Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 885 planning with the tiger

The confrontation between the two men excited Cheng Yu.

She really wanted to know whether sixingfu would win or Cai Changting would win.

She almost clapped her hands to encourage them to take a quick look.

Ye Wu is worried. She stood forward, between CAI Changting and Si Xingfu.

"Mr. Changting, is my teacher a slave of your mansion?" Leaf is enchanting board rises a face, the voice is fierce.

Cai Changting lowered his head slightly and looked at Ye Wu.

"If she is not a servant of the house, why can't she leave? What's more, it's not the former Qing Dynasty. There are no slaves but servants. Even servants have freedom of access. Mr. Changting, are you the teacher who imprisoned me? " Ye Wu's voice is deep, but her momentum is not diminished, like the angry Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting's hand, involuntarily placed on the waist side.

There, put Cai Changting's pistol.

Si Xingfu now holds Gu Qingzhou in his arms and can't make a move at all. If he shoots himself...

the idea flies in his mind, and Cai Changting hears Mrs. Hirano's voice.

"Changting, no nonsense." Hirano man.

Mrs. Hirano's bad cold hasn't been cured yet, and her nose is still stuffy, so she's kind enough to talk.

She coughed for two nights. She was hoarse. It took a lot of strength to speak.

She went to Si Xingfu and said, "commander in chief, take ah Qiang first, and please send her back in seven days. If you can do it, you can go. "

Si Xingfu smiled and didn't answer.

Mrs. Hirano got out of the way.

Her actions, let the people on the roof quietly retreat.

Si Xingfu carries Gu Qingzhou and walks past Cai Changting.

A gust of wind, Cai Changting smelled the light fragrance, like the taste of rose.

I don't know whether it's his own or arqiang's.

He stood where he was and did not look back.

Listen to the footsteps. They are far away.

Mrs. pingye stood for a moment, dizzy and distended, and said to Cai Changting, "go back."

Cai Changting helped her arm.

"You shouldn't let ah Qiang go. We managed to pick her up." Caichangting road.

"Irreversible." Mrs. Hirano said every word in an angry voice. She couldn't say the whole thing in her voice, "provoking them won't work at all."

As she walked, she said, "Si xingxu killed her relatives, and she forgives him; Gu Qingzhou killed his brother and sister, and he doesn't blame her. The two most extreme things can't make a gap between them. The other half points can't work. "

Cai Changting's hand, slightly tightened.

Mrs. Hirano continued: "since we can't get rid of them, we should make good use of them. Maybe we will get better results. "

A better harvest is to get the help of Si Xingfu?

Is there no ambition of conquering the world?

To win the world, the geographical location of the Yue city of the Si family is too weak and not important; at the same time, the military strength and financial resources of the Si family are also limited, and the resources are even scarce.

In the south, many warlords control three or five provinces, and the Secretary's family controls that province, which is not vast enough.

As far as the warlords in the south are concerned, the Secretary family seems to have little money.

Mrs. Hirano has also sent people to investigate. The taxes of the Secretary's family are not much indeed.

The Secretary's family with small territory, few troops and lack of money is too weak. Besides, Jiangnan is a land of fish and rice, with few mineral resources, which can't meet Mrs. Hirano's requirements at all, even one third of them can't meet.

Now, Mrs. Hirano has changed her strategy.

His wife has passed away. Gu Qingzhou and he have no name of husband and wife, but they have the reality of husband and wife. You can always hook him with this.

"Madam, we want to take advantage of Si Xingfu. It's no doubt that we are taking food from the mouth of a tiger and seeking skin from the tiger." Caichangting road.

He said two tigers in one breath.

He thinks Si xingxu is a tiger.

"Since he is a tiger, you can't be a lion?" Hirano man.

When she spoke, her voice couldn't come out and she was powerless, but Cai Changting kept silent for a long time.

Mrs. Hirano ignored him and went back to the main courtyard. Walking for so long, and there is the sun, let Mrs. Hirano dizzy.

She needs to get better soon.

This disease, come quickly, also come suddenly, also spread to a Qiang, quite terrifying.

Cai Changting was standing in the sun, the sun on his face, there is a different kind of golden awn. He didn't seem to know the heat and didn't move his feet.

He was lost in thought, his eyes rolling fast.

Maybe he turned too fast, and he knew that he closed his eyes slightly.

When the servants saw it, they thought that Mr. Changting was sleeping under the sun, so they all let their feet down for fear of disturbing him.

Gu Qingzhou smelt the familiar cigar, which made him feel uneasy.

Those nightmares, are slowly away from her.

She leans in her strong arms and sleeps soundly.

"Si Xingfu, I think that beautiful man is interested in canoeing." Cheng Yu suddenly said.

Si Xingfu's eyes are bright and fierce, and he looks at Cheng Yu.

Ye Wu, sitting in the front row, turned around and said, "Miss Cheng, stop talking nonsense. What Mr. Changting likes is not a teacher, but a fan."

Cheng Yu chuckled: "you little girl, what do you know?"

Ye Wu is only five years younger than Cheng Yu, and not to the extent of a little girl.

"Shut up." The sound of Si Xingfu is not very fast.

Cheng Yu didn't spare him, saying, "you didn't see it yourself? When you come out with the boat in your arms, his pupils shrink. I can't help but see clearly! "

"So what?" Si Xingfu road.

Besides, some people are good at acting.

"He is so beautiful that you are not afraid of being robbed by him?" Cheng Yu is smiling.

Ye Wu looks back and sees Yan Si Xingfu.

She felt that the teacher would not be robbed.

Cai Changting is very beautiful, more beautiful than immortal, but he is also beautiful, and he is strong, brave and manly.

It's true that ye Wu thinks that women prefer to be in charge of such things.

Si Xingfu was about to attack, but he thought of something. With a hook on his lips, he gave a bad smile: "if you like him, I will help you."

Cheng Yu thanked him and said, "forget it. I have no luck with those people who are relegated to immortals. If I have the ability and ability to take care of the boat, I dare to eat him. Now, I'll be mixing with Gao Qiao......

well, she laughs.

Ye Wuhen can't cover his ears.

Their adult world, some words are particularly unbearable, leaf charm does not want to know at all.

Ye Wu looks back again and sees Gu Qingzhou in Si Xingfu's arms.

Gu Qingzhou is still sleeping, with a reassuring expression on his face.

"When the teacher fell asleep, he knew he was safe." Ye Wu suddenly said.

Cheng yuweileng.

She looked at Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou and once again raised her envy.

They are so close!

Gu Qingzhou can feel safe even if she is asleep and lying in the arms of Si Xingfu.

What a trust it is.

Si Xingfu's eyes light, immediately gentle, carefully stroking the face of Gu Qingzhou.

His happy stinky appearance stimulated Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu thinks it's hard to find such a lover in this life.

Having seen this, she probably despised other love, as if it was difficult to enter frugality from extravagance.

In this case, she doesn't intend to aggrieve herself or pursue pure feelings. She wants to sleep all the beautiful men in the world.

In addition to the Secretary line.

Besides Cai Changting.

Beautiful, too evil or too abnormal. Let's forget it. Cheng Yu can't chew such hard bones.

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