answer it." Gu Qingzhou road.

The crowd nodded.

It is.

It's just that it's so miserable to be at home. What's going on?

They were thinking about it, so they heard Gu Qingzhou continue to explain: "the tragedy of Gu mansion is all because my stepmother Qin Zheng accidentally pushed the old lady down the stairs.

From then on, my father suspected that she intended to murder, and the children were partial to their mother and against their father, so things went on and on, and there was no way to stop. Aunt Wu can testify. "

"Yes, that family was destroyed by his wife Qin. After my master and I escaped, he was also remorseful. He fell down and died of illness." Zhou Yan sighed softly.

Some people comforted and cared about the boat, and they were always in sorrow.

Of course, I don't want to talk about such tragic events too much.

"It's nothing if you put it on your body, but why did you bring it here? Do you take it with you every day? " Ah fan shouted to save the scene.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I sent someone to find aunt Wuyi, Taizhou Yan, and then I heard that she was caught by the Jin family. Since you have arrested my aunt Wu, you naturally want to plant me. In order to prove my innocence, I should take these newspapers, right

There was silence in the room.

The guests all thought of it, and asked when they jumped out, that is, the grandmothers of the Jin family.

The layout of the church is also led by the Jin family and ah fan.

"Oh, I see!" Kangzhi, Kang's aunt, came forward and said with a sneer, "Mrs. Jin, Miss Hirano, it's true that you want to raise money for the church because it's fake, and you want to harm miss ajang.

You are afraid to commit murder, so you set up a trap, let us all be your accomplices, fall black and white, right? "

Kangjia is the financial valve of Taiyuan government, and Kangzhi, my aunt, can speak more.

Generally speaking, when it's none of the business, the big family will take an ambiguous attitude.

Kangzhi stood in the line in such a public way, even scolded ah fan, and took the Jin family with him, as if he wanted to tear his face off the Jin family.

The crowd took a breath of cool air.

Mrs. King's face was even worse, and she said, "Mrs. Park, this is serious."

"It's not serious, everyone knows it! Mrs. king, you turn things over and look back, but not like this? If miss a Qiang had not been prepared, what would be the situation now? " Kangzhi won't let it.

In this case, it is necessary to quarrel.

At the moment, all of them are afraid of burning.

No one helped Kangzhi.

Gu Qingzhou said to Kangzhi, "thank you very much, Mrs. park. You're right. Some people are harbouring evil. Look over there "

GU pointed to a roof.

The roof is broken. There is no moonlight on the night of the fifth day, so it is dark and there is no light. There is nothing to see.

Then, with a slight sound, one arm was half down, and a long gun fell from the roof.

"Dead man!" The people sitting there yelled and pushed into the crowd.

"It's a killer!"

"Come on, protect the overseers!" The adjutant of the junta reacted first.

The whole church is in a mess.

Far away, they heard footsteps.

Governor Ye's 1000 men surrounded the church.

When people saw this posture, they knew: "where is this fund-raising? It's a Hongmen feast! "

Governor Ye's men can be swarming up, all with weapons. They must have been prepared.

Ahun has lost his face.

Mrs. king and her children, their legs trembled a little.

"What's the matter? It's just cleaning up a little woman. How can it make such a big move?" Mrs. king asked her eldest son in a low voice.

But the eldest young master of the Jin family couldn't answer.

"Who on earth has let the news out?" The second young master of the Jin family asked again.

They don't know.

Mrs. king thought it was a small thing, but it turned out to be a big one.

Governor Ye's men have set up ladders.

They got three people from the beam.

One of them is dead, the other two are broken hands and feet, and they block their mouths and put them on the eaves.

They all have guns.

"Say, who are your goals?" Inspector ye took a gun and aimed it at a killer.

The killer gnawed his teeth and refused to say.

Governor Ye shot him in the head.

Another living assassin, his crotch was immediately wet with fear, and he said, "it's this lady!" He pointed to the light boat.

Their goal is to kill Gu Qingzhou.

Two of the assassin's companions died, so he was almost mad with fear. He kept explaining: "wait for the signal from Miss Hirano, once she orders, she will kill her sister."

"When will miss Hirano order?" Asked governor Ye.

"Probably when everyone scolds this young lady for being vicious." The killer said timidly.

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