Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 886 intentional

When Gu Qingzhou woke up again, the light in the room was dim, and the last light of the setting sun came from the window lattice, melting the sunset, circling around the blue stone ornaments on the big Kang in front of the window.

Si Xingfu is buttoning the cuffs. He is serious.

This makes Gu Qingzhou return to Yuecheng vaguely.

"Si Xingfu..." she murmured, afraid that she might wake up her dream.

The Secretary looks up.

Looking at her careful eyes, Si Xingqi sat beside her bed and flicked her forehead.

Gu Qingzhou has pain.

This pain, more sober.

"It's not a dream." She laughed, but her voice was weak.

"Is it a dream to see me?" said Si Xingfu

"Well, a dream." Gu Qingzhou climbs along the pole.

Si Xingfu pinched her cheek and said, "you are good!"

Gu chuckled.

She was soft all over, and the weakness after the high fever made her very soft and fragile.

She lay back.

Sikangsu leaned over to kiss her.

Gu Qingzhou covers his mouth and nose: "no, the hot wind is cold. It's a real suffering. In case it infects you, you can't resist it. "

Si Xingyu kisses her on the back of her hand, pushes her hand away, and kisses her lips.

He is not afraid of the hot wind and cold.

Si Xingfu is strong and can't enter the body in the cold.

Gu Qingzhou is too weak.

"Not obedient." Gu Qingzhou mumbles.

Si Xingfu felt her cheek and felt that she was thin. After a day's illness, she felt that she had suffered a lot.

He asked Gu Qingzhou, "what would you like to eat?"

There is a dish that Gu Qingzhou has always wanted. But since sifangfei appeared, she never asked again.

At the moment, the mustard of that dish had disappeared from her mind, and she only remembered its delicacy.

"I want to eat wonton with shrimp," she said softly

"Good." Si Xingfu road.

He went out and shouted to the adjutant to buy fresh shrimps.

Cheng Yu heard it downstairs and said in a high voice, "buy more, and fish and crabs. There are guests today."

The adjutant looks at Si Xingfu.

"Go ahead, buy some of everything, and buy more crabs," said the secretary

The deputy said yes.

"Who's here?" Gu asked

"Ye Wu." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou sat up and said, "she will not listen to me. Tomorrow, she will start school. In case of my cold, what will happen? "

"Leave her alone, she's not a three-year-old." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou can't manage it even if he wants to.

She was still lying.

She vaguely remembers that Si Xingfu carried her out and met Cai Changting. At that time, she knew that it was Si Xingfu, and she had been haunted by nightmares. When she finally got to sleep, she was too lazy to open her eyes.

"... did you quarrel with CAI Changting?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu nodded her forehead: "no more irrelevant people, you don't want to eat."

Gu Qingzhou feels wronged.

"All right," she said, "I don't worry."

She had another sleep.

When eating, Gu Qingzhou eats alone in the room. She lost her sense of taste with a fever, and the wonton with fresh shrimp tasted the same.

She still ate a bowl and said to Si Xingfu, "I'll eat this tomorrow..."

Ye Wu ate a meal and asked Gu Qingzhou through the door: "teacher, can I come in?"

"Don't come in. It's the most contagious disease. You should be careful. You can go back early. You can't leave school work behind. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Leaf Charm helpless: "teacher, you call me."

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

After handling some matters, Si Xingfu came in and went to sleep. Gu Qingzhou asked him to go next door, but he refused.

Towards ten o'clock, Gao Qiao Xun came.

Cheng Yu takes him up to look after the light boat.

They are not allowed to come in as usual, so as not to be infected.

"It's just a minor illness. Look at this hypocritical one." Cheng Yu is not happy.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I am a doctor, so I know how to be cautious. In case of infection, don't you feel bad? "

What else did Gaoqiao Xun want to say, he was pulled away by Cheng Yu.

Back in Cheng Yu's room, Cheng Yu is ready to take a bath.

"I don't live here tonight, just to see you," said Xunzi

Cheng Yu blinked: "what's the matter?"

"Several of my friends are here. I'm going to have a drink. I'm afraid they'll be late." XUNDAO, Gaoqiao.

Cheng Yu said, "OK."

She urged Xunzi to leave quickly and said, "next time you do something like this, just call."

Gao Qiao and Xun hugged her.

Cheng Yu adept began to untie his clothes.

Gao Qiao Xun grabbed her hand and said, "I... I'm not here for this, I just want to see you."

Cheng Yu is stunned.

Her heart was suddenly astringent, even a little bitter. She doesn't love Gao Qiao Xun, but likes his young and strong body. She doesn't expect Gao Qiao Xun to like her.

But she was not very happy with her directness. It's true that jealousy doesn't work. It's unnecessary to be jealous. I'm not willing to be jealous.

Cheng Yu has a charming smile.

She is a beautiful woman. She has no flaws in her body. She has exquisite features and exquisite figure. She can even seduce the soul with a smile.

"I know. I'll always be thinking about it later." Cheng Yu sticks it to his ear and licks his earlobes.

She held his earlobes in her mouth and sucked them slowly.

Gao qiaoxun's blood began to retrograde. Such means, let his blood flow.

He suddenly pushed Cheng Yu down.

But for a moment, Gu Qingzhou hears Cheng Yu's voice, which is called gentle and fierce.

Gu Qingzhou is embarrassed.

She has never been like this with the manager. Even if there is any movement, I accidentally get the furniture.

Gu Qingzhou looks awkwardly at Si Xingfu beside his eyes. He is looking through a document, as if he had not heard it.

"You hear it often?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"No, it's only when she's intentional." Si Xingfu road.

"On purpose?"

"Yes. As soon as you come, Gao qiaoxun will get the news. She naturally suspects that Gao qiaoxun came to see you, so she publicizes her power. " It's not a matter of time.

His attitude has always been indifferent.

Gu Qingzhou is full of laughter.

"She really......"

"of course, she is also deliberately angry with me. She knows that I will not be a beast if you are ill." Si Xingfu said again.

Gu Qingzhou could not help laughing.

Cheng Yu is stimulated by the two of them every day. Once he catches the chance, he will not let it go.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Gaoqiao Xun didn't come to see me, did he?"

"It shouldn't be." "Not many people know that you are ill, and not many people know that you have come to me," said Si

Gu Qingzhou.

"It seems that Cheng Yu cares about Gao Qiao and Xun." Gu said.

"Isn't that the way women often do? For their own men, how much will be a little emotional. Men are just moving, women are easy to move. "

What did Gu Qingzhou want to say? He held back again.

Si Xingfu only encouraged Cheng Yu to hook up with Gao Qiao Xun, not forced, but Cheng Yu himself took a fancy to Gao Qiao Xun.

Cheng Yu's marriage is too oppressive, and she needs to be relieved. She and Gao Qiao Xun are on the same page.

This is her choice.

Gu Qingzhou is still a little sad.

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